Status: This is my first story on here, please let me know what you think.



Kai was forbidden from leaving the bed for the next few days. Alana was in and out of the room, fetching books and food, insisting she be the only one waiting on him while he was bedridden. The only thing she didn’t do was change his bandages. He listened to the stories she told him, sitting cross legged on the bed, reading with enthusiasm. Her eyes focused on the pages, moving easily with the words. Her eyebrows pinched together as her hair fell over her eyes. She jumped up, saving the page as she moved to the mirror, taking pins from her hair to pull back the pieces that kept interrupting her focus. He smiled, watching her.
Alana returned, taking some grapes in her hand, popping them into her mouth, offering him some. She smiled, seeing him take them, eating slowly. She sat on her knees, leaning forward, the cut of her dress low on her chest. He averted his eyes, reminding himself that they needed time before anything like that could happen. She needed a chance to be herself for a while before being attached to another man.
Alana shifted on the bed, trying not to stare at his bare chest. Margaret insisted that he keep his shirt off to make it easier to change the bandages that wrapped around his torso. Alana tried to fight the blush that was threatening to cover her face. She had no issues with this arrangement whatsoever. Another bandage wrapped around his shoulder, where the arrows had struck him. Books littered the end of the bed, giving them many options to choose from. She read to him as he had to her when she was hurt.
He pulled more grapes off the plate she was offering, taking a few, herself. Margaret lightly opened the door, carrying a large tray with two silver covers on it. Alana took it from her, giving her thanks as she exited.
“Lunch,” Alana smiled, watching his blue eyes as she uncovered the bowls of soup waiting for them. Steam rolled off the liquid and she took the spoon, lifting it to his mouth. He looked like he was about to argue with her. She raised her eyebrows, telling him there was no point in the matter. He ate quietly, waving her off after a few bites.
“You don’t have to feed me, Alana. I have my strength back.” He said, taking the spoon from her. She covered his chest with a napkin, scooting the tray closer to him. They ate in silence, sneaking glances at one another.
“How old are you?” she asked, setting her bowl aside.
He looked at her, eyebrows quirked at the question. “Three and thirty,” he said. Her face contorted at his answer, raising her eyebrows, processing it. “What?” he asked.
“I thought you were older, that’s all,” She said, shaking her head. She looked down at her hands; the tan line where her wedding ring had been was fading away. Alana ran her fingers over the line, smiling.
He followed her eyes, taking her hand. “Do you like it here?” he asked, her eyes traveled over him, settling on his mouth. She nodded, looking away.
“Very much; I could stay here forever,” she said, turning to the window. Rain poured gently against the glass. He watched her.
“You can,” he started, Alana turned around, seeing him looking in his lap, his hands folded calmly. “On one condition,” he said, meeting her eyes. Her heart raced, feeling like it was going to jump out of her chest. Her mouth went dry as his piercing eyes held her still. “Marry me.” he didn’t know what had come over him to ask her such a thing. After everything she’d been through with her first husband there was almost no way that she’d agree to this.
She’d had something over him since the moment they met that night in the woods. Those green eyes that mesmerized him; those perfect lips that taunted him every time he closed his eyes, it was like nothing he’d experienced before. She reminded him of his first wife in little ways but she was so much more spirited. Something about her wouldn’t let go. He couldn’t stop thinking about her, couldn’t help but protect her. He couldn’t bear the thought of her not being here for the rest of her life. With him.
“Marry you?” she asked, her voice barely a whisper. Her face had gone pale, her eyes blinking as she processed what he’d said. “A—are you sure?”
He could feel her hesitation. “Yes, stay here, with me. As my wife.” He winced as he sat up straighter, keeping his eyes glued to her.
Marriage? He wanted to marry her? She couldn’t breathe; she could feel the blood drain from her face. Part of her wanted to run screaming; the other part couldn’t think of anything better. She’d been drawn to him since she first laid eyes on him as her brooding angry captor. It’d only gotten worse from there, when he’d seen the evidence of her pain for the first time, or when he’d saved her in the woods. She couldn’t leave him alone. Her stomach flipped every time he looked at her. He’d killed her husband for her. He could keep her safe from anything, there was no doubt. His eyes burned into her, waiting for her response.
She swallowed hard, biting her lip as she met his eyes. “Yes,” Calm washed over her as she caught the sight of his breathtaking smile.
In the weeks that passed, Alana was showered with gifts. Gowns arrived in intricate packages, shoes, books and jewelry came in extravagant trunks. She helped Margaret organize the many boxes and trunks that held the gifts, holding the gowns against her in the mirror, feeling the lavish fabrics beneath her fingertips before placing them in the wardrobe. Alana gazed at the glorious jewels he’d sent her, running her fingers over the stones trying to believe this was all real.
She glanced out the window, seeing Kai ride through the gates. She set the jewels on the vanity, rushing out the door to greet him home from another journey away. She shoved the heavy doors opened, feeling the fresh air of the yard on her skin. He jumped down from his horse, scooping her into his arms to lift her in the air.
“I thought you weren’t due back until tomorrow,” she smiled down on him, his tanned skin seemed darker from the trip.
“I left early,” he set her down, lowering his mouth to hers in a much needed kiss. She seemed to melt in his arms, her lips parted, entangling her tongue with his for a brief second before he pulled away with a groan. The sun hit his hair, bringing out red tints that matched the stubble that covered his jaw.
Margaret stood in the doorway, “Come, dearie, we need to finish with the newest arrival,” she took Alana’s hand. “You get cleaned up now,” she instructed Kai. He smiled, letting her go.
