Status: finito

Takes My Breath Away

All The World Is Laughing At You

The door swung open, the little bell above it ringing. Kaleb turned on his heel, startled out of his mind. Someone else came into the tiny bookstore. He shook his head at how bad he was shaking. He looked down at the book in his hand and reread the back, trying to remember what he was thinking about. The bell above the door rang out against the silence again.

Kaleb’s fingers fidgeting slightly as he flipped opened the book and shifted from one foot to the other.

There was a hand on his shoulder, making him jump a mile. “Jesus Christ,” came a heavenly laugh. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”

Kaleb turned and looked up at his best friend. “Sorry, I was lost in my mind. What’s up, Skyler?”

“Eh, nothing much. Just got back from my lunch date with the kid from the coffee shop down the block.”

“Mm? And how did that go for you?” Kaleb asked, uninterested tone making Skyler smirk.

“He was cute and all. But he acted like he was better than me. Like, come on, the kid with six cars, a penthouse, and several country houses definitely has something on you.”

“Do you ever wonder why people don’t like going out on second dates with you?”

“No. I know why. I’m narcissistic and get everything I want. Have you ever wondered why I prefer it that way?” Kaleb hesitated long enough for Skyler to assume he’d been curious in the past. “No strings attached. Also, how’s your courtship with that girl going?”


Skyler laughed. “I don’t really care to know who you’re trying to sleep with, I just want the gossip. So spill, il mio piccolo tulipano.”

“I still don’t know what that means, jerk.”

“My Italian must be better than your sex life, then? How are things going with you and what’s-her-name?”

“We’re, uh, not.”

“Oh? Why not?”

“We… we, uh, just didn’t click,” Kaleb murmured.

“Why not? Last I knew, she really liked you.” He made the motion of a blowjob and smirked.

Kaleb pushed at Skyler’s shoulder. “Shut up. And she does. Like me, I mean. In the conventional denotation. I’m just not feeling it, you know?”

“Sure. Sure. Why?”

“Oh my God, Sky; just shut up. I wasn’t. That’s all you need to know.”

“Wow, are you PMSing or something? You’re not usually this bitchy.”

“I don’t want to talk about this anymore.”

“Okay. So, you want to hear about the second part of my date with Coffee Shop boy?” The wicked grin that stretched across his face told his best friend all he needed to know.

“You’re gross; you know that, right?”

“Yes, I do,” he chuckled. “I’m just waiting for Mr. Right to come along and sweep me off my feet; change my thinking.” He gave his best friend a familiar look. Want.

Kaleb rolled his eyes. “You must’ve slept with all the gay men in this city.”

“Yes, yes I have.”

“You’re disgusting.”

“I think the word you’re looking for is slut.” Skyler informed him. “I’m a slut.” He leaned forward and nibbled at Kaleb’s ear. “And I’m proud of it.”

Kaleb rolled his eyes, pushing the taller man away. “Whatever you are. Also, can we hang out tonight? I was supposed to have a date with Courtney, but seeing as we broke up, I have nothing to do. For the rest of my life.” He let himself shiver for emphasis.

Skyler laughed. “Is this going to be one of those ‘woe is me’ pity parties I’ve seen in the weird LGBT movies on Netflix? ’Cause you know me and emotions.”

“Maybe just until I’m drunk.”

“Ooh, and then the fun Kaleb comes out to play.”

Kaleb shook his head, rolling his eyes lightly at his dark-haired best friend. “You’re ordering take-out.”

“You’re bringing the alcohol.”

“Fine,” the shorter man grumbled.

“It’s a date then,” Skyler smirked.

“It’s not a date.”

“It’s totally a date.”


“I like your ass.”

Kaleb thumped Skyler’s head with a book.

“Ow! You’re so mean to me! I’m supposed to be a precious little pansy.”

“My ass, you are. Come on, we’re leaving before the owner kicks us out for being so vulgar,” he mumbled, locking gazes with the woman behind the cash register.

