I Guess You Always Understood

You haven't a clue.

I ran back into school anxiously after lunch. That was it, I'd figured out my strategy: tell Nick the truth. It didn't seem too hard, but the nerves in my stomach caused me to think otherwise. After having spoken to Joe, it all seemed so much clearer now, like I'd had an epiphany.

"Nick!" I exclaimed happily upon seeing him. He stood, leaning against the locker we shared, his eyes cold and hard.

The excitement and confidence building up inside of me suddenly faltered. It didn't seem so easy anymore. "What's wrong?"

He sent a glare in my direction, then turned his head away, completely disregarding my question. I felt a sudden pang of guilt, as though I was the reason behind his sudden mood. "Please?" I pleaded, "Nick, talk to me."

He was clearly in no mood to talk, but relief took over my body as I realized he was waiting to walk to class with me. "So, is it about Catelyn?" I mused, taking my books out of my locker.

I finished up, closing my locker, and grabbed his arm. "Let's go," I sighed.

He yanked his arm away, "Don't touch me!"

I looked around in confusion, people actually stopping to see what was going on. "Sorry," I hissed, "you weren't moving, we have to get to class."

"Yeah well, you can go on to class, you don't need me."

"No, I don't need you," I lied, "I just thought we'd walk to class together, like usual."

"Yeah well, things change don't they Bella."

"What is your problem?" I demanded, "I haven't done anything to you! What did Catelyn tell you?"

At that moment, Catelyn appeared at his side. "What are you talking about?" she asked innocently, "I would never bad mouth one of Nick's friends. Don't put the blame on me Sanchez, maybe if you'd learn to keep your hands to yourself, you wouldn't be in this mess."

I stared, wide-eyed. The nerve of her! "What is she talking about!?"

Nick just shook his head, looking down on me. His eyes held an emotion I'd never seen in him before. "Nothing, of course," Catelyn cut in. "Whatever he's mad about is what he saw with his own eyes, I think the jealousy is getting to her again."

My blood boiled, rushing to my face. My jaw was tight, grinding my teeth together. "Let's go," Catelyn sighed, grabbing Nick's hand in an effort to pull him away.

I cracked. Slamming my books to the floor, I shoved myself forward, right into her, causing her to fall in the middle of the hallway. "Isabella!" Nick yelled, mind you it was something he rarely did, as he helped the brat up off the floor.

She pretended to nurse an injured wrist, looking up at Nick with expecting eyes. "What was that for?" he demanded.

"You wanna know what that was for!" I screamed, my voice cracking, "That was for all the shit she's put you through! And this," I went on, hitting him as hard as I possibly could, "is for all the shit you put me through! Don't even think about me, the one who's been with you through every up and down in your life! Completely disregard me, because your cheating excuse for a girlfriend has definitely proven herself more worthy than me, hasn't she! God forbid I care or I try, and so help me God if I dare voice my opinion! Nothing I do will ever be good enough for you Nicholas, absolutely nothing!"

"You know that's not true-"

"No! I don't know that! I don't know anything anymore Nick, I mean I definitely don't know you! The Nicholas I knew had self-respect, he had common courtesy, and he would never break my heart! But I guess you're right, things do change."

I shook my head in disappointment, walking away from the boy I loved, but more importantly, from a perfect moment to tell him the truth. "She gives quite a speech," Catelyn mocked.

I walked down the hall, towards the school's exit, not caring in the slightest as everyone watched me curiously, whispering behind their hands. "Hey!" Joe yelled, "Bella, wait up!"

"What!" I snapped, once I was finally outside, "What is it Joe!?"

"Go back in there," he smiled, "go tell him the truth Bella, the truth of it all."

"Joe, you don't get it! It's too complicated, how could I just tell him something like-"

"What's too complicated?" Nick interjected, walking out of the school as well. "Are you too scared to tell me why you've been keeping something like this from me! I mean, how could you! You're my best friend Belle...or at least I thought you were."

Joe looked over at me, the confusion in his face mirroring mine. "And you!" Nick yelled, "You're my brother! How could you do this, and how long have you been keeping it from me!?"

"I-I Nick, come on man, it wasn't my place to say anything," he replied defensively, "and may I say you're blowing this way out of proportion! I thought you'd be happy."

"Happy?" he repeated in disbelief, running his hands through his hair in frustration. "Why in the hell would I be happy!? She's my best friend, what don't you get about that!"

And then, he did the unexpected. He punched Joe in the face.

"What the-"

"Nicholas! What the hell is wrong with you!" I screamed, pushing him away from Joe, as he watched his little brother, utterly bewildered.

"You give me hell for dating a girl you don't like, how do you think I feel knowing you're dating my brother!"

My mouth dropped and my eyes widened, as Joe laughed in understanding.

"Yeah!" he yelled, at seeing my expression, "I know about you two!"

"You idiot," I spoke softly, "you have no clue."
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It's going to stop at chapter seven or eight, and after that I'm starting my JAJ story :D I really can't wait hahaha! I want to be taken more seriously as a writer, and I'm feeling really proud already about this other story :D P.S. Yeah these updates are short...but oh well lol.