Status: I hope you enjoy!

The Risk


Ally woke up that next morning anxious for work. Her and Sid had a great time at lunch and she really enjoyed the time with him. After exchanging numbers the two talked all night and she has never
felt so comfortable talking to someone before. She ran over in her head all of the things he said last night and how he confessed about not being very good with meeting girls and being awkward sometimes
but when he was with her it all went away. She was glad that he felt that way and she was glad they had an amazing time but she knew she had to drop it and move on to her job.

Walking into the arena Ally could feel her self shaking; She didn't want to run into Sid. She walked into her new bland office and started to set up. She heard a knock on her glass door and then turned
to see Sid standing there with a Starbucks drink. She waved him in and he came in and handed her the drink, they talked about it last night when she said the only thing she would drink their in the fall
is the Salted Caramel Mocha and the only thing she would drink in the Summer is the Caramel Ribbon Crunch. She couldn't help but blush and give him a tiny hug but she knew she had to ask them to sit down
so they could talk.

Ally told Sid everything that John told her about relationships and she felt extremely awkward knowing that they just met. He smiled at her and then looked down. "I wouldn't want you to risk your chance at
this job and I certainly wouldn't want to risk not getting to see you everyday. I understand we just met but John can interpret this however he wants and you know he will. I'll step away if that's what you need."
After saying that he stood up and walked out and a small part of her felt crushed.


That night Ally called Sidney on his phone. "Hello?" she already knew he knew she would be calling. "Hi can we talk." she asked shyly. "I would love to." Sid said and then a couple moments of silence hit and she
knew she had to say something. "I've never met someone who I just got a long with so quickly before. I want to keep getting to know you but I also can't risk the chances of losing this job." "I have an idea." Sid
jumped quickly to state. "He won't think much of anything if you hang out with a couple of us guys and some other girls, We are a pretty close group of teammates and Flowers is having a little get together at his
house Friday night if you would like to come." She started to blush and couldn't help but smile. "Will you be there?" She laughed a little and she could hear him laugh too. "Of course I will be. I can pick you?"
he asked knowing she would say yes and of course she did.
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