Status: my first story i will have more chapters i hope u like this one

A Diamond Isn't Forever

A Diamond Isn't Forever

The bell rang for first period and all the people were rushing to there seats ,well everyone but John and Talia. They were at Talia's locker kissing the life out of each other and all Talia had on here mind is weather or not love is what her and John have. Maybe they were meant to just be friends and maybe her friends were right when they said he was trouble. John pushed Talia against her locker and told her to meet him during lunch in the gym. Like always she said yes with her cheeks all blushed. They both left to go to first period even though it was already half way over. During those long classes Talia couldn't concentrate on school she had to think about her and John. Finally lunch came and Talia rushed to the gym and John was already there waiting for her. When they saw eachother they rushed and had a makeout session. John grabbed her hand and directed them into the girls locker room. Talia's heart was racing and John was feeling blessed with the relationship he has with Talia. John pulls Talia close and says "I hope you can handle me." At that point John was at ease with her body wanted to make love but he knew it was the wrong me to go for it. John said "I can handle what you allow me to." They both sat quietly admiring each others bodies. John lays her down on the bench and the next think they know is their having sex. Talia couldn't help but to say "I love you." She moaned He groaned and they loved eachother so much. They were about 30 minutes into lunch and they are in the showers rinsing themselves. And all of a sudden they heard one of the lockers open. Talia and John could get expelled if they were caught. John whispered to Talia "Don't worry they will leave and we can pretend like all this never happened." Talia was upset that he wished none of it happened and she thought it was good considering it was only her second time. John told her "Don't be upset ,it was amazing." They both left not even saying a simple goodbye because they felt as if they had just made the experience akward. The bell rang to go home and all the kids got on the bus and left with their friends because it was friday. this weekend was going to be extra long concidering she wont be with John.
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first story hope i like even know its horrible