“But you have yet to talk dirty to me!” the flamboyant male nearly screamed.

“Just shut up. You’re embarrassing.”

Skyler wrapped his arm around the smaller man’s shoulder once they were outside. “I don’t know why that’s a shock, considering you’ve been my best friend since we were in diapers.”

“Stop talking,” Kaleb blushed.

~ ~ ~

“Dude, why are we watching this movie?” Kaleb groaned.

“Because you have yet to sit through it.”

“That’s because every time I come over you’re trying to get me to watch it.”

“It’s not even that bad; why are you opposed to it?”

“Uh, because it’s practically gay porn.”

Brokeback Mountain is not gay porn. I have some of that, if you’re really interested to see the difference.”

“Nope! Just so much nope. I’m not drunk enough for any of this.”

“We could always get you drunk, now that you mention it.”

Kaleb thwacked the back of the taller man’s head.

“Seriously, you need to stop doing that.”

“You need to stop being so… you.”

Skyler eyed his friend. “You were going to say to stop being so gay, weren’t you?”

“We’re seriously not having this conversation.”

“Oh, so you were?” he chuckled. “It’s okay, I know I’m flamboyant.”

“I didn’t mean it like that. Stop being a pain in my ass. Let’s just watch your stupid movie.”

“Not until you apologize.”

“You’re too much.” But when all Kaleb got in return was a cocked eyebrow, he sighed. “Sky, I’m sorry. I wouldn’t ever ask you to change your orientation because regardless, you’re the best, best friend I could ever ask for.” Everything he said was sincere.

Skyler just stared at him for a moment. “You know. It almost seems like you’re telling the truth.” He pushed himself away to start the movie.

“I don’t know why you make me apologize if you don’t even think I’m being honest.”

“That’s what friends are for. Now just watch the damn movie.”

Kaleb made a disgruntled sound but settled into couch. He planned on falling asleep about ten minutes in to save himself from watching it.

“I’m bored,” he muttered a half-hour later. “Can we watch something interesting?”

Skyler chuckled. “This is probably the highlight of the movie.”

“Yes, Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal violently making out and — oh well hello there, Jake’s rear. I thought you said this wasn’t gay porn,” Kaleb accused, turning his attention away from the television.

“It’s not. There’s more to this scene than just sex.”

“Oh, and now they’re grunting. I’m getting a drink.”

“I think you mean that you need a cold shower.”

“I’m going to throw up on you.”

“Well that wouldn’t be nice.”

Kaleb pushed himself to his feet and walked out of the room. He went to the kitchen to dig through the fridge for a bottle of beer. He took a satisfying swig before returning to the living room to find his best friend sitting on the edge of his seat, thoroughly engrossed in the film.

“Just think about it this way,” Skyler informed him absently, “only two hours left.”

“You’re not helping.”

“Oh, I know. I just wanted to know that you have to suffer for two more hours,” the dark-haired man laughed.

“I’m going to fall asleep.”

“We’ll just watch it when you come back over.”

Kaleb rolled his head back against the couch, eyes trying to focus on the screen.

“And if you fall asleep, I’ll pause it.”

“I’m not sleeping.”

“Mmhm, sure.”

Kaleb sat up and moved so he was within Skyler’s personal space, fingers holding his eyes open cartoonishly wide. “I’m not sleeping,” he deadpanned, lips curving up into a smile no matter how hard he tried to fight.

Skyler’s hands went to his best friend’s waist to hold him back as they fell onto the length of the couch. “Jesus Christ, Kay! Stop, that’s weird.”

“Whatever.” He sat up and turned around so he was leaning against the raven-haired man’s chest. He looked up at him and winked before saying, “No homo.”

Skyler laughed. “Dude, all the homo.” His arm draped around his friend’s shoulders and pulled him back so he was flush to his shoulders.

Kaleb turned so he was facing the television, but let his mind wander.

An hour and a half later, Skyler was pushing him away and standing up. He stretched out and looked at his best friend. “Wow, you look hurt that I stood up.”

