P.S I Don't Love You

Gone but not forgotten

Uh oh.... ...Oh no... ... Hell no.

Turning on her heel, Emily quickly turned and ran.

'How can I face him now? It's embarrassing and.. well yeah...' Emily thought to herself as she quickly charged into the library and stayed in a corner, hoping Alex would never come to find her.


Emily's P.O.V.

Fuck! How could this happen? I know that I love him.... but he loves me too? I don't know... it's shocking I guess.... different... And then there was Maddie...

As I headed home, two effing hours after hiding in an effin' corner, I realized I had forgotten my journal there.

"Fuck!" I yelled as loud as I could. My day was going.. down.

I didn't want to go back beause I didn't want to run into Alex being there... I think I'd just sit this one out and sace myself an awkward conversation.....

So I headed home, arriving at the door and opening it beyond slowly as I peeked in to see if anyone was here...

Thank God no one was.

I quickly stepped in and shut the door behind me and slid down to the floor.

What am I going to do?

1) Get my head bitten off and insides eaten up by no one other than Bitch-whack-Maddie herself

2) Run to Las Vegas and possibly get caught up in some Mob shit.

3) Wait here and shoot down everyone that comes in sight... Mainly Maddie.

Or 4), Hide under a pillow for all of eternity.


I think I'll go with choice number....3 Four!

Smiling to myself I went to get the vanilla ice cream gallon out of the freezer along with a sppon from the drawer, but as I turned to head up to my room, someone was standing right behind me.

"Hello Emmy!" they smirked.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oooo who was it?
I wrote this chapter exactly four different times *eye roll*
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Let me know please!!

Three comments and I'll update again ;D