A Family in the Making

Chapter 6

Zack and I walked into the mall and i suddenly didnt think this was a great idea anymore. There was so many people and i dont like it. Zack must have noticed because he put his arm around me and told me ever thing was going to be okay.

"Uncle Zack?" I looked up from under his arm.

"Whats up girly? something wrong?"

"No i was just wondering what we are doing here." Zack normally trys to stay out of the mall. "What are we getting?"

":Well first we are going to watch Dumbo in 3D at the movie theater that is next to the food court and then we are going to go to Hot Topic so I can buy you a bunch of stuff, and then we are going to the gym." I hated when he bought me everything but he never listened when i tell him not to so i just let him do as he pleases. However the gym thing is the worst. He makes me run with him and its horrible.

"Sounds really fun" i smile up at him "Well everything other than the gym".

"Shut up you know you'll go with because you love me" He hugged me as he walked up to buy the tickets,

"This is true, and dont you forget it Zacky"

"Umm It's Uncle Zacky to you missy!"


When we got to the bus my whole body hurt. Zack made me do his whole work out plan and its crazy. I walked right over to Alex and curled up into his side.

"Whats wrong Baby Girl? Why does it look like you're in pain?"

"He made me work out! I feel nothing but pain!" I said very over dramatically

"ZACK HOW COULD YOU!!!" Alex yelled at Zack

"Shut up Alex shes fine, she'll get used to it." Zack laughed and started watching whatever Alex had on.

"JORDYN CAN YOU COME HERE FOR A MINUTE!!" I heard Jack yell from the back lounge.

I looked up at Alex because he wouldnt let me up. "Ummm Daddy? Can I get up please?"

"But you just got here, i'm not dont cuddling" Alex pouted

"When i get back we can cuddle all night and watch Batman, okay?


I jogged to the back lounge where i saw Jack sitting there looking sad.

"Whats wrong?" I sat down and cuddled into his open arms. He seemed really upset.

"I want to run something by you but i dont know how you'll take the first part. So just bare with me here. Alex and I already made up our mind, even though its going to be kind of difficult at first." I just nodded my head and waited for him to continue. "Well i got a call yesterday from your mother... and she said that with you gone and how busy they are becoming they can't take care of Caleb any more and they are giving him up."
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I wanted to say thanks to vmari97 for giving some hope for this