The box sat on the bed, perfectly wrapped, untouched. “Is this?” she asked, turning to the old woman to see her nod.
“Aye, let’s see it now,” she said excitedly.
Alana held her breath, unveiling the thin paper underneath. She unfolded the paper, seeing the delicate white fabric. She bit her lip, wiping her hands on her gown before lifting it to the light of the room. It was exquisite; her heart skipped a beat, reminding herself it was really happening. They would be married soon. “Can I try it on, please?” She begged.
“Of course, bring it here,” Margaret took the dress from her as she shimmied out of her gown. She stepped into the white dress, feeling the silk underneath press against her, hugging her waist as Margaret tied. It was perfectly snug. The laced bodice flowed flawlessly into the full skirt, taking her breath away. It was cut a little lower on her chest than her other dresses were, making her blush when she thought about Kai’s reaction. She could picture it, this gown, her hair fixed to intricate proportions, the veil that would cover her until the final moment at the altar. Butterflies churned in her stomach as Margaret stood back, watching her admire it.
“It’s perfect,” Alana breathed. A tap on the door brought her back, “Quick, help me out of this,” she whispered to Margaret. The old woman worked the ties, “One second, I—I’m not decent,” she called. The door stayed shut. She stepped out of the dress, seeing Margaret hide it back in its box. She tied my dress back on, she sighed, missing the wedding gown already. Margaret opened the door, letting Kai step in. She blushed furiously, facing him.
He quirked one eyebrow, not bothering to ask what was going on. She tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, walking over to him. His hair was damp, dark strands fell over his eyes. The smell of exotic spices emanated from his skin, taking over her mind. Margaret left the room and Kai pulled her against him. He towered over her, her eyes were level with his strong chest, his large hands slid over her body, making her skin tingle with excitement.
Alana reached up, touching his face, running her thumb over the stubble on his chin as she bit her lip. He shut the door, his eyes locking on the soft pillow of flesh her teeth sank into. A low groan escaped from his throat as he covered her mouth with his, crushing her body to his. Her lips parted submissively as her eyes rolled with the sensation. His tongue delved into her mouth, drinking in her sweetness. He couldn’t get enough of her. Her luscious curves moved against him, begging for more; he had to keep control. Her fingertips dug into his shoulders, bringing him closer. His fingers entangled in her hair, tilting her face up to him. Her hands traveled lower on him, resting at the hem of his untucked shirt. She gasped, coming to contact with his bare stomach, feeling the hard slabs of muscle under her delicate fingertips. She pressed her palm against him, feeling the heat radiating from his body. He groaned, taking her mouth again as her fingers roamed over his torso.
The kisses slowed, Kai opened his eyes, seeing her flushed cheeks and swollen lips. She pulled back, reluctantly taking her hand off of him. Her eyes were still dark and hazy, looking up at him as her clouded mind cleared.
“What was that for?” She asked, watching his scorching eyes. His sweet smile faded, knowing that what he had to say wasn’t going to keep her happy.
“I can’t stay tonight.” Her face fell as she back up, leaning against the edge of the bed.
“Why not?” She asked, not bothering to look at him. The last few weeks he’d barely been here. The wedding was approaching and he’d had no part in the planning process. She stood and pushed past him without waiting for his answer.
His shoulders slumped, watching her leave. He sat at the edge of the bed, running his hand over his damp hair. He hated being gone from her. He’d forgotten how stressful being in charge was. He waited a minute before going after her, giving her some space to calm down. He walked out the doors, looking every way before one of his men advised him in the right direction.
He walked through the orchards, taking his time until he reached the center. The apple trees broke, revealing a circular clearing where the oldest tree on the grounds stood. The branches spread wildly into the air, the bright green leaves shone as the sunlight hit them, rustling in the light wind. There she was, sitting in the branches, looking so small in the giant tree. She sat with one knee curled up to her chest and one foot dangling gently over the branch. His heart slowed, relieved that he’d found her. A slight smile came to his face, finding it funny that she’d found one of his favorite spots to relax when he was younger.
He pulled himself up to where she sat and faced her, letting his legs dangle on either side. She looked up, her wide green eyes blank as she sat quietly.
“You found me,” she shrugged.
He scooted closer, “Of course I did, Alana, I will always find you.” He smiled, looking up at the higher branches. “You know, this is one of my favorite places,” he said.
Alana lifted her head, “Really?” she asked.
He nodded, “Kenneth and I used to hide here as children.” They both tensed at the mention of his brother. “I’m sorry, Alana,” he said. “I should’ve told you when I arrived,”
“Its fine, I know you’re busy,” she said quietly. “I was just getting used to having you here, that’s all.” He looked up, wiping his face with his hands, kicking himself for not realizing how his being away must look.
He climbed down from the tree, swiftly landing on the ground, reaching up for her. “Come on,” Alana scoot herself to the edge of the branch, clenching her knees together as his hands slid over her thighs and hips, pulling her to him. He lifted her as if she weighed no more than a dried leaf. She stumbled against him as her bare feet hit the ground. His strong arms wrapped around her waist, steadying her. Kai took her face in his hands, forcing her eyes to his. “I don’t like being away, Alana. I promise, this is the last trip before the wedding. I’ll only be gone three days.” He ran his hands don her neck, over her shoulders, settling on her arms, feeling the silky skin underneath his calloused palms. She sighed, closing her eyes with a nod, letting him lead her back through the orchards.