Letters to Her


Tessa, my dear,
We are so young, but our minds sustain marks far beyond our years. You and I, we've known struggles our peers could only dream of. We've felt pure fear and sadness and anxiety they could barely conceive. Somehow, it has made us stronger. You have made me stonger. Yet day to day, as my wandering thoughts turn to your gorgeous blue eyes, i am reminded. I am always reminded of the struggles we both face. Our acceptance, our emotions, our actual lives that must go on outside of us. We are battling the all the elements while only equipped for one: the distance in between. The knowledge that you are only 40 minutes away from me gives me something to believe in. A minuscule hope that we are not alone in this vibrant void we call our world. I am not alone as long as I'll know you.

All My Love,
Arthur J. M. x