Razor Blades & Guitar Amps

Yoohoo: The Nectar of the Gawds

When we finally got home Candee went to her room and I headed for mine. I undress and put on Blink 182. What's My Age Again came on and I decided to dance nakey.

"And later on, on the drive home i called her mom from a pay phone! I said I was a cop, and your husband's in jail. The state looks down on sodomy!!!!!!" I sang.

"ROXI! Shuddup and put some clothes on!" Zeb yelled from his room between mine and Candee's.

I sighed and put on my comfy pjs and went to get some Yoohoo. I love Yoohoo. I'm like addicted. My mom says it's because when she was preggers with me, all she drank was Yoohoo.

My phone started ringing. It was Wonder Pets so it was an unknown call. I looked at my clock and saw it was 4 am, so let it ring.

Hrm who would call me at this---- "OY VEY!" I superman dived into my bed to my phone, hitting my head but answering it just in time.

"Ow!" I cursed.

"Roxii?" Spencer asked concerned.

"It's okay, I hit my head on my wall."

".. Why?"

"On accident! So wassup?"

"Oh nothing. The guys left to do some shiz with there girls so I'm lonely. Sorry it's so late."

"No prob Spencer."

"Well good. So what you do tonight?"

"Well after you saved me, me and my amigas went to go eat some pancakeys."

"Don't you mean amigos?"

"Sometimes Zeb makes me believe it is amigas," I giggled. "How bout you?"

"Well after I saved you, I went to go get some more Yoohoo cause I'm thirsty ..."

"Yoohoo! I love Yoohoo!"


"Duh! It's like the nectar of the GAWDS!"

"Haha you're so hyper for 4 am."

"Yea and I'ma cure it with ZELDA!"


"Yar! Twilight Princess! Hold on!"


I got up and put my gamecube on. Zelda was already in there, but it was Oracina of Time Master Quest. I put in Twilight Princess.

"Awww fuck me!"

"What happened?"

"I forgot to saved and I was like three minutes from beating the Sand board!" I moaned. "I have to do this all over again!"

"Aww, I'll keep you company!"

"OHMIGAWD! You sir are my new B-F-F!"


"Look before I forget, tonight there is a party me and my betches are going to you wanna come?"

"Where is it?"

"In the city."

"I think that's where Gabe is going to. Yea ok!"


<666 Later that night.

"What kept you up all night?" Candee asked as we were getting ready.

"Zelda and Spencer. Damn he's soo cute he wouldn't say bye until I finally did."

"I know I heard. Til like nine you two were chatting."

"Yea I have that effect," I smiled. "How's this?" I put a tiger stripped tights and a tight fake leather shorts with a tank top with a tiger's head all fierce looking against my body.

"Sweet! And this?" She put a tight, small black dress against her body. It framed her body perfect.

"Marvelous!" We changed and I pipped up "Let's go bother lovely Zebra!" We ran into his room.

"ZEBADIAH!" I jumped on his back as he was putting on undies. We both fell to the floor and he fell out. We didn't even care because both me and Candee both seen it many times and lemme tell ya his size 14 shoes don't lie wink wink.

"WOO!" I giggled.

"Get off and go do make up or something," He goaned.

"Aw, did you land on your wang?"

"Yes now go."

We left and ate some cheese sandwhiches. We made Zeb one for a sorry.

"So how was Gabe?" I winked.

"I dunno."

"WHAT!? WHY THE LATTE!?" I asked.

"Because I think he's using me."

"What!? I'll kick his ass!"

"Well he saaaaaaays he broke up with his girl but should I believe him?"

"Dollface, only the night can tell."

"Thanks, I think."

Zeb came out already---looking hawt in his tight fake leather chained pants and red long-sleeved shirt---and ate the sandwhich.

"Shall we?" he asked.

"YAR!" Me and Candee both screamed.

<666 Party

I'm dancing, Candee's dancing, and so is Zeb. But no sign of any of our babes.

"Where do you think---?" I started to ask nervously to Zeb.

"Darling, calm down. They'll come," he gave me a goofy reassuring smile.

My phone started to vibrate. I had a text.

Spencer: were behind da door ;].

I texted him back saying 'ok' and dragged my posse to the door.

<666 Zeb's POV

After meeting up with Hayley and her group, me and her went to the bar.

"You're 21?" She asked as I ordered us two drinks.

"Yea. It comes in handy," I laughed.