“Just surprised.” Kaleb looked at the T.V. to see the Brokeback Mountain main screen.

“What?” Skyler asked, picking up the garbage from dinner, noticing his friend staring at the T.V.

“Oh, nothing. I’m fine.”

The taller man looked skeptical. “Whatever.” And he walked into the kitchen.

Kaleb stood up and walked over to the DVD player, ejecting the movie and reminding himself that he needed to take it home so he could actually watch it. He’ll lie and say it’s so Skyler won’t know he spaced out during the film.

Skyler came back into the room and watched his best friend as he delicately handled the movie case. “So what did you like most about the movie?”

Kaleb jumped at the sudden voice behind him and turned around. “Well, uh, I liked it all. There wasn’t anything that I really liked over anything else.”

Skyler glared at his friend. “You didn’t actually watch it, you bitch.”

“I’m sorry. I’ll bring it home and watch it later. I was just thinking the entire time and I didn’t realize until you dumped me off your chest that I’d spaced out.”

“You’re a jerk. Here I was, trying to spend some quality time with my sucky best friend, and you go off and do whatever.” He crossed his arms over his chest and huffed like a flamboyant drama queen.

“I’ll make it up to you tomorrow,” Kaleb promised.

“Shut up, I hate you.”

“You couldn’t hate me even if you tried.”

The taller man just rolled his eyes.

~ ~ ~

“Skyler!” the blond whispered into the darkness. “Sky?”

There was a snore in response.

Kaleb padded across the plush carpet over to the four-poster bed, light from the full moon falling on the man asleep under the dark duvet. “Skyler?” he whispered again.

When he didn’t get a response, he pushed the covers back and settled in bed next to his best friend, back to chest with the larger man.

In his slumber, Skyler curled around Kaleb and sighed, breath brushing over the slighter man’s shoulders.

Kaleb was able to fall asleep a little easier than when he was laying in the guest bed down the hall, a small smile playing at his lips.

The next morning, Kaleb woke up to shuffling behind him. He turned over to see Skyler pulling some dress pants up his long legs.

“Morning,” the raven-haired man laughed. “How’d you sleep?”

Kaleb stretched out. “Good.”

“Why did you sleep in my bed last night?”

“It was comfy.”

“I think you may just like sleeping next to me.”

“Mm… that too,” Kaleb yawned.

Skyler smiled. “Are you sure you aren’t gay?”

“Only for you, my little pookie bear,” he teased.

The elder flicked him off. “Are you going to be okay if I leave you here to see yourself out?”

“Yeah. Where are you going?”

“I have a bunch of weird meetings that I can sleep through. One’s at ten, the other during lunch, and then a third which is a dinner meeting. So I won’t be back until late.”

“I’m okay to leave. Take your keys. I actually care if this place gets robbed so I’m locking up when I go.”

“Always making sure I’m safe. What a great best friend you are to me. Except you refuse to watch that damned movie.”

“I’m taking it with me, so calm your tits!”

“You and I are totally going to have an in-depth conversation about the plotline when you come over next time.”

“I know.”

“See you later then,” Skyler muttered before leaving the younger man in his bed.

Kaleb rolled over onto his back and pressed his head into the pillow, thinking he could use another hour or so to sleep. He drew the covers up around himself and settled into the smell of his best friend. He passed out a few minutes later, a happy sigh passing his lips.

When he woke up a little while later, the covers were sticking to his skin uncomfortably. He was too warm for his liking. It wasn’t like the kind of warm you get when you’re cuddled up with your friend. It was the tacky warmth from when you shift around too much under too-thick blankets in the middle of a summer heatwave.

He kicked the covers down his legs and sat up, hand reaching for his burning forehead. He rolled out of bed and went down to the kitchen to find something that would help him get rid of the gross feeling radiating through his tired limbs. He grabbed a box of dry cereal, then walked to the living room and collapsing on the couch.

