Status: This is my first story on here, please let me know what you think.



Weeks passed and Alana grew accustomed to the ship and all its inhabitants. The men were crude but she soon learned they were nothing to fear, especially with Kai by her side. She stood at the back of the ship, holding the railing as she looked down at the frigid waters below, shivering at the thought of falling overboard.
A wave of nausea washed over her as she placed her hand over the leather corset that wrapped around her stomach. She couldn’t handle this seasickness. There had to land close by, somewhere far enough away that they could leave the ship and never set at sea again. Alana wandered across the rocking ship, picking up the heavy unfamiliar skirts that were found below deck after her gowns were soaked by sea spray. She watched as Kai helped with the sails and the ropes, shouting in conversation with the other men as he winked at her before she took the stairs below to their quarters.
Kai joined her minutes later as she quivered at the end of the bed, pale and frustrated that she couldn’t control her stomach. He stared blankly at her, knowing it couldn’t be just the sea that was making her ill. She’d been sick for weeks now.
“I’ve sent for the healer, she’ll be in shortly,” He said, kneeling in front of her. Her eyes went wide as she shook her head, refusing the help. “She’ll help you, you need to get better, Alana.” Shouts sounded from above and the stomping could be heard from the men scurrying back and forth across the deck. “Sounds like they’ve spotted land, I’m going to go help, come find me when it’s over.” He kissed her forehead, leaving her alone as a young woman close to her age entered the room.
Relief washed over Kai as the land drew closer in the distance. Wind rushed past him, fueling his adrenaline as he tugged the ropes, helping direct the sails that would carry them to the shoreline. They were so close.
Alana stared at the healer in shock. It was her biggest fear; another baby. Being a mother was what she’d always wanted but after trying for a family in the past and losing every child, she couldn’t help but worry. She feared that if she lost thing one that Kai would resent her for it. The girl simply shrugged, packing her supplies as she walked out the door, tucking a piece of red hair into the kerchief she had wrapped around her head. Excitement rumbled above as the ship slowed until it was just rocking in the water. She walked up the stairs, nearly running into Kai as he rushed down to her. Before she knew it they were in a life boat being lowered onto the water as they floated toward the rocks ahead.
“Where are we?” she asked, glancing at Kai.
“Ireland,” the muscles in his arms flexed as he rowed. He jumped out, pulling the boat onto the beach before helping her out. She took in the dark view before them, making out the ruins of a castle. Ivy draped over some of the rocks that still stood lifeless, while other rocks were knocked to piles on the ground ahead of them. She stared, focused on the building that once stood, imagining what it was at one time; what it could be again. Kai took her hand, standing beside her as the men walked ahead.
Moonlight hit the ruins as it glistened through the leaves, sending tingles down her body as she took in the sight. This was it. This was where they’d be safe. Her hand went to her stomach, knowing she had to tell Kai. Winter was approaching quickly. As he pulled to walk along she stood still, keeping his hand in hers. He looked back questioningly as she asked him to wait.
His eyes watched her as she told him her news. He lit up for a brief second before remembering her previous experiences. Kai could see how worried she was about this one. His hand covered her stomach before he kissed her forehead, reassuring her that he would do everything in his power to see that nothing went wrong. She fought back emotion, knowing it was an empty promise; he had no more control over it than she did. Still, something in the back of her mind seemed confident that nothing was going to happen.
Alana looked to the heavens and took a deep breath. They were exactly where they needed to be.