Sequel: Where?
Status: Read the edited, finished version at

The Dog That Brought Them Together

Chapter 7

Jessies POV-
I opened my eyes, And saw Jeremy's arm hanging out of his bunk. I slapped him really hard. He groaned and we both got up. Josh got up too, walking strait into me.
"Give me and advil. Please." Josh whimpered. I tossed him the bottle, i was surprised he caught it.

Jeremy motioned to the bathroom.
"Go take your shower. I'll take mine sometime before the show."
'Show. What show."
"Well, Were gonna go somewhere, then, were doing a show tonight." i nodded and gathered my stuff.

I was slightly scared someone would walk in on me. I overcame that fear quickly. Then guess who popped in

The door creaked open, Neil's face appeared. I tried to cover myself, he tried to get out and cover his eyes as quickly as possible.
"Fuck, Sorry." He said, slamming the door shut. I finished up quickly. I went out into the front lounge.
Jeremy, Josh, And Neil were sitting there. Jeremy and Josh were in the middle of a game. Neil stood up and greeted me.
"Didja have fun" Josh said. I could tell Neil hadn't told Jeremy, cause he looked completely confused. I only rolled my eyes and gave a
"Fuck you, Josh."

Neil grabbed my arm and yanked me to the back lounge.
"Yeah, Um.." Neil said. I only stared at him blankly.
"Sorry, About that..." He said, Finally. "Do I need to make it up to you, Anything, Ill do anything Jessie."
'Well, Whats your idea of making it up to someone."
"Well, I was with a crazy lady for a year. Its probably something truly fucked up." He smirked. He ran a hand through his hair.
"Yeah, I think i'm okay." I said. He smirked. We hugged and headed back into the front lounge.

"Where did you guys go." Jeremy asked
"We'll talk about it later." Me and Neil said in unison. I jerked a finger in Josh's direction for less than a second, while he was looking away. Jeremy nodded, looking slightly confused.

Jeremys POV-
~About 1 Hour later~
Why cant they just, tell me..
"Jeremy!" Josh screamed in my face.
"I'm gonna go get some breakfast, want something?"
"Just, a doughnut or something." I mumbled.
"Okay. Ill be back."

"Okay, Tell me" I pleaded. Neil sighed.
"Neil walked in on me, and he was just apologizing."
"And why couldn't Josh hear this." I asked She sighed and Neil facepalmed.
"Cause, Neil told him he walked in on me and he's thinking of jokes right now i can tell ya." She said
"Yeah, I guess your right.." I said.
"I prefer to keep him out of all conversations and situations like this." Neil said.
"Okay." I said.

Neil went off to listen to music in the back lounge.
"Chick, C'mon." I grabbed Jessie by the arm and yanked her out of the bus. We rented a small car while we were here.
"Where the fuck are we going" She asked
"Somewhere." There was a movie showing and she had said she wanted to see it, So i decided i'd take her

~Once they got there~
"What are we seeing?" She asked
"Something." i said, opening her door.
"Holly fuck, Its Jeremy!"
"Oh Yes, Its me." I whispered. I turned around. Jessie had stood up and stood next to me. Her arm was touching mine slightly.
"Ooh! Jeremy got a girl?"
"Uh, No." We said, turning away as lights flashed in our faces. It was a group of fans, who happened to take pictures in sync, With flash.
♠ ♠ ♠
I was gonna make it longer but i got tied in with some friends, and ill release more later.
Bye+ Enjoy

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