Sequel: Where?
Status: Read the edited, finished version at

The Dog That Brought Them Together

Chapter 16

Jessies POV-
We all got out as the sun set, and we were all sitting around in towels talking.
"Kev, What are you up to tomorrow?" Josh asked.
"Um, I have to go shopping. I'm out of food." He said.
"Yeah, And I'm out of macaroni." Jeremy said.
"Fine, I'll get you some." Kevin said, standing up and walking off.

"Neil, What's your favorite band? Blink?" I asked, to make conversation.
"Yup." He said.
"Cool." I said, as Kevin came back. He handed the same box of macaroni he'd taken from Jeremy back to him. Jeremy just stared at him.
"Really." Jeremy said.
"Yep." Kevin replied. I shook my head.

Josh and Alex went home, and Jeremy and Kevin went inside. Leaving me and Neil.
Sometimes I think the guys do this on purpose.
"So, What's up tomorrow?" Neil asked.
"Nothing. Why?"
"Good. You'll see." He said.
"Ugh." I replied. "Tell me." I pleaded.
"No." He said.
"Fine." I agreed, trying to snatch his phone.

"No! Stop!" He yelled, trying to keep his phone, finally, he sat on it.
"Screw you too." I said.
"I take it as a compliment." He said. I rolled my eyes.
"Fine, I'll ask Jeremy." I stated.
"He doesn't know yet." Neil smirked.
"Well, how do i know your not lying?" I smirked back.
"You don't, But, you can go ask him." Neil stated.
"Jeremy!" I hollered, running in the house.
"NO! I DIDN'T MEAN ACTUALLY DO IT!" Neil chased me.

"Children, What do you need?" Jeremy looked over.
"What did N-" I started, Neil placed a hand over my mouth.
"Don't tell her Jer!" Neil said, "You'll ruin it!" He sang. Jeremy just sat there, laughing at the sight.
"EW! SHE LICKED ME!" Neil screamed, keeping his hand on my mouth. "OW, DAMNIT, SHE BIT ME!" He took his hand off.
"Jeremy!" I squealed, hopping into Jeremy's lap, out of Neil's reach.
"What!" He laughed.
"Tell me where Neil's taking me tomorrow." I pleaded.
"I can't." he said.
"But Jer!"
"Sorry." He laughed.
"Ugh, I'll just have to wait." I said, standing up again.

Me and Neil got rambling on about Blink-182 that night, and I decided to hang with him for the night.
The party broke up, Kevin shoved us out.
"Alright, I'm sleeping standing up, I gotta get back."
"I'm going to Neil's." I stated.
"IF you come back, make sure you lock the door." He said, spitting on the word if.
"K." I said.

Neils POV-
I drove back to my place, blasting Blink, We both sang along.

"I took her out. It was a Friday night
I wore cologne to get the feeling right
We started making out, and she took off my pants
But then I turned on the TV

And that's about the time she walked away from me
Nobody likes you when you're 23
And are still more amused by TV shows
What the hell is ADD?" We sang our hearts out, even though, neither one of us could sing.
I found it odd, It was a Friday night.. After all.

We got to my place, I cut the truck off. I opened her door for her. She was on her phone and hadn't realized we stopped. I tapped her.
"Wh- Oh." She laughed, hopping out.
We sat on the couch, i propped my feet up on the coffee table. We talked during the commercials, and hushed during a re run of 'Friends.'

We covered every topic,
Bands, Songs, Pets, Beaches, Trees, Hell you think of it, we talked about it.
"I'm sleepy." She stated.
"Me too." I replied.
"Can I crash here? Thanks." She said, laying her head down.
"Well, In my house, Yes, Here, No." I said, picking her up.
"I just lol-ed on the inside." I said, Laughing as i walked up my stairs slowly.

I dropped her in the guest bed.
"G-night." I said, Flipping the light off and heading to my bedroom.

~8 AM~
I heard banging on my door.
I went up to it, Jeremy stood there.
"Mornin, Peaches." He said, Walking in.
"Huh?" I whispered, then I looked down, and saw my underwear had fruit on it.

"I've come to receive a housemate of mine." He said, leaning against the arm of the couch.
"I'll go wake her up." I said, walking back up the stairs.

"Jess, Wake up." I sat on the edge of the bed.
"Huh?" She opened her eyes. "Tell me its Neil." She whispered.
"Its Neil." I said. She sat up.
"Good." She said, she rubbed her eyes, and looked at me, obviously more clear now.

"Nice underwear." She laughed.
"Ugh. Jeremy's here to get you." I said, Shoving her.
"Fun." She said, standing up. "Scurry on." She said, clutching something in her hand, after a second, I realized it was her bra. I walked out.

"She's getting ready." I said, walking down the stairs again.
"M'kay." He said, looking down at his phone.