P.S I Don't Love You

Let's Talk?

Emily's P.O.V.

[Recap] : I closed the freezer door only to find someone standing behind it.

"Hello Emmy!" they smirked.

"SARAH!" I yelled. I stood in my place and only stared at her, unsure if I should beat her or hug her.. I was still upset that she had told Alex about my feelings for him, but at the same time I as thankful for her telling him.. And I was also thankful she wasn't Maddie!

"Hi...?" Sarah was staring me, and it reminded me that sh didn't know that I knew what went down in the bathroom..

"Hey! What's up?" I'll get my revenge..trust me, I will get her to admit what she did.

"Oh, um, nothing really, you know? I uh.. What?" I walked towards her and she bumped into the wall. I continued to stare her down, planning my next move.

"Oh, nothing," I smiled. "Why? Is there something on your mind?"

She definitely failed to hide that quick glance to the front door.. Ha! I so have her trapped.

"What? No, I just..Um, I forgot I had to....I have to give someone a ride! Bye!" She tried her best to get away, but I ran ahead of her and stood in front of the door, her only way out.

"Someone needs a ride? Who?" I asked, grinning inside. Oh, this was so much fun!

"Oh uh... Alex," She nodded.

"But he has a car. Why would he need a ride from you?" I questioned, but just Alex's name brought butterflies straight to my stomach. A picture if his face came to mind, and I was momentarily frozen. He seemed as perfect as he's always been.. Is voice silk smooth, his skin just always warm and soft..

My heartbeat picked up and I had to focus and breathe evenly.

I looked up from the floor and glanced at Sarah, who's eyes were bulging.

"Well, his car broke down and..." She stopped suddenly, put a hand dramatically on her hip, and stared at me, her mouth in the shape of an 'O'. She rolled her eyes and said, "You know ,don't you?"

I gave her arm a quick, yet hard slap. "Yes! I was in the god damn bathroom!"

"Ow! What!? You were!? Why didn't you say anything!" I watched as she rubbed her bruised arm, then made my way to the couch behind me. I threw myself on it and pouted.

What was wrong with me? I should be happy right? I mean the guy I love, one of my best friend. In the world, loves me just as much as I do him.. But what about Maddy? Why is he with her if he loves me?

"Look Em, I'm so sorry, so incredibly sorry.. It just accidental slipped the other day, and he forced me to really tell him your feelings for him earlier.. So I did. But really, you should be thanking me!" she came over and crouched in front of me.

I sighed and gave a little nod. "Whatever.." I mumbled.

"Oh, what's wrong Emily? Your feelings haven't changed for him or anything right?"

"No, of course not. It's just, what if he doesn't break up with Maddy? And if he does, she won't let us be together.. She'd stop at nothing to make sure we're not together in anyway." Just saying this made me depressed. I wanted to be with Alex so bad, I really did, but I would want to be in a situation where I had to constantly watch my back and avoid every little bump (more like a flesh-eating girl-like monster...named Maddie.).

"I know Emmy Bear! But you have to have some faith in Alex. I really think he loves you with everything in him. I'm more than sure he'll break up with that idiotic home wrecker." She said, and that actually did cheer me up a little.

Maybe if I just wait it out a little?

But in order to do so, I knew what I had to do.

I sighed, and glanced back at Sarah, who gave me a urging smile and grabbed my hand.

I had to talk to Alex.
♠ ♠ ♠
A lot of stuff has happen this past year, and I fell away from Mibba along with my stories.. But I recently came back and have been keeping up with my stories and all. I was actually going to delete this story, but a fellow Mibbian came and asked me to update.. I LOVE YOU! xD Check her out here: NO! HERE YOU FOOL!
This chapter is dedicated to you!!

Anyway, I'll be updating a lot more, I promise! And I won't fly away again haha. I hope you all forgive me, and continue reading :)

Please comment guys! I am not sure if anyone is actually reading this anymore, or interested in it, but I would be glad to know :) Thanks!

Love you all,
Mickey Hyde