Razor Blades & Guitar Amps

Sad News D'=

We got back into the bus and there was Panic! At the Disco and some chick. The chick glared.

"Why the fuck is she wearing Ryan's clothes?" the chick asked.

"Cause I said she could," Spencer said. The chick burrowed into my soul, staring at my eyes. I glared right back. This lasted all of two seconds until I bursted out laughing. I never won a serious face contest. She gave me a weird look, and started laughing too.

"Leah, you?" she put out her hand.

"Roxii," I shook it.

"So you're the chick that Spencer went Yoohoo crazy with right?" Jon asked.

"Yoohoo crazy?" I tilted my head.

"Yea the tub and dirty clothes I see," Jon winked.

"Well duh Yoohoo is like the only nectar of the Hylian Gods!" I said matter of factly.

"Cool. Hey you got any clothes to change into?" she asked.

"No all my clothes are at my apartment," I said.

"Spencer! Credit card! We are going shopping!" Leah said. He threw it to her and we exited the bus.

"I'll call Hayley and Vic to join us for lunch," Leah said.

"You got Gabe's number? My girrl Candee should be with him," I asked. She nodded and made ze calls.


All us girls met up in Taco Bell.

"Vic, Hayls this is Roxii," Leah said.

"Hi! I'm Candee!" Candee piped up.

We sat and ate our burritos.

"You two are friends with Zeb right?" Hayley asked.

"Duh!" I said.

"Well ... how is he like?" she asked.

Me and Candee looked at eachother.

"He acts all tough when he sees someone in trouble, especially girls. But deep down he is a major softie," I said.

"He likes to read and is an amazing artists," Candee said.

"An awesome listener and fun to talk to."

"Sweetest thing ever."

"Strong but not muscle head."

"Big wang."



"Wow. He's seems so ..." Hayley started.

"Perfect?" Vic huffed. "If he's all that, then why is he single?"

"Cause the last girl really fucked him over," Candee snapped.

"Broke his heart and everything," I growled.

"Oh don't be so mean Vic," Leah rolled her eyes. "He sounds cool."

<666 Zeb's POV

I'm wearing the clothes I had on last night. I have a layer of sex sweat over me. But it was so worth it.

Zachary popped his head out. "Um if you want I can give you clothes before Jerry comes back and starts a fight and you can shower."

"Uh thanks," I said, though seriously doubting his clothes would fit me. I took a quick shower and changed. They did.

About one pm the rest of the band besides Hayley returned.

"You sit. We are going to have a nice chat," Jeremey said. I rolled my eyes but didn't agrue.

"Where you from?" Josh gave a freaky smile and shown a flashlight into my eyes.

"Born and raised in Salem Massachuetts. Came to Chicago for personal reasons," I said.

"Which are?" Jeremy asked.

"None of your business."

"Fine how old are you?" Josh asked.


"Hayleys 19," Jeremey glared

"And legal," Zach said.

"Stay out of this. Fine, why do you live with two chicks?" Josh asked.

"They're my friends," I said.

This went on for about three hours, asking me stupid questions.

"Dudes, he's not breaking. I think we'e good," Josh said.

"Fine," Jeremey groaned.

Zach's phone rang.

"Hey Pete ... dinner? Sure ... Yea I'll tell them," Zach hung up. "Guys dinner."

We left the bus and met at the meeting place, which was really four buses connected into a circle. We order pizza.

"Oh dear god what did you three do to him?" Hayley moaned.

"Nothing, he didn't break," Josh shrugged.

<666 Regular POV

Pizza was yum. Gabe and Jeremey are not. Why you ask? Because they were maikng fun of Will's speech problem.

Spencer looked at me. "Stop guys."

"Since when do you care?" Jeremey asked.

"I care. You think it's funny?" I asked.

"Yea making fun of a speech problem is soo not cool!" Candee stamped her foot.

"Dude we were just joking," Josh said.

I thought about high school and how kids were just joking. I glared.

"Say sorry," I said. They did. Will gave me a small smile and mouthed 'thank you.'

We finished eating and Specner took me aside.

"We leave in a week," he said.


"The tour goes to Los Angelos next."

"I can't leave my friends or job."

"I know. And I know I like you alot. So I was wondering, will you be my girlfriend? I know You wont see me for a long time, but I promise I'll make it work," he begged.

I sighed. A long time til the our ends. But he wants me to be his girlfriend. I smiled. "See you in eight months."