The Brokeback Mountain DVD case was still sitting on the coffee table. Kaleb reluctantly stood from his spot and walked over to the player, inserting the movie and then relaxing back down for, what he figured was, a boring movie.

Two and a half hours later, Kaleb’s legs were pulled up to his chest as he bawled his eyes out. There were tissues littering the couch and floor around him.

He reached for his phone.

“You better have a good reason for interrupting the meeting I’m in right now,” Skyler answered.

“You didn’t tell me Jack Twist dies, you jerk!” he accused, voice stuffy from crying for the past half-hour.

His best friend laughed at him. “My bad, but you kind of deserve it for not watching it last night. If you had, you could have cried with me.”

“I hate you, why would you make me watch such a terrible movie?”

“It’s only terrible because you’re crying like a baby.”

“Yes, and I need to cuddle with someone!”

“I’m at work, Kay.”

“I know!” the younger man sobbed.

“Why don’t you, you know, take a shower or something?”

“I don’t know,” Kaleb mumbled.

“Jesus Christ, Kay; you know how I am with emotions!”

“Shut up! This is your fault.”

“Look,” the older man sighed. “I have this meeting until half-past, then I can come home and we can cuddle until I need to go to my last meeting at seven. How does that sound?”

“Good, I suppose.”

“I have to go now. Will you be okay until I get there?”


“’Kay; bye Kay.”


Kaleb set his phone down and walked back to Skyler’s bathroom, thinking he’d take up his friend’s offer to shower. He grabbed some clothes to change into and walked to the attached bathroom.

Skyler returned home as Kaleb was taking a shower, so he laid down and played with his phone until he heard the water stop.

“Sky? Are you home yet?”

Oh, and how the elder man didn’t want to say anything.

There was a quiet, shit, from the man in the bathroom before he bolted across the bedroom floor with nothing more than a towel wrapped around him. He noticed Skyler watching him on his way back to the bathroom. “You jerk!” he managed after he slowed his racing heart and pulled on his clothes. Actually they were Skyler’s, but there really wasn’t a difference to the younger man. They were best friends. Once he had dressed himself and toweled his hair, he went out to the bedroom. “You’re such a jerk! You’ve been here all along.”

“Just long enough to see you run across my room in almost nothing.”

“Why didn’t you say anything when I called?”

“Seeing you naked, or almost thereof, is my life goal.”

“Don’t make this weird.”

“What? You know that I like you. But I respect you and your weird heterosexual lifestyle.”

Kaleb pushed the covers back and settled under them. “Ugh, it is weird,” he muttered. He turned over so his back was facing Skyler. “Also. Snuggle me. I’m still sad about Jack Twist dying.”

The elder man wasn’t one to pass up on the invitation to curl up with his best friend. “Yeah, I’m sorry about that.”

Kaleb laughed. “No you’re not. You probably think I deserve it.”

“You totally did. But that’s not the point. You’re sad. I should make you happy.”

“My being sad is not an invitation into my pants, Sky,” the younger man admonished playfully.

“Damn it,” he joked. He leaned on his elbow to look down at Kaleb. His eyes were closed and he was smiling slightly. The elder’s fingers traced over the curve of his friend’s hip and pressed his lips to his shoulder.

Kaleb sighed happily and snuggled further into his companion’s arms.

~ ~ ~

Kaleb sat back in his cubicle chair and ran his hands over his face.

“Hey man; are you busy?” a voice called over the partition.

“Um, no?” Kaleb answered.

“Good, ’cause I want to talk about my date with that cute brunette you set me up with. I mean, she was a bombshell; I don’t know why you didn’t get to know her.” His coworker made a gesture.

Kaleb pretended not to see. “Yes, well, I have my sights set on someone else.”

“Ooh, what does she look like? Does she at least have a nice rack?”

He bit his lip and closed his eyes. “Dark, raven hair; a kilowatt smile, one that could charm the pants off any man; long, long legs….” Kaleb lost himself in thought for a moment.

