Status: Hope you all enjoy this crazy story.

The League of Seven

A little Explanation.

There’s a lot to talk about with this subject, so I decided to make this an entire chapter (which shouldn’t take that long, but it’s hard to shorten this down to a few sentences). This is the story of the League of Seven. The League of Seven is a group of super heroes in their teenaged years who team up to fight the evil that the world brings them. Two members of the group received their powers from mutagen: a red goo that spawned from a volcano in Milophar. There are two made up countries in this: Milophar and Crimsonopolis. I’ll get to Crimsonopolis later. When mutagen is mixed with the right blood type, no side effects happen, but if it’s mixed with the wrong blood type, then physical deformities start to occur, such as four eyes, loss of hair, enlarged eyes, various spots, wrinkly or enlarged skin, etc. Either way, the person who has the mutagen now has superpowers, and the superpower can really be anything, but usually has to do with enhanced reflexes. The League of Seven has a variety of super heroes from Silver Solution, Time Stopper, Black Furnace, Trocador, Woodland Tracker, Fabulous Fabulist, and many more.

Now let’s dig into the individuals of the team. There’s Green Watch, Red Binder, Blue Belt, Anthony, Teal Perfume, Grey Cushion, and Pink Wall with their director being Janitorial Bucket Man. Green Watch is the leader of the group. He has a watch that when spun, slows the time around him. He can also speed up the time around him, making all of his actions very slow, but he rarely uses this action. He’s a nice guy and a pretty generic teenager. His actual name is Archer Beckham. Red Binder is a jokester. When the mutagen attached to him and the binder he was holding, he noticed that the doodles he drew came to life. He tries to make a pun/joke whenever he possibly could. His other name is Cameron Clayton. Blue Belt has his anger issues. His grandfather was the very first person to be tested on with the mutagen. Passing down the DNA, his father had four eyes, and finally there wasn’t anything wrong with Blue. Blue has enhanced senses and fast reflexes. He knows what everyone is doing in the room without even looking at them. He took karate in less than a month and received four belts. When the group called him to do a mission, he only had his blue belt at the time. He goes back to learning karate to get the black belt, but he decides that he wants to keep the blue belt. He later learns Jujitsu, Tai Kwan Do, Mixed Martial Arts, Boxing, Kick Boxing, and many more fighting styles. His other name is Louis Duncan. Anthony was originally named Shirtless Pajama Pants, but the creator of the character wanted a more serious approach to him, so he is now simply known as Anthony. Anthony is a ladies’ man, and with that, has a few self centered traits to his name. He always needs to state his opinion regarding everything, which usually angers Blue, causing them to get into a lot of fights. Anthony has enhanced genetics, which gives him super human strength. The group that I created the super heroes with did not give names for Teal, Grey, or Pink. Teal Perfume is a rich blonde who usually whines about doing work. She has a perfume bottle that can do a variety of actions: knock out guards, make an object sticky or unsticky, fly around, poison, and more. Grey Cushion is kind of crazy. She likes hitting things with her pillow. When hit by her pillow, victims will be knocked out. She can also read the dreams of her victims, and later on manipulate the dream to become a nightmare. Even the slightest touch from her pillow would make your leg have pins and needles. Pink Wall is a very depressed girl. She is depressed mainly from being bullied. She can travel through walls and can climb up the wall once she’s in it. She can see through walls and can go through objects as well. The original idea for Pink Wall was for her to be mute, because when you spoke to her it would be "like talking to a wall", but then we found that she might want to speak so she will be able to speak throughout the series. Finally, there’s Janitorial Bucket Man. Janitorial Bucket Man is known as Bucket Head to the kids, but he hates being called this. He has soap powers that he shoots from his hands. He is immune to chloroform and can swiftly move from place to place when he glides on his soap. He can also absorb the soap. When he was still in his mothers’ womb, she was depressed and drank febreeze, causing the child to have soap like powers. He could breathe ferbreeze. He is a spy, an agent as well as a janitor and a super hero. In his younger days, he worked for ANGEL and fought many super villains, such as the Mighty Germ, Bag Bender, Ginger Bread-Man, Molton Crotch, and more. After going to the moon, Bucket Head was almost attacked by a giant rock which crashed on the moon, releasing a fog to surround him. The fog latched onto his broom and garbage lid. He later found out that this rock was a piece of a blown up planet and the fog turned into a crystal known as Crimsonite. Crimsonite has cloning powers which is used as a weapon as well as a defense for him and his villains. Fast forward over 30 years and Bucket Head became too old to fight crime, but there was a new company that was doing a lot of evil things: Thrive Industries. He decided that he needed to create a team of young heroes to fight crime for him. That team was the League of Seven. His other name is Buck Cleaninson.

I created Janitorial Bucket Man on Halloween of 2013. I did not have a costume and I didn’t want to buy a new one. I decided that I would create my own costume. I was thinking along the lines of Spiderman’s “Bombastic Bagman”, but I did not have a Fantastic Four suit, so I decided my character would be named KFC Bucket Head. Unfortunately, I dislike KFC, so buying a bucket from them would also require eating from them. My friend suggested the name Janitorial Bucket Man and we went crazy with ideas.

My friend on facebook posted a picture with the words similar to this: “The colour of your shirt and the object to your right is your new super hero name”. After discussing our new names, we as well went crazy with ideas. When decided who created the League of Seven, I had the idea of combining the two stories together. We originally were going to call the team of super heroes the “League of Useless Powers”. After I stated that the teams powers weren’t considered “useless”, we changed it to the League of Seven.

I hope you aren’t confused and that you will enjoy reading this story of silly yet powerful super heroes.
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Sorry for the long explanation, I just needed you to understand what exactly I am talking about.