P.S I Don't Love You


"Alex?" Emily called out from the bottom of the staircase.

It'd been only two day later when Emily finally gathered up the courage and came to find him. She heard from Sarah that he was actually looking for her as well. She walked from he house to his, a few miles which felt like countries apart to her.

She couldn't stop her body from vibrating with anticipation, couldn't stop the jittery, jumpy feeling in the pit of her stomach, couldn't stop herself from becoming even more of a nervous wreck then she already was. But deep down, she knew she had to talk to him.

She just had to..

"Al?" she called again, listening to the silence that surrounded her instead if the sound of a doorknob turning, or his voice answering back.

She immediately felt her shoulders drop in defeat, having a feeling he wasn't here. A calm set over her, but her hopes and courage seemed to fall flat.

Alex was like an open diary. He let her rant, let her yell, scream, whisper, and he'd let her have her own twenty minutes. He listened to her, understood her, and never judged her. She knew coming over here that this time would be different. He would have gotten a look at another hidden diary, another view of an unknown side of her. She loved him.

Shaking her head, Emily turned back to the front door and let herself out, making sure to lock it up with her own key he'd given her. She smiled at, a she has had that key since she was only nine.

"Don't cry, he'll be here tomorrow.." she coached herself, yet even her inner and out self knew she would never be as brave or courage us to open her heart to him as she was ready to today.

Emily made the walk to the sidewalk, the little steps as she drifted away from his house. She mentally kicked herself, and kept walking, telling herself this wouldn't be the end.

But it sure felt like it. Maybe if she let go... Maybe if she just forgot all of this happened, she could go back to-

"Emily?" she heard his voice, the voice she knew so well, the voice she thought of everyday.

She stopped in her tracks and turned back to see him standing at the door, his hair wet and his skin a light pink. It dawned on her that he must have been in the shower.

She didn't answer him back, didn't smile to him, she only stared at him.

He was waiting for her.

He had imagined he heard his voice calling his name, but hearing the front door close he knew she was there. He rushed out of the shower, threw some clothes on, and ran down the stairs. He couldn't let her go.... He knew, deep down, Alex knew she was his, and he was hers.

With a nod of his head towards the door, he silently asked her to come inside.

Right now, even though he was only steps away, to Emily it felt like planets away. But just one leap, a huge jump, and she'd be there.... She would be with Alex.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sooo sorry for not updating!! I've had family members in the hospital, family drama, friend explosions and stuff... Anyway, I apologize, and I hope you all like this chapter! ;}
Also, shoutout and BIG thanks to my #1 fan... Lol! Seriously. I love you ;p haha!

I lovethis chapter... I'm norsure why... I'm writing the next chapter right now. Confrontation time? O: what do you think will happen? What do you guys want to see happen? *is totally prepared for the "Let Alex and Em be together, and Madd get ran over by a spike tired bus!"*.. xD lmao, thanks for reading!


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Twitter: Twitter.com/MickeyHyde
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