Razor Blades & Guitar Amps


I woke up and laid naked next to Spencer. No we didn't fuck, but I did fall asleep. The clock told me 8 am and I saw the rest of Panic here.

"Greaaaat," I mumbled. Now what they must think of me. I felt for my phone. I flipped it opened and texted Candee.

dollface, im on Panic's bus. TXT me bak hoe. I waited like 15 minutes, but no reply. I felt Spencer rub my back.

"You're so pretty, you little scene girl," he smiled.

"No. Raver. Not scene. R A V E R ," I said.

"What's he difference?" he asked.

"One: Scene's have big poofy hair. Two: ravers like glowy, shiny things."

"Wow. Did not know that," he laughed.

"Well now you know. I'm change into my clothes."

"If you want, you can take some of Ryan's. He's skinny enough."

"I don't know ..."

"Go ahead, Ryan won't mind."

I shrugged and went to Ryan's bunk. I took out a Count Chocola t-shirt and skinny jeans. Spencer changed to. He also grabbed his keys.

"Breakfast?" he asked.


<666 Diner.

I'm glad we didn't go to the Unicorn Diner. Instead we went to this small coffee shop.

"So Roxii, did you like ... uh I mean ya know last night?" he scratched behind his head.

I smiled. "Wonderful. Never a boy did that for me."

"Woo!" He gave a dorky grin.

We talked some more. Then he hit a sore subject.

"You always live in 'Cago?" he asked.

I sighed. "I lived in New York City from birth til High School Graduation. I planned to go to school here."


"Heeelloo? Diner girl? I can't pay for it."

"Well how'd you meet Zebadiah and Candee?"

"Well I took a train to Chicago ..."


I was falling asleep on the train. I was tired, but scared. In sleep I was vulnerable to bad bad men. But I was exhausted. A couple of seats ahead of me a boy around 20 looked at me. No not look, stared. It creeped me out. I drank some more of Arizona and yawned. An older man around 40 stepped onto the train and sat down next to me.

"Hello I am Peter," he said.


"What's your name?"


"Nobody?" he asked, gripping my thigh. He ran it up. I was only 17, not as strong as I am today.

"La-let go," I stuttered. I had a speech problem and it showed when I was nervous.

He just "heh" and started going up. He undid my zip and I went to smack him away.

"Stop it you---" he didn't get pass that. The boy who was staring at me before whack him over the head with a metal rod from one of the chairs.

"What the fuck!?" Peter yelled.

"What the fuck you doing to my sister!?" the boy snapped.

"Sister?" Peter asked nervously. I would too. This boy looked strong and muscley. Peter ran off this cart to the next one. Me and this boy we're the only ones in this cart. I took a deep shaky breath and cried. He didn't say anything, but sat down next to me and let me cry on him. I stopped after awhile.

"Th-thanks," I still stuttered. I had no idea who he was.

"Don't worry about it. You okay?" Unlike before when his voice sounded harsh and rough, it was softer and sweeter.

"I'm fine. I'm Francis."


He explained he was from Salem and I said New York City. He asked what was I doing here and I told him that I wanted to go to school here, but had no money. He said how he was gonna get an apartment there and I could stay with him.

"I have little money," I said.

"I don't care," he smiled warmly.

A week with him and Zeb was so nice. He feed me, clothed me, and kept me safe. We had a one bedroom apartment so he slept on the couch. I was at the supermarket looking for cereal when I literally ran into someone.

"Ow ..." I moaned.

"Sorry," said a girl. I looked up and saw she was all dejected and sleepy looking.

"You okay?" I asked.

"...No," she sighed.

"Wanna talk about it?"

She gave me a "WTF" look.

"Wanna snow cone?" I smiled.

She chuckled and nodded. I went and bought her one.

"I'm from Texas. I was supposed go to Seattle."

"Supposed to?" I asked.

"I was going with a friend, but he fucked up and now I'm not speaking with him. He left me here."

I called up Zeb and told him we needed a bigger apartment. I then introduced to Candace.


"Wow," Spencer said.

"Yea. We've been friends ever since. Me and Candee owe Zebra so much. We really love him," I sipped my coffee.

"But you always piss him off," he laughed.

"Yea, but out of love. He knows we're never serious in our teasings."

He laughed and ordered more Cinnamon rolls. We happily ate and talked some more.
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