Status: Enjoy.

Your Song

Your Song

Today, a song came up on the car stereo. It was a song I had always associated with you, without meaning to. Imagine my surprise when I heard the first few chords! I almost changed the channel. Almost.

If there were a way to remove the memories of you with each lyric of this song, I probably wouldn’t opt for it. Maybe I still miss you. I miss hearing your voice and laughter and being your best friend.

Last week, I was coming home from the office. In the muck of the 5 0’clock rush hour, my loneliness was realized. Each car that passed me had no trace of singularity inside: Families, couples, friends. And here I was, noticing how roomy and empty my BMW is. I tried pushing it off to the side. I pushed you off to the side, like I did for everyone else.

I have everything I could ever need. A fantastic job that was the result of tireless years spent at college. An apartment in the posh part of the city. Thousands of vacation miles on my American Express to redeem.

I could hop on a plane right now. The destination wouldn’t even matter.

Once I got home, I slumped down in my chair and searched for you on Facebook. I hadn’t talked to you in years, but had no difficulty recognizing your cerulean eyes. You married a beautiful brunette, had 3 kids, and owned a successful business. You were doing all right… No, better than all right. You were living an excellent life, without me.

Do you ever miss me, too?

A lot of my life is spent in my car. With the windows rolled up, I don’t care anymore who hears. I sang to the song that produces an ethereal image of you in my mind. I almost cried when it was over. But the next song came on, and I paid my attention to the advancing traffic signs.

I suppose I lingered too long at a stop sign, and you couldn’t wait any longer.