“But she has nice breasts, right?” his coworker asked, snapping him out of his trance.

He didn’t know how to answer this; so with a wary tone, he muttered, “They’re adequate.”

“So she’s lacking.”

“Uh, can we not talk about this anymore, please?”

“Come on, you usually don’t mind talking about our conquests.”

“Yeah, well I’m just… not going to talk to you about that stuff.” Luckily, the phone on his desk started ringing. He thanked whatever deity was looking out for him as he turned in his chair and answered the phone in a professional way.

“Ooh, listen to you, all grown up and proper,” Skyler giggled.

“Yes, well this is my work phone. What can I do for you?” He ignored the catcalls from over the partition.

“Come have lunch with me; I’m bored.”

“I’m at work. I can’t just leave.”

“Come on, you’re probably sitting in your stuffy cubicle eating one of those stupid Ramen noodles in a cup things.”

“While that may be true, I can’t just leave.”

“I’ll call your boss,” Skyler threatened.

“Just because you’re good friends with my boss does not mean you can manipulate him into letting me off for lunch.”

“I can do a lot of things, pookie bear. Don’t underestimate me.” And he hung up.

Not two minutes later, his boss was standing over his cubicle. “Hey, Skyler called me.”

“I’m sorry if he verbally molested you—”

“Well, it wouldn’t be unwelcomed—”

There was a puking noise from Kaleb’s coworker. “Dicks belong in vaginas, not asses.”

“I’m starting to think Mr. McKnight is committing a dereliction of duties,” their boss thought out loud. “The consequences can be termination of employment….”

It was a rouse to get the offending listener to stop eavesdropping, and it worked; he huffed away, saying something along the lines of having to take a piss.

“So, Skyler told me straight up that he wants to have lunch with you because he’s bored.”

“He’s a stuck-up rich kid; don’t give into his demands.”

His boss laughed. “Why don’t you can’t take the rest of the day off?”

Kaleb gestured around his cubicle. “Uh, work?” The way his boss glared at him had him moving quickly, thanking his superior before disappearing into the elevator to the ground floor.

Skyler called him as he walked down the sidewalk. “So, I’m in that little diner place that I took you to a while ago; you just fell in love with it.”

“Okay. I’ll see you in a minute.”

“Stay on the phone with me. I’m bored.”

“You need a nanny or something.”

“I need my best friend twenty-four-seven.”

“Well, I’m walking up to the door now, so I’m hanging up.” Kaleb pulled the door open and walked into the small establishment, meeting Skyler’s eyes as he smiled. The elder really was a child, in his eyes; but he wouldn’t trade in his relationship.

“Hey Grumpy-pants,” Skyler laughed as his best friend sat down. “I ordered just a normal burger for you, just how you like.”

“Thanks.” Kaleb inadvertently trailed his hand over Skyler’s shoulder as his walked around him to sit down. The shiver that escaped the elder didn’t go unnoticed, however. “You okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine.”

“You suck at lying, Mr. Cavanaugh.”

“Ugh, don’t say ‘Mr. Cavanaugh’; it makes me feel like I’m my father,” Skyler grumbled.

“You don’t think you’d look attractive as a silver fox?” Kaleb teased. “’Cause I think you would.”

“I’m trying to figure out if you fantasize about my father, or if you’re complimenting me.”

Kaleb laughed. “Me, fantasizing about your father? That’s weird, first of all. Second, you should know I only fantasize about you,” he smirked.

Skyler almost choked on his food. “What?”

Kaleb snickered as the waitress came over and set a plate down in front of him. “Thank you,” he smiled.

She sent him a flirtatious look, walking her finger over his shoulder as she sauntered away.

The younger man visibly cringed.

“Oh come on,” Skyler accused. “You normally love girls fawning all over you.”

The younger shrugged. “I don’t know. Hey, can I ask you a strange question?”


“Do I seem gay to you?”

“I’d like to think you are; it makes all my wet dreams about you just a little less weird,” he giggled.

