Electric Blue

Chapter Two

Two weeks we had been on the road for now, we hadn’t got far distance wise but we’d already had a really good time. We’d stopped to eat at some really amazing café’s and bars along the way. This particular night, we were just happy talking, laughing and drinking. We had stopped at the most amazing rock pool (which kind of ended up as a theme for us), right in the centre of a rainforest which we’d walked through earlier that day. This was definitely our spot for the night, there was no one around, and this was ours.
As the sun was going down, we were gazing at the sky, floating on our backs.
I believe that everything we see, feel, hear, taste is make believe, in our own heads. Now look at those clouds. We both know they are there right?”
“Well yeah, we can see them”
“ok now close your eyes… Are they there?”
“How do you know? My eyes are closed, are your eyes closed?”
“yeah I promise,”
“Well, how do you know they are there? We both believe that they are there but when we don’t see it, feel it, taste it or sense it until we open our eyes. Basically, what I’m saying is that everything in this universe is made up of energy, I don’t think that anything ever leaves, I think energy just changes form. Just like how the clouds change form into different things. And maybe when we close our eyes, those things that we see when they’re open, are in a different dimension serving a different purpose as something else.”
“That’s an eye opener, I never thought about things like that before.”
“I just have something important to tell you, and I need you to know this and keep this in your mind and your heart forever. I know that we hardly know each other on a scale of what we could, but you and I are on the same level, I’ve never met anyone that understands things like I do, that can laugh at the same things as myself and that can enjoy the simple things. I know that eventually, our lives will have to go their separate ways, we both have a destiny and it could work out for the best and it could not. You are my best friend, the best person for my journey at the moment and I need you to believe that even if we are apart, we will always be together. I don’t have to die for my energy to change form in a bird or a butterfly, or the waves, when one day we aren’t with each other and you’re feeling lonely. I want you to remember this conversation and know in yourself that the right things for you will come to you when the time is right.”
I couldn’t have smiled harder. “Laretta, you make me the happiest girl on the planet. I will always remember this. You see the world from a perspective that I have never even thought was possible before. You’ve helped me change who I was in so many ways, way more than you know.” I held her hand, as we tread water.
When we finished drinking for the night, it was early, we climbed into the back of Laretta’s purple kombi van and snuggled up on the bed. I loved the feeling of snuggling up next to her, it gave me hope, a sense of safety.