Status: WORK IN PROGRESS: I just began this story last night and I am RPing it as I go along, so bear with me if I don't have an update for you every day. And PLEASE give me feedback if you enjoy it! I won't write if I don't hear anything from people! I need feedback :)

Wolf Girl

Kita, chapter two

Waking up next to wolves was something I've become accustomed to over the years. Their dark, musky smell comforted me at night when we lay down in the forest, and was always the first thing to greet my nose when I woke up. My head would rest on my mother, the big white she-wolf that ran our pack. My brothers and sisters would crowd around me, using their fur and body heat to keep me warm through the chilly December nights. We always managed to find caves that had no snow in them, which was helpful for keeping us warm. When I was about 8, I discovered how to make fire. I was both able to cook my food (which was much better than eating small hunks of raw deer) and keep fires going at night so I was warm. I don't know what brought the wolves to rescue me. I'd like to think they just knew I wasn't a terrible person.
I'm not quite sure how the wolves managed to keep me alive when I was little. They found me when I was 6, and we're in a small Massachusetts town. The winters can be brutal. But somehow they did it, and I'm the miracle Wolf Girl. Society still doesn't know I exist, as far as I know and I would like to keep it that way.
I think that if society knew about me, my biological family would find me. I missed them for a whole year, and their betrayal made me angry when I got over how much I missed them. I began to enjoy having the wolves, I remembered my best friend Blaze could be a bully, and my mom and dad were always too busy taking those little papers to help them fight monsters. I don't know what they actually were, but once I ate some wild mushrooms after seeing a buck do it. I saw all sorts of weird colors and shapes, and I felt very scared. I can only begin to imagine what my parents would see after eating those little papers.
So no, I didn't miss living on that big, awful blue bus travelling from state to state. I didn't miss my horrible parents or my mean best friend. The wolves were never mean. They understood me, and they respected me. That was all I could ever ask for.
I stretched my stiff, dirty limbs and shook the leaves from my hair. The grey wolf, Oncai, nudged my hand with his great big nose. I pet his head and looked straight into his deep, brown eyes.
"Oncai, you're like my brother and I really love you, okay?"
He licked my hand, his language for I know, Kita. I love you, too. I knelt down and gave him a hug.
I heard the forest shifting behind me and I looked up. Maki and Azure were waiting for us. Azure was grey like Oncai, but she had beautiful blue eyes and more black markings on her face that made her look like a wolf princess. Aside from Maki, I always thought Azure was the most beautiful.
After giving my limbs one final stretch, I started running with the wolves. There were 10 wolves, and me. So 11 of us in the pack all together. Maki was our leader, she was BIG and a creamy white color all over her body. She had the darkest blue eyes, like the oceans I remember seeing when I was little. Then there's Azure and Oncai, they're mates. Azure is due with some pups in a few months, and I can't wait to see what they look like. Oncai is definitely one of the best looking wolves in the pack.
Behind us was Timber and Elfie, they were twins, both with magnificent red coats and light green eyes. They were tricksters, those two. They got into everything, and you could tell by their aloof facial expressions that they were highly amused by causing ruckus.
Mari was a black wolf, and she had the sweetest, most patient temper. When Elfie had Suba's pups two years ago, Mari was more than patient with the pups. I liked being around her more than any other wolf. Suba was a bit moody, he didn't like being around anyone. He has a big scar on his face, so I think he was hurt by a bear or something a long time ago.
The rest of our pack are Elfie's pups. She had 6, but 3 of them went off to form their own pack. I named them Dante, Ariel, and Rain, after my mother. They all looked identical, except Ariel. She had grey and red in her coat. She was my favorite to snuggle with because of how soft she was.
That's my new family now, and I can guarantee you I wouldn't trade them in for anything.
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I feel like this story is not going where I wanted it to :/ What do you guys think? Do you like it? What should I fix/add/edit? Or should I leave it alone?