Hope for the Best

Chapter 2

Josh’s Pov

On the next day I still couldn’t believe I had Sean’s address. I thought it was impossible to get it but Jay was lovely to help me. I hope he doesn’t tell Sean anything about this then I would be screwed. I’ll tell Sean about my feelings for him later. Now it’s the hardest part. What I’m going to write for the first letter? One thing I know, it’s gonna be an anonymous one because if I just tell Sean how sexy he was and how much I wanted to kiss him would sound so creepy. Though Sean likes to get attention…
I found some letter paper from my room and I sat down to think what to write. Soon I’ve got many ideas (some of them I can’t use for the first letter though). I told Sean I was a big fan and how The Blackout has saved my life. I also wrote how much Sean means to me and how perfect he is in every way. Oops! Did I go too far?
I read my letter a few times to make sure there wasn’t something dirty. Nope. That letter was anonymous after all and Sean couldn’t get any idea who wrote it. Sean hasn’t even met me, he just looked at my camera yesterday and that was awesome.
I should move to Merthyr Tydfil because Sean lives there…well someday I’ll meet him.

Sean’s Pov

Our gig in London was amazing two days ago. The crowd was so loud and when they sing back I’m so happy. I’m also grateful to sing in a band. It’s everything to me. There was a piece of me that sometimes felt lonely though. I’m not dating anyone at the moment and it makes me sad.
I groaned and got up from the bed. I put some clothes on and I went to get today’s post. There was a newspaper and some stupid adverts. But I found a letter also. Now that was weird. I never get letters?
I ran back inside and sat down with the letter in my hands. I opened it carefully. I read it slowly and I got it. The letter was from a fan. But how? I haven’t tell anyone my address? The letter was sweet though and it made me smile. I was disappointed because I didn’t know who wrote the letter.
I have met so many of our fans so I don’t have ideas if it was from any of them. I can’t even write her or him back. There wasn’t a way to contact him back.
I kept thinking about the mysterious letter. I couldn’t get it from my mind. It was making my crazy!

A few days passed and I got another letter. I knew from the handwriting that it was from the same person. This letter was… more interesting. I got to know whoever wrote these letters is a boy. He told me that he has a crush on me and wants to kiss me so bad. What? I’m his idol?
I looked at the letter with wide eyes. I didn’t expect this. It seems like he wants to be with me. I wonder who he is or if I have ever met him. I don’t think so though. I just don’t get it how he got my address in the first place.
I called Gavin to ask him if he knew something about this. He’s my best friend and knows most about everything.
“Hi Sean.” Gavin said.
“Gavin…I’ve got two letters from some boy who is our fan.” I told him.
“What? How’s that possible?” Gavin asked.
“Wish I could know that Gavin. But there’s something else too.” I said awkwardly.
“What is it?” Gavin asked curiously.
“Well in the second letter, he admitted he has a crush on me and wants to kiss me. What I’m supposed to think of that?” I said nervously.
“Oh my god! Wow, I think it’s cool though.” Gavin said innocently.
“Fuck you! I think it’s creepy and he’s male!” I said furiously.
“Aahh why don’t you just get out of the closet Sean? Everyone knows that you’re secretly gay.” Gavin suggested.
“What? I’m not gay!” I screamed at the phone and ended the call. What the fuck was going on with Gavin too? He just thinks it’s normal to be gay or to get those letters from male fans…
I’m so pissed off and I don’t know what to do. Wish I could meet that fan and tell him to fuck off. But at the same time I don’t want to. I love our fans. Every single one of them. Yeah that fan is a creep but can I do about it?