Razor Blades & Guitar Amps


"oh my stars roxi we told you!"

"so what i tried and i failed"

"yes you did fail."

"and who are you?", roxi said with quite an additude

"well my names pete"

"damn, i'm real sorry for my friend", said zeb

"haha it's totally cool, did you guys enjoy the show?"

"yeah it was pretty rad", i said trying to keep my cool

"so i take it you guys enjoyed it so much that you'd thought you'd try and
sneak backstage?"

"don't say that you've never tried it?", i said

"of hell yeah i did but i never got caught"

"well geez man i mean at least roxi at the balls", zeb said


"hahaha roxi shut up!", i kinda shouted

"i'm sorry but damn sometimes zeb..."

"sometimes what?!"

"guys! would you cut it out for one night?"

"fine", both roxi and zeb said

"erm if you guys are done do you think you'd all want to come backstage?", pete said

"wah?...", we all said at the same time

"yea i mean you guys came all the way down here and its only right, i'll be a nice
guy for tonight"

"dude you serious just made our night", zeb said

"its what i do"

"roxi is this seriously happening?"

"candy i'm pretty sure it is"

<666 backstage

"oh wow this is like the most exciting thing ever!", i said

"candy stop sounding like such a teenage fan girl", zeb said

"i can't help it"

"well try you're 19 not a 13 yr old who askes band members to marry her", roxi said

"i know but it's just crazy is all"

"right but sometimes you just gotta keep your... keep your..."

"zeb are you alright?", i said

"you just gotta keep your..."

"ZEB!", roxi and i said at the same time

"keep your...COOL!"

"zeb what are you staring at?"

"what?!...nothing...damn can't a guy just think for a second?"

"last time you started to sutter you were watching that paramore video", i said

"OH MY DEAR you were staring at hayley weren't you?!", roxi said


"oh come on zeb where is she?"

"look roxi she's over there!"

"you guys don't call her"

"and why shouldn't we?"

"cause if you do i'll tell mr. smith and mr. saporta you guys love them and want to
have their babies"

"who doesn't want to have my babies?"

i heard a voice coming from behind us and to be honest i was scared shitless. i was
getting all shakey and i could feel my knees start to cave in. we all slowly turned
around and looked up at the voice who was speaking to us.

"excuse me?", thank god zeb was the first to speak

"i said who doesn't want to have my babies?"

"well i want spencer smiths baby juice so i should go find him", roxi said leaving me
and zeb

"yeah and i think i'll waste my juice on that pretty little red head over there by the
name of hayley williams. candy i'll see you later"

damn! i was standing there all alone staring at gabe saporta. i felt like such a
teenie bopper.

"well hello my names gabe", he extended his hand for me to shake it

"hi i'm candy"

"such a 'sweet' name for such a pretty face"

i'm in love.

"hahah. so i've been told"

"oh have you now?"

"your show was great tonight"

"thanks i hope you enjoyed as much as the girls grabbing my crotch did"

"oh i saw that, if you ask me that was a bit too much"

"yeah i deal with it every night"

"so you just get groped every night?"

"that's what happens when you throw your ass in girls faces"

"why would you do such a thing?"

"for fun, makes for a good show, makes the fans happy, gives them something to talk
about for the next couplea days"

"makes sense"

"did you grab my ass?"

"nah we were a bit to far for that"

"well hey how about i give you 10 seconds to grab me right now?"

"i don't think so?"

"why not?"

"i have to much respect for you to do that"

"oh really?"

"yeah i do"

so there i was staring at this gorgeous gorgeous man and all we could talk about was
his ass. his beautiful spanish ass.

"how old are you candy?"

"old enough"

"old enough for what?", he said with a smirk on his face

"old enough to be out here"

"well how old is old enough?", still with that smirk on his face

"why do you care so much?"

"just wanting to know my fans is all"

"well i'm actually nin..."

"gabe we gotta load up now", said dan his tour mang

"sorry maybe i'll see you again sometime"

"wait! um can i call you sometime?"

"why would you want to call me? we didn't talk about anything but your ass"

"i like girls who notice"

"well i don't want to waste my breath if you're not going to call"

"calm down chica i'll call"


i wrote down my number on a napkin and headed to find zeb and roxi. maybe they were
sucessful too.