Blue Love

Friends Don't Kill Friends

Malia's POV

Is it wrong that I cant stop thinking about Debby. I mean with everything happing with the dead pool; her lying to me almost having sex with Stiles if that wasn't a formula to piss off a girl then I don't know what is, but there's something I didn't tell her. I heard her and Stiles when they almost you know. I was going to stop them and pretty much kill Stiles and then Debby both Slowly and deadly till I heard,


I looked up and saw Stiles shocked face she was moaning my name. Stiles lifted Debby up brushing her hair back. Brushing my hair back I listen in,

"Debby, I love you; I don't know when it started, but it just happen"

Stiles laughs uneasy,

"I know I will never get a chance like this, but this doesn't feel right. Kissing you just now almost having sex. "


He put his finger on her mouth silencing her before continuing,

"You'll regret this more than me. Your devoted to Malia"

He takes a deep breath,

"And though she's pissed and probably ripping walls out of her loft, she loves you more than anything."

Laughing slightly at the memory I look around for Debby *where is she?* I look up and see her walk in making her way to Scott and Liam. Shaking my head I close my locker walking to class. Once I got to class I heard some girls talking about a bonfire,


Looking up I glare at the person,


She raises an eyebrow,

"Where's Debby?"

"How should I know"

She laughs,

"Umm she's your girlfriend; oh wait your having a fight"

*How did she know* She laughs ignoring my reaction some more,

"Are you going to the bonfire"


"Debby's going"

"I should care"

She sighs running a hand through her head,

"You don't have to go because she is going, but it will be fun you can party and get drunk it will help"

*Get drunk?* That's when I got the idea maybe getting drunk will help with the pain and I can figure out thinks with Debby *perfect*

Debby's POV

Time went by fast and it seem like soon after school it got dark, Pulling up in a black tank top with a crop jacket and dark blue skinny jeans with some black chuck Taylors. In the Beacon Hills High School courtyard, a "metal cyclone" is rigged with natural gas jets and set on fire with a torch. The flames race up the cone-shaped sculpture eliciting shouts from the crowd of students. The DJ begins to spin and the crowd sways and jumps to the music. Looking around strangely I notice One of the Security Guards approaches the DJ booth. The two lean in close to each other and exchange words. There are several other, identically dressed, security guards watching the crowd. A number of the students are drinking from red solo cups while others drink straight from flasks and bottles. The lacrosse team is all decked out in their jerseys. Meeting up with Scott I laugh once he realizes that he is overdressed in his black button down shirt,


Scott and I look up toward the voice when I notice Isabella, she was wearing a sliming black strapless dress with black flats. I smile waving at her,


"Come Dance with me"

I look at Scott laughing uneasy. Before I could say anything she grabs my forearm pulling me over to the crowd. Dancing with Isabella was by far awkward. She kept grinding on me like I was a pole. I was standing there like a stick in the mud. I didn't even want to dance and if I did the only person I would dance with would be Malia. Isabella looked at me pouting,

"Why aren't you dancing"



I looked at Isabella,

"I don't feel like dancing"

She pouts,


Sighing deeply I nod. As we begin dancing I couldn't help but feel slightly dizzy *Am I drunk* Shaking my head there is no way I could be drunk I mean werewolves can't get drunk. I should know because Scott and I tried, but the only person who ended up drunk was Stiles and boy it was an ugly. Laughing I look around watching all the other kids have a good time. Stepping away from Isabella quietly I looked around for Scott. Looking around I begin to feel slightly dizzy like I was drunk but it was weird since I haven't touched a drink. seeing Scott I was about to get his attention when sudden I feel a weight in the back of my head.

Malia's POV

Dancing around and drinking I was having a good time,


I look up and See Scott coming over he gives me a small smile beginning to speak,


He raises an eyebrow,

"What are you doing here?"

I laugh slightly raising up my flask,

"Getting drunk. What are you doing?"

He smiles,

"Trying to make sure no one gets hurt."

I nod,

"That sounds fun too."

Scott nods walking away before turning around,

"I don't want to ruin your night or anything, but we kind of can't get drunk."

I laugh bewilder,


Scott looks at me calmly explaining,

"I think it has something to do with our , trust me, I've tried. You're not gonna feel anything."

"Maybe you should tell him that."

We turn over looking at Liam, He is sitting on a picnic table with Mason. Liam is pouring booze into a plastic pop bottle and guzzling it down. Laughing I take another sip. Scott grabs the Flask,

"I just want to talk."

I shake my head grabbing my flask,

"Well, I just want to dance."

"We had our reasons; We didn't tell you about Peter,"

I stop dancing and look at him taking a deep breath cutting him off,

"To protect me, That's what Peter said you would say. And guess what he said next? That you were right. Does that surprise you?"

He shakes his head,

"No. It makes me wonder what he wants. Malia, we need to stay together."

He takes a deep breath trying to find the right words. I look around and see Debby and she's with Isabella dancing. Isabella looks up winking grabbing Debby's hand moving her or better yet dragging her away. Scott looks at me,

"You, me, Stiles, and Debby"

Glaring I turn to Scott exclaiming,

"I don't want to talk about Debby. I just want to dance, And get drunk."

Taking another sip I begin feeling slight dizzy. Scott grabs me alarmed,

"Malia... Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!"

I laugh looking at Scott who by the looks seemed confused,

"You are drunk."


"But you can't be."

I looked up and everything soon became blurry,

"Is this what drunk feels like? It doesn't feel as good as I hoped."

Scott looks at me shaking his head.

"I don't think it's supposed to."

I leaned on Scott once I begin to feel light headed before I could feel darkness taking over.

