A Family in the Making

Chapter 4

When we got back to the Alex made me go to my bunk and sleep since it was after 3 a.m. Acting like a dad already Gaskarth? I couldn't sleep so I sat there thinking. Earlier in the car I told my friend Jess everything that happened after she left the concert. That didn't go very well. I looked over at the clock and saw that It was 7 a.m. Wow time flies when you're crying your eyes out. I heard someone getting up so I stayed quiet. That didn't seem to work since the curtain to my bunk was moved and someone climbed in. It was Cassadee.

"Come here, you need a hug" Cassadee pulled me over to her. Squeezing me so I couldn't breathe.
"Thank you, I guess I really did need a hug" I felt relived.
"No problem, now are you gonna tell Auntie Cass what's wrong?"
"My best friend thinks I'm lying to her and she told me not to contact her, that she will call me when she wants to talk. I didn't lie! I told the truth, I swear I did" I started crying again.
"Jordyn you need to calm down, you didn't do anything wrong." She started rubbing my back.
"why are you up? It's only 7?" I ask her
"well I was woken up by someone crying, plus I had to pee"
"oh, sorry I woke you up"
"it's alright. You need someone right now." She hugged me again. She started to sing softly to her self. "Did you want me to get Jack? I know he's the one you're more comfortable around." I thought about it for a while. I know she is still tired and I want her to sleep.

"C-can you get Alex?" His voice calms me and since my iPod died I could get him to sing to me.
"Sure thing, one Alex Gaskarth coming up!" She jumped out of my bunk and closed the curtain behind her. I heard some whispering but I didn't catch what was said. Soon Alex was climbing in my bunk and pulling me into his arms.

"hey Baby Girl, you okay?" I could tell even though he was worried about me he was happy that I wanted him to be here.
"I'm better now yeah, can you sing to me?" I smiled up at him.
"Sure Baby Girl, what song?"
"ummm... Come one, Come all"
"okay but try to sleep, Cass told me you've been up all night" he started to sing.

Come one, Come all
you're just in time
to witness my first break down
cause theres a mile gone
for every minute passed
when I'm stuck in this town...

it was only the beginning of the song when I feel asleep. I didn't really dream of anything. It was peaceful though. No nightmares just darkness. I only slept for like 3 hours and when I woke up Alex was still next to me. His arms around me making sure I was safe. That made me feel super good. Knowing people care enough to stay with me. I quickly got up with out waking Alex. I walked out to the "kitchen" and decided I was going to make breakfast for everyone. I used to do it for Caleb and I. While I was cooking Rian woke up, luckily I made him coffe.

"Hey" I smiled and handed him food.
"You're gonna talk to your Uncle Rian now?"
"yup! Now eat your food. I'm a good cook I promise." I watched him take a bite and his eyes looked like they were gonna pop out if his head.
"HOLY SHIT!" We heard someone jump out of a bunk.
"10 dollars Jack is the one who's up." I quickly said Rian smilied and nodded. Not even 30 seconds later Jack ran up front.
"IS EVERYONE OKAY?!!! IS JORDYN OR ALEX HURT???" I couldn't help but chuckle.
"We're fine dude. Jordyn is fine and 10 dollars richer." Rian laughed and handed me my money.
"What the hell was the screaming about Ri?" Jack took the plate of food I was holding and sat down.
"you'll know once you take a bite of that food you got there." Rian smiled. Jack hurried to eat some.
"Jordyn you made this?!"
"Yes I did"
"Damn Honey! This is amazing! Good to know someone can cook on this bus."