“Can we have a serious conversation about this?”

Skyler calmed down slightly. “Are you having an identity crisis? Is that what this is all about?”

“I’m just curious.”

“Well, to answer your question, ‘seeming gay’ is a myth. I’m the exception because I love to flaunt who I am. I mean, whoever thought that you could tell someone’s orientation just by looking at them is mad.”

“I know that. It’s just… the way I act makes me sound gay, right?”

Skyler thought a moment. “I always take it as you being a really great friend bantering with me. Is there any particular reason why you’re freaking out about this?”

“I don’t know. I’ve been thinking lately.”

Skyler looked up at his friend warily. “Are you, like, coming out to me right now?”

Kaleb blushed at the thought.

“Oh my God, you totally are. Well, I’m sorry, but I can’t accept your lifestyle.”

“Oh my God, don’t be a jerk. You’re gay too!”

“Wrong. I’m fabulous, bitch.”

“Whatever. I’m confused, is all. I’ve never, like, tried anything with a guy before. This could all be a phase.”

Skyler laughed. “Being fabulous,” he made a motion similar to a girl flipping her hair, “is never a phase. It’s okay to be curious.”

“Yeah, sure. But I’ve never tried being curious.”

The elder wiggled his finger at his best friend. “Come here.” He set his lunch down and wiped his fingers off as Kaleb moved around the table. “You’re curious, right?”

“Yeah, but—”

“I’m not going to make this weird or anything. I just want to point out that you have a willing gay guy sitting right beside you who wouldn’t mind your curiosity.”

“It’s already weird. You’re the guy who’s helped me land more one-night stands than I can count on both our hands and feet.”

“You’re making it weird. Stop talking for a minute, okay? Relax.”

Kaleb froze as Skyler leaned forward and kissed him. It was like his first kiss with a girl; awkward and completely foreign. He seriously didn’t know what was so great about it.

“You know, you’re supposed to kiss back,” the dark-haired man laughed. “It’s like I’m kissing a wall.”

“The fact that you’ve kissed a wall before is worrying.”

“Shut up. Kiss me back, okay? You can relax; it’s just me. We’re going to try this again.”

“This is so weird.”

“Stop making it weird.” Skyler closed the gap again.

This time, Kaleb pressed back slightly, hand reaching around his best friend’s neck.

“Better,” Skyler sighed happily. He pushed Kaleb back so he was a few feet away from him.

They sat in silence, eating their lunches.

“Hey Sky?”


“Was it at least good?”

Skyler laughed. “Are you self-conscious about the way you kiss?”

“No, I’m just curious.” He rubbed at his jaw and looked down at his plate.

The dark-haired man leaned over, in an attempt to kiss his friend’s cheek, but Kaleb turned in time to meet his lips.

They pulled apart to laugh at the situation. “Oh how uncanny that was?” Skyler smiled sideways.

“I saw you moving toward me and I had to make sure you weren’t about to attack me.”

“Yes, because I’ve longed after you since I figured out what my dick could do, only so I could kill you. You’re so stupid. Oh, and your kiss tasted like grease and Ramen noodles.”


“Who said anything about that being a bad thing?” he smiled, kissing Kaleb’s forehead.

~ ~ ~

Skyler was making breakfast, flipping pancakes and insuring the scrambled eggs he was making didn’t burn, all the while balancing two coffee cups in his hands as he made the morning beverage for himself and Kaleb.

He made his way down to the bedroom with the plates and mugs teetering on a tray. He pushed open the door with his hip, set breakfast on his dresser, and walked over to the sleeping form on the bed.

He pressed the heel of his hand into Kaleb stomach lightly, eliciting a very uncomfortable noise from him. “Kay, wake up. I made you breakfast.”

“Tired, Sky. Go to bed.”

“No, you have to wake up. It’s past noon.”

“No ’s’not.”

“Why don’t you get up, lazy ass, and check.”