"So what do you do?"

"Like work? I waiter with Roxii and Candee at the Unicorn Diner."


"Yea yea I know it's gay."

We talked some more and she dragged me to the dance floor. We danced until some guy barged between us.

"Hey sex-see!" He slurred.

"Uh excuse me?" she said in her high voice.

"Cooome on," he went to touch her. I grabbed his wrist.

"Stop," I said between my teeth.

"Or what?" He asked. I pulled him away. He hit me in the stomach and I hit him back. Somewhere in the fight he shoved my down and I heard karate yells.

"AYE! You let go of him!" Roxii and Candee jumped in He just pushed them to the floor. I flipped out my switchblade.

"Don't. You. Ever. Touch. Them." I growled.

"Alright alright, I'm going to have to ask you two gentlemen to leave," the bouncer said. I took a deep breath and left. Soon after me I saw Roxii and Candee.

"Yu guys---" I started.

"We went together, we'll go together," Candee said.

I smiled a small smile. "Thanks."

"Hey everything okay?" Hayley popped up.

"Hey why you guys leave?" Roxii asked seeing Gabe and Spencer behind her.

"We told the guys we'll see them later. We're gonna come with you," Gabe said.

"Aw that's sweet," Roxii said off distantly. She and Spencer where kinda staring into eachother.

"LEt's go back to the buses!" Gabe jumped.

We jumped into Gabe's truck and drove to somewhere.

"First stop! PARAMORE!" Gabe said, opening up the doors. Me and Hayley got out and they drove away.

"Come on, the boys are at the party." She opened the door to the bus. "Here's my bunk."

I sat down on it and smiled. This is so awesome!

"So, you're single right?" Hayley grinned.

"Yep. My last girl, well she wasn't so good."

"No chemistry?"

"No she robbed 400 dollars from me and Roxii's gameboy advance."


"Yea, Roxii kicked her ass."


"How about you?"

"It's hard for a real relationship with so many protectors around you."


"All guys are always scared," she shifted back and forth.

"Aw come here," I let her slide onto my lap. I felt her smile againet my neck and kiss it. She kissed all around my jaw and reached my lips. She slowly let her tongue in and I like a retard oepned my mouth. She started unbuttoning my pants and unzipped them. She let her fingers slowly wrapped around my already hard dick. I felt her smile against my mouth.

"Wow ... B-big," she gasped.

"Yea yea," I moaned. She grabbed my hand and put it under her shirt. I started playing her b-cup bearts when the door slammed open.

"HAYLEY!" Someone laughed. A flash, and more giggles.

"Jeremy! ZAC!" Hayley yelled, still having her hand in my pants. "Get out or I swear to Gawd tomorrow the internet will know you two wet the bed."

"We don't," Zac said.

"I can make it look like it. You'll have to sleep sometime," she said.

They laughed and left. "Now, where were we?"

<666 Regular POV

"Next stop, Panic! At the Disco's bus!" Gabe opened our doors.

"Thanks," I said. Spencer helped me out of the car. I saw Candee give me a wink and thumbs up.

"Look I have a confession," Spencer said.

"What?" I sighed. Taken. Gay. Eunich.

"I kinda planned to take you back to the bus today," he blushed.

"Aw! Really?" I asked.

"Yea well," he opened the door. Inside I squealed. In there there was a tub filled with Yoohoo and Yoohoo bottles swimming in it. The tub was big for two.

"I asked hayley for a bathing suit for you but I think ..." he trailed off as I took off my shirt. Hello says my D-cup boobs.

"What ...?" He stared.

"Lets go skinny dippin' in a pool of Yoohoo," I grinned.

"Uh uh uh OK!" he stammered.

I smiled and took off the rest of my clothes. He stripped down too. We dipped in and my feet touched a pretty hard object. I gave him a smile. I slid down under and took a deep breath. Then I started to blow him underwater---I mean Yoohoo. I didn't evenb need to come up for air. He came [I swallowed] and I surfaced.

"Well?" I smiled.

"Wonderful," he gasped.

"Wow, I just was under yoohoo for a long time and YOU'RE out of breath?" I giggled.

"Shuddup," he blushed. "Here." He grabbed two wine glasses and uncapped a yoohoo. "Cheers!"

"Cheers," we clinked glasses.
♠ ♠ ♠
So this is what I do; wait a billion years to update and give you long, sex-filled chapter.