Status: In Progress


Behind blue eyes

*Zacky's P.O.V.*

I wanted to go over so badly, telling her what I think of her way treating my best friend. Slowly I met a new side on this girl that lost all her desirability. I started to wonder why I was falling in love with that girl. That girl that I’ve met was so much different, sweet, nice and a really good soul. Stacey was a shy girl that became really talkative as soon as the ice was broken. Just an innocent little girl that didn’t want be the center of attention.
But now she was like a little harlot that would bang every guy in town that was fitting her requirements. I mean she could do what she wants but when it involves hurting a good friend of mine she got her worst enemy for sure. Unknowingly I clenched my hands and gnashed my teeth while looking at her flirting with some random guy.

“Zacky, it is not worth it” I heard Matt voice beside me patting my shoulder.

“Maybe you are right” I counted down to ten just to calm down again.

I took a deep breath and I better focused on something else than starring at Stacey that was now surrounded by a lot of men. However it was easy said not focusing on a girl that still managed to make my heart beating faster but actually doing became a real challenge. How she was playing with her hair, hearing her laughing and just flirting with her steel blue eyes. It was making me sick but I wasn’t able to resist her.

“Sorry I need to go” I rushed to go out.

There wasn’t anything that still held me here. Maybe I should go to Brian and warn him before he was making a really bad mistake. While walking to his house that was close to the beach I thought how I should make him clear that she was just someone who used him for her own purpose I suppose. It wouldn’t be really the first time that girls were using us for our position, just to get a little minute of fame and enjoying the advantage being backstage with her favorite people.
It happened in the past but we started to take care of whom we allowed to be with us or not. We had been sure that Stacey didn’t belonged to that type of girl. I guess we were all wrong and now it was time to warn the other guys to better stay away from that person.
Brian was just leaving his house when he spotted me coming closer.

“Woah Zacky I really didn’t expect you to see you today. What’s up?”

“It could be better, but I don’t want to complain. Do you have a minute for a talk?”

“Well I actually was off to town, but I guess I have some minutes left for my best friend” he patted laughing my shoulder.

He got the keys out of his pocket and waited until I stepped into his huge Mansion. I always had been jealous of Brian’s way to decorate his little place. There was no doubt that he had some great taste in getting the right furniture or buying the little things like paintings, tons of floor lamps and other wall decors. It was just a matter of placing them at the right place.

“Do you want a beer or something?” he opened the fridge and glanced at me.

“Yeah if you can spare one bottle for me” I followed him into the kitchen and sat down at the counter.

“Well it is you. So I think I can do that” he chuckled and sat next to me. “So what do you want to talk about?”

I sipped on my beer and cleared my throat. For some reason I got really nervous to tell him about my suspicion. He might get the wrong of the stick and that could end pretty badly for me.

“How serious are you with Stacey anyway?” I looked at me biting on my lower lip.

“That girl is great as you should know” he smirked “She is a really lovely girl, caring and giving me the hold that I longed for so long. It might getting serious, you know.”

I just nodded. I already had expected something like that. It was easy to spot when you longer watched them being together. They were two persons that merged to one. A little bit scary that it was even possible to finish the sentences of the other one. Seriously, they just knew each other for a few days. But maybe they were really made for each other. She could be the key to his heart and give him what he needs. However that sound really absurd. That description was fitting to the role that she was perfectly playing, but not to the real Stacey that I recently met flirting with other guys.

“Is there something wrong with that?” he seemed confused and I couldn’t blame him.

He saw things through rose-colored glasses like a little teenager. How was it possible then for me to make him see the reality than the things that he wants to see?!

“I don’t think that there is something wrong with that exactly, but you should be careful though. You never know who she really is. She can play the sweetest person on earth while being a monster deep inside.”

His face frowned. Brian surely wasn’t amused at all. There was some time passing where we both remained silent and glancing at each other now and then.

“Is there any proof of your suspicion?”

“Well, there is something that I have seen indeed.”

“What did you see? Was she talking with a guy or something? Of course she isn’t allowed to do that with any other man while being with me.”

His sarcasm was getting on my nerves. There was no way to have a serious discussion without hearing his bitchy comments.

“Yes she was with a man, but also kissing him on his lips. Unless you call that just a friendly way to greet people.”

“Zacky, if you have a problem with her being with me, then just make that clear, but don’t try to make her look bad. Especially not if you have been with her before. Since she isn’t interested in you, you can’t stand her being with someone else. Just accept the fact that you don’t mean anything for her and focus yourself to find someone else instead. I do love this girl and will make my own decisions. And don’t try to do this again, Zacky, or you can look for another best friend” he said in a harsh but normal voice.

I actually saw that coming. He wouldn’t believe a word I say because she was playing the role as an angel too perfectly. Not even photos would have changed his mind. So if that wasn’t a way to show Stacey’s real side, I had to come up with another plan.