Razor Blades & Guitar Amps


"Lamp ... LAMP!" I yelled in fustration.

"Uh Roxii?" My roommate Candy walked in.

"Hey girl. I got this voice activated lamp. But it doesn't work ... " I flicked the lamp, hurting my finger.

"Where's the directions ...?" Candy picked up the dirctions. "Arabic ..?"

"No Swahili."

"I'm not gonna even ask how you know that. So why not try saying lamp in Swahili?" Candy asked.

"I-d-k. I'll check it up," I flipped out my sidekick. I sreached an English to Swahili translator and put in 'lamp'.

"Taa!" I said.

The lamp automatically turned on, very V E R Y bright. Me and Cand started laughing.

"Wow. A Swahili speaking lamp," Candy nodded her head.

"So what's good girl?" I asked sitting Indian style on the floor of our apartment.

"So guess who's touring!?"

"Uh tourists?" I asked.

"No. Mr. Saporta and Mr. Smith!"

"Oh my blog! Panic at the Disco and Cobra Starship!?"

"And The Academy Is ... and Gym Class Heroes and Fall Out Boy and Paramore!!!!!!!!" She jumped.

"Yayness and tickets ..." I said hopefully.


"Candy ...?"




"Fuck my mother cunt ass suck my kiss my sass GATAA!" I yelled, shutting off the lamp.

Uh ... what?" Zeb, our guy roomie and other b-f-f, walked in.

"Tickets ... 63 bucks!" I fell backwards.

"Pssssssssssssh wow," Zeb made a face. "Who?"

"Panic at the Disco and Cobra Starship and The Academy Is ... and Gym Class Heroes and Fall Out Boy and Paramore!!!!!!!!" I sighed heavily.

"Sorry babies," Zeb said.

"Yea yea," Candy said.


"Candy table six gets a sneeze muffin!" I whispered to her.

"Haha gotcha babe," Candy sneezed on the muffin.

"Why now Roxbury?" Zeb asked.


They laughed and I sighed. And went to clean table nine.

"Oh. My. Red Hot Chili Peppers!" I shook.

On the table.
Three tickets to the tour.
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