P.S I Don't Love You

Bathroom Confessions

Walking to school on monday, Sarah tried her best to stay away from both Aelx, who was trying to get answers to his questions non stop, and Emily, who can always read Sarah like an open book.

"Shit, shit shit shit shit shit shit!" She yelled as she saw Alex, who had spotted her from downstairs.

"Sarah! Hey Sarah, wait up!" She heard him yell as she raced in the girls bathroom, thanking god that she was away from him.

She wet straight to the mirror and stared at herself right before Alex came barging through, earning a few gasps from the girls that were in there, who immeadiatly walked out of the bathrrom.

"I can not believe you just cam in her-"

"Well I can't believe your trying to hide from me. Why won't you talk to me?" Alex asked as he cornered her.

"Um .... I don't know .... Oh hell, okay so I don't feel like being question raped alright?! Geez, look when I told you about Emily and her feelings for you, it just .... Fuck, it slipped!" Sarah yelled, trying to keep her voice down.

"Things like that, don't just slip. Now.... how long have you known?" Alex asked as he paced the bathroom, but inside he was feeling giddy and excited.

"Just as long as she has....."

"What?! And you didn't tell me?! You knew how I felt about her and you didn't say a goddamn word!"

"Well, hold it up Mr.Maddie-Fucker, your not the best of friend eaither, you ... you .... tree banger!" Sarah said, not coming up with any other word to call him. "Look, if you tell Emily ... then I don't know. Don't bring me up in it. And for Maddie, what are you going to do?"
she asked, feeling calmer but her cheeks still red from the anger.

"I don't know.... Out of both of the-"

"You ass, you shouldn't have to pick!-"

"Let me finish! God. Out of them both, I would no doubt go to Emily. Scratch that, out of anyone in the world, I would still want to be with Emily. Sarah, I'm in love with her." Alex gushed, with the biggest grin on his face.

But, little did he know that somone was with them in that little bathroom.........
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Okay guys, thanks to my bestie and real life Emily, [who I write these stories for :)] I've decided to make shorter updates, but update more! :D Woo! *parties*

Two comments guys, and I'll update again today :)

-Mickey Hyde