A Family in the Making

Chapter 2

Jack pulled me into his arms. I felt really safe at that point. Jack turned me so I could look at him.

"Honey what's your name?" I took a deep breath before I answered
"Jordyn, but my friend and brother call me Jack"
"That's so cute!" Jack yelled and hugged me. I'm guessing Zack saw me flinch when Jack yelled because he punched jack in the arm.
"now Baby Girl, your wanna tell us why you're so sad?" Alex asked while he moved to sit on the other side of me.
"We promise we can help" Zack spoke softly as if he talked any louder I would break. I tried to talk but nothing came out. I don't know why I'm so scared.
"we need you to tell us, so we can make it better" Rian smiled. He is so sweet. I somehow managed to tell them how much I hated my life and how everyone else hated me. How I get bullied for no reason and the only people who talk to me are my friend and my brother. I told them how I don't talk to my parents that much. They don't hate me I just don't like talking to them. They asked why I was so upset at the show and I told them how I knew after that I would have to go back to that life. This show felt like I was at home.
"Please don't make me go back!" I started to cry into Jacks shoulder.

"Lex? Can I speak to you for a minute alone?"
"sure babe" Jack and Alex left the room and I just sat there crying into my hands. Jack walked back into the room and had me unlock and give him my phone. I didn't want to make him mad so I did as told. He said. Thank you and walk back out again. Alex came back then and I jumped into his arms.

When Jack came back once again he gave me my phone back and whispered something in Alex's ear. Jack picked me up And walked off the bus putting me in the back seat of a car. Alex and Jack sat infront and Alex started to drive.

"I knew you would just take me back. It was foolish of me to think you would save me from it all. I guess I should really just give up hope now huh?"
"HONEY NO! You'll understand what's happening soon" Jack tried to erasure me. I fell asleep to the sound of Alex humming.

When I woke up I was in my bed. But Jack wasn't there. I was right, they just brought me back here so they didn't have to deal with me. I got up and find something to eat but I tripped over some bags on my floor. I turned on my light to see most of my stuff packed in boxes. I walked out of my room to see my parents, Jack, and Alex signing papers.

"what's happening?"