Kaleb smacked him with the pillow, but rolled over to validate what Skyler had told him. “Ugh! I don’t want to get up. It’s so comfy.”

“You were restless last night. Bad dream?” the taller man asked, hand running over his lover’s stomach slightly.

Kaleb shrugged. “Just thinking.”

“Okay, the last time you were ‘just thinking’, you came out to me. Anything in particular you were thinking about?”

“I don’t know. We’ve been together for some time, yeah?”

“Like, four months. Why?”

“It’s just… we have yet to be physically intimate together. Am I doing something wrong?”

Skyler laughed at his boyfriend. “Yes, you’ve done everything wrong; from cuddling, to hand-holding, to kissing. All of it; wrong.

“Don’t be a jerk. It’s a reasonable question.”

“It’s an irrational fear of fucking up this relationship. You need to calm down before you give yourself an aneurism.”

“I am calm; I’m just curious.”

Skyler thought hard for a minute, before settling on, “Good relationships need only two things: Food and dirty talk. And we have both.”

“What the hell does that even mean?”

“I would say something ridiculous like, ‘I don’t know; it sounded good at the time.’ Honestly Kay, there are more important things to relationships than sex. Yes, you frustrate me sexually, but I can see the terrified look in your eyes whenever this topic comes up; like right now. Your intellect is more than enough for now. Your wit, regardless of how sexually charged it is at times, speaks for itself. As for the food part of that statement; food is just awesome.”

Kaleb laughed. “You’re so weird.”

“Yes, because one of us has to be.”

“You should snuggle me because you’re so awesome.”

“Can I at least get you to eat something before we do?”

“I suppose. What’s on the menu, Boss?”

“Eggs — scrambled, because the consistency of fried just makes you want to puke — and pancakes shaped like Mickey Mouse ears.” Skyler held up a floppy pancake for Kaleb to see.

“We’re not five years old.”

“I can dream, you know! Actually, I kept spilling the batter on the griddle and voilà, Mickey Mouse. Now sit up so I can place this tray over your lap.”

The younger man pushed himself up against the headboard, accepting the meal Skyler made.

They ate, balancing the sound of forks on plates and awkward chewing with quiet banter.

“You’re going to make me fat,” Kaleb sighed, taking the last sip of his coffee before moving the tray to the side.

“Well, you suck at feeding yourself.”

There was a quiet laugh as the young man rested his head on his boyfriend’s chest. “That’s true.”

Skyler pulled the covers up around them, pressing his lips to Kaleb’s forehead.

“It’s kind of picturesque, don’t you think?”


“Lying in bed, on a Sunday afternoon, cuddled up with someone. Kind of a perfect day, if you ask me.” Kaleb sighed lightly, shifting his leg so his right knee was between Skyler’s. “Little things like that really make me happy.”

“You’re kind of a sap.”

“I just appreciate moments where we’re not rushing around and worrying about stupid things.”

“You appreciate the weirdest things. Like those puppies down at the shelter.”

Kaleb smiled, closing his eyes and curling into the sturdy shape that was his boyfriend. “Life’s not always about moving as fast as you can to get somewhere you don’t even want to be, Sky. It’s about stopping in the middle of the crosswalk to point at a funny vanity plate—”

“That’s a great way to get yourself killed.”

“That’s not at all what I meant.”

“I know. You mean that it’s nice to stop rushing around and just enjoy life. Enjoy cuddling with your boyfriend who’s a sap.”

Kaleb pointedly ignored the playful taunt. “It’s nice to just… be finally.”
♠ ♠ ♠
There are weird, personal traits in my writing style (“also” instead of saying “anyway”). And I do actually talk like these guys when I’m really excited, or talking to my friends; so please no hate.

Also, I really like the friendship here; it’s so personal, familiar, to me.

As for the accompaniment, I know it’s “Bleed to Love Her” but it sounds just as good with “Him” and the appropriate pronouns.

Il mio piccolo tulipano translates roughly into “My little Tulip.”