Written on Skin

Written on Soul

I intertwined my fingers with hers and pressed my lips to her forehead.

"So." I heard her mutter.

"So?" I whispered into her forehead, making a teeny raspberry noise which made her chuckle a bit, which, of course, made me chuckle a bit. I leaned against the wall against our backs. She started to stand, pulling her fingers from mine and I tugged on her a bit, wanting her to stay only a little longer.

She smiled at me, not big, just one of her smiles.

"I have to get to class, dumbass." She leaned down and smooshed her lips against mine, making me feel all buzzed and stupid. Her hands fingered through my hair and I flicked a finger at her freckled cheeks, trying to get a fly to, hah, fly away. The summer months just a little before school had made the bugs unbearable.

Green eyes blinked and I felt her eyelashes flutter against mine. We stayed like that for a good long minute.

"Weren't you talking about a class?" Her eyebrows bunched in the middle and pulled back from me.

"Class? What's this class you speak of? Sounds utterly insufferable..." I smiled and kissed her another time.

"See you later, my dear. Do you want me to take you home?" She nodded, smiling, and walked off. I sighed deeply.

I hate it when she's leaving, but damn, do I love watching her go.

A few weeks ago, she came out to her parents. They didn't really like it at first, especially not her dad, he nearly came at me with a wooden spoon, but her mom talked him down nicely. They got over it. She wasn't so afraid anymore and that made me happy. Soon, I was being invited to dinners (without fear of being poisoned), and not too long after that I started walking with her to school, taking her back to her house.

We'd sit and hang out until the bell rang for class and I left as soon as she did. I'd already had my deal with public school done and I definitely did not want to get sucked into the despair that is teenage angst. I like my private schools just fine.

I pulled my arms from my jacket and tied it around my waist. I supposed I should get to class.

Or I could just skip? Yeah, I think I'll go ahead and do that instead.


I was counting the bells and this was the fifteenth, I waited for her to come out of the doors, playing one of the many jizzstain knockoffs of flappy bird.

I saw her walk through the grey doors, brown hair flapping about because of the sudden gusts of wind. I didn't understand how no one was hitting on her at a constant. Jesus, if I was in this school I'd be making some pretty invasive maneuvers.

She hip-swayed over and we started walking. I waited for an entire ten minutes of walking before grabbing her hand and it felt like hours. The time spent with her felt like seconds. Why does love change your perception of time? It's such an odd thing and I just. I don't want it to stop.

Not ever.
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wasn't actually gonna write this, but was prompted so... shit happened. i hope u liked it at least a little bit.