Debby's POV

Waking up I couldn't really see much everything was still quite blurry. Shaking my head slightly I look around once my vision became cleaier and I realize I was in the pool area of the school tied to a chair in chains,

"Help. Someone Help"

I begin moving around in the chains till I heard the door open and slam and I could hear footstep and by the sound they were from a female,

"Crap I thought you would be asleep"

*That voice* it was quite familiar it had a slight perk as well seriousness to it and I knew one person who could pull it off,


She flips her blonde hair giggling,

"I wish we could of did this another way, but I need to get paid"

"Get paid?"

"Yep from the benefactor"

I raise an eyebrow coughing,

"You know the benefactor"

She laughs slightly playing with my hair,

"You can say that, me and the benefactor are closer than you think"

It all started to make sense; ok maybe not every detail I mean quite frankly Isabella name was on that list I tried to save her but only to almost have my head cut off,

"Yeah Debby its quite simply, I kill you and I get paid 30 million dollars. Not going to lie I was hoping more of a fight since your worth so much. I mean your brother was 300 and he was weak must run in the family"

"How did you know about Kyle?"

She laughs rubbing my cheek,

"Simple I'm the one who killed him"


She nods looking very proud of her,

"Yeah and it was so fun I ripped out he's heart so easily I heard the stories of the great Pearce family half Werewolf and half witch. How they were suppose to be so powerful, but all I had to do was grab Kyle's chest and next thing I knew I was holding his Bloody chest I wish I still had it, but I kinda ate it"

I could feel my angry or rage what every you want to call building up and the fire begins to course through my body. Using the emotion I broke the chains. Growling loudly I launch myself at her; Isabella steps back smiling raising her hand up. I was just centimeters away from her till I felt a hand banging pain turning my brain into mush. It was the same pain I felt outside. I could feel the pain build up and it added up*its the music* it must only effect supernatural. I looked up at Isabella weakly,

"Why aren't you effected"

"That's simple"

She pulled out some ear plugs laughing before plugging them back in moving toward me. Dropping to my knees I could feel a pain in my back like I was being slammed into lockers and I could see a quick glance; I could see Liam and Malia being brought inside drenched with gasoline*Malia* Isabella roughly grabs my out of her grip I try standing up but it had no effect since she raises her hand up and I could hear the music pounding louder,

"I wasn't done with my story. Want to know your brothers last dying wish"

I glare at her,


"Thank you"

"That wasn't a compliment"

"I know but it strangely seems sweet coming from your lips"

She giggles leaning down toward my ear,

"All he could kept saying was I should stay leave you alone"


"You wound me"

All of a sudden the music stops completely and from Isabella's facial expression that wasn't part of the plan,


I laugh smiling glaring at her intense with my Red alpha eyes,

"Plans suck expectably when they fail"

"Debby wait"

I standing up making my way over to her,

"I would of spared your life, but?"

Isabella laughs,


"But then again I was never going to spare your life"

"Debby we are friends"

"Well I don't know where you've been reading because friends don't try killing each other, literally. and adding the cherry on top they don't kill their brothers"

Isabella dropped to knees crying,


I shake my head coming face to face with her leaning down rubbing her shoulders laughing. She looks up smiling,

"Your not going to kill you"

"No your right we are friends"

She looks up to me with a facial expression of glee but it was soon faded with a face of pain. She looks down at my hand where I was gripping at her chest till I pulled out her heart,

"Karma is a bitch and I'll take mine"

Washing my hand in the water taking a glance at Isabella's body. I begin hearing voices Walking in a hallway I see Scott, Malia and Liam are dumped in a pile just inside the school hallway. Scott sees the gas can in the head guard's hand and asks him about it. The man replies "Haigh says we gotta burn ya." He proceeds to dump gas all over Scott and the others. Not wanting to get caught so easily I step back quietly. Soon I see Scott's His eyes flash red as he grabs the guard's hand and crushes it, closing the lighter and extinguishing the Braeden picks that moment to show up and bash the guard's head in with the butt of a shotgun. Three more guards start down the hall; Derek takes the first one and shoves him into a locker. The two others attack and Derek takes their punches and returns with and uppercut to the chin of one and a head butt for the head guard is up on his knees and tries to retrieve his lighter – Braeden kicks him in the head knocking him unconscious,


He looks up smiling while I help him up. Turning I see Malia still a little knocked out. Rushing over I gently rub her cheek,


She looks up surprised but quickly shakes it off grabbing my neck leaning toward me kissing my lips softly at first then it became harder. Pulling away she kisses my cheek,

"I'm the only girl you can dance with"

Laughing I nod while she cups my cheek taking a deep breath,

"Deb I didn't tell you this but its important"

I nod,

"I heard you and Stiles."

I raised my eyebrow nodding. She explain how she heard Stiles and I the night of the incident; once we stopped making out. Driving up to her loft it seem like everything changed. Malia looked at me from the corner of my eye grabbing my hand startling me. Looking at Malia she smiles,

"I know I said I wanted space Debby, but watching you with Isabella tonight changed my view to that I don't want you with anyone but me"

Turning toward her she looked broken just like she did the night of the vault,

"Malia I never wanted you to found out the way you did, but I'm glad you found out"

She cuts me off Grabbing my neck kissing me once again silencing me. Our lips moving in sync was magical. It was more different then any kiss we ever had. It made me feel more closer then her and it must of felt the same to her. Next thing we knew we were laying in bed naked laughing and giggling like old times. I was laying against the headboard playing with her hair while she was drawing small circles on my thigh. Giggling uneasy Malia looks up at me smiling leaning to kiss me I turn my head having her kiss my cheek,

"You tease"

I laugh shaking my head picking up my phone. Unlocking it I read a text from Lydia and I dropped my phone. Malia looks at me alarmed I showed her the message and she looked at me confused,


*How the hell did this happen*