Yet to Leave Her


*To hear the masterpiece behind my imagination listen to Hans Zimmer's "Tennessee" from the Pearl Harbor soundtrack*

“Never underestimate a girl’s love for her favorite band. Never think even for a minute, that she won’t defend them to her death. Because it’s not just the music that makes that band her favorite. It’s the guys, the gals. It’s the fans. People whom of which she has interacted with thanks to the band. That band might of saved her life, or just made her smile everyday. That band has never broke her heart and has yet to leave her. No wonder she finds such joy in her music." — Alex Gaskarth.

When I first heard the news of his passing I was sitting on my front porch sipping on my tea listening to the sweet sound of blue birds. The sun was setting and painting the sky a brilliant Picasso of reds and pinks. The soft summer breeze rolled in the sweet smell of honey suckles blooming in the distance.

I won't ever forget that moment when I heard the news through my open window. The reporter's voice drifting through the house from the television screen. " All Time Low front man, Alex Gaskarth died earlier today-"

And then I felt it.

My tender heart breaking into pieces that could not ever be fixed. The breeze stopped blowing, the birds were silent, and the sky was as dark as night. I couldn't move. I couldn't fathom the simple idea of death. Of Alex Gaskarth, the last member of All Time Low, passing away.

I wished my parents and teachers taught me what to do when your whole joy is taken away from you. Joy and Happiness isn't forever. It comes in cycles bringing you smiles and warm feelings only to turn on you and tear everything you live for away.

I wish I knew how to mend my heart and what to whisper to myself as finally laid down in bed. I wish this wasn't real. After all these years, I still remember that day when "Dear Maria" was released and played on the radio all year long.

I still remember the thump-thump of the drums being hit and the dulling beats of the bass being plucked. The guitar riffs and heavenly voice will always remain in my head.

Every fan of All Time Low, will always cherish their first concert they went to just to see the boys that brought them a good night sleep and a blissful morning. Seeing them live is nothing compared to seeing them on your computer screen.

The laughter, the jokes, the big smiles are all real. I can recall when I first heard Remembering Sunday and how my eyes teared up only to break down crying at the hauntingly beautiful song, Therapy. That song alone impacts so many because we know just how it feels to be broken, to feel lost with out any hope.

All Time Low, the band that impacted many lives and continues still to this day to touch the lives of the broken, the slightly-weird kids, and overall misunderstood, will never die. The name and music will live on even if its members have fallen.


It has been just two weeks after Alex's surprise passing. Some say it was because of a broken heart, of no longer having his best friends and band mates by his side. The doctors sent out a report of his death being caused by going into cardiac arrest.

We all know it was because he couldn't live on much longer with Jack, Rian, and Zack. I mean, I've been just a fan for fifty years and felt massively heartbroken because of their deaths, but how could I have dealed with it if I really knew them? It must have been hard for Alex going on, knowing that he could never hear his friends' voices again - or play one last song.

The leaves crunched under my worn shoes as I made my way slowly through the cemetery in Baltimore, Maryland, where his body was put to rest beside the other members of the famous Baltimore band. Some say that at night you can hear the guys' spirits laughing and playing one last hoorah of Dear Maria.

I looked up from the gravel road and noticed several women, tear stained and sobbing, walking together as they left the fresh grave sight. I let go of my grandaughter's hand and took a couple steps more before the first tear fell.

By the time I reached the tombstone, I was a mess. The sobs racked by hunched and brittle body and my hands shook as I placed the single white peonie down on the bed of flowers covering the ground. Trinkets of pictures of Alex from when he was still young were placed in picture frames that were placed in front of the tombstone.Several All Time Low merchandise were left unscathed around the grey marble.

It truly is a sight to see. After sixty years, since the band first started, their fans stayed true and strong. For never underestimate a girl's love for her favorite band. Never think that even for a minute, that she won't defend them to her death. Because it's not just the music that makes that band her favorite. That band has never broke her heart and has yet to leave her. No wonder she finds such joy in her music.
