Status: Complete One Shot



She peered out of the front window anxiously. It had been ten days. Ten days since she saw her best friend’s mother stick a fork into her own daughter-in-law’s skull.

Ten days since she had seen real evil in the eyes of the guy she had once loved with all her heart as he shot dead one of the last decent men left in Charming.

She fumbled with her real cell phone, not the burners she usually used. She immediately regretted sending the last text. She just wanted to assure the only person that mattered now that she was okay, and still waiting for his two weeks to be up so they could REALLY leave Charming once and for all.

She walked around the cabin. She hated this cabin. She was standing over the spot where she saw her only real father figure lying dead in a pool of his own blood. The smell of his dead body still haunted her to this day. She wrapped her arms around her body. Only three more days and she would be able to leave this cabin, and California for good.

She was about to sit on the sofa and stare at the wall when she heard something out on the front doorstep. She looked back at the table that was ten feet behind her where her only weapon lay, a simple pocket knife. She decided it was too far and slowly crept towards the front door. She reached for the doorknob and pulled the door opening, revealing the last person she hoped would find her.
She couldn’t speak as she stood there frozen, and he stood there leaning against the door frame, a small smirk on his face. He was pleased with himself that he was able to find her.

She continued to stare at the man. He looked different compared to ten days ago. He was wearing a navy blue cap and his facial hair was longer. She could tell from the side of his cap that underneath it he hadn’t shaved his head in ten days.

“Nice to see you, sunshine.” He gently pushed past her and walked in the cabin, closing the door behind him as she backed up from him. “No ‘Hi, Juice?’” He laughed at his own joke and stared at the young woman. “Glad to see you too, babe.” He took off his cap, revealing his head which no longer was his usual clean cut Mohawk just as she assumed. “Well, I missed you even if you didn’t miss me.”

She finally found her voice as she backed up into the sofa and sat on the armrest. “Why are you here?” Juice pursed his lips as he looked down at the woman he still loved.

“She speaks!” Juice exclaimed. “I missed you.” He walked towards her and gently stroked her cheek. She flinched at his touch, a first for her. He noticed her reaction and frowned. “Olivia, you know I would never hurt you… Well, not on purpose.” The young woman looked down at the ground. She couldn’t look Juice in his eyes. “I just came to see how you were holding up.”

“I’m not going to say anything,” she said in a low voice. “It’s been ten days, and I haven’t said anything. I’m not going to.” Juice crouched down and took her hands in his. Her hands shook as he held them. “Please just go.”

“I thought when you said you were leaving Charming, you would actually go further than Piney’s cabin.” She still didn’t look at Juice. “You’re waiting for Deputy McHottie, aren’t you?” Juice felt her twitch when he said that name. The name most of the club members referred to her on-off old boyfriend that she was planning on running away with before everything turned to shit. “He’s probably not going to leave now that Roosevelt’s gone.”

He hit a nerve in Olivia and she pulled her hands closer to her body so Juice was no longer holding them. “Please go.”

Juice stood up and looked down, “I don’t really have any place to go. You know that.”

“Then go live with Gemma,” she snapped at him. He wasn’t sure if he sensed bitterness, jealously, or just plain anger from her comment. “Go be with that psychotic good for nothing bitch that deserves…” She stooped mid-sentence. She didn’t know what Gemma deserved. Death? Prison? To be exiled?

“Gemma’s dealing with her own shit. With Jax locked up…” Olivia’s head snapped up and she looked up at Juice for the first time. “Oh, you didn’t hear? Yeah, he got arrested for the murders, but Deputy McHottie is trying to help him out. Alibis and shit, yeah he’s definitely a keeper, Liv. He’s a mini-Unser.”

“Don’t you dare compare Ryan to Unser. Jax didn’t kill Tara and Eli. You know that.” She stood up and glared at him.

“I know that,” Juice replied, “I just love it when you’re angry.” Olivia bit the insides of her cheeks out of anger. “He’s a much better guy for you than I ever was.”

Olivia wanted to stop living in fear that Juice was going to hurt her for what she saw, and took his last comment as an opportunity. “You weren’t a bad guy for me. We were good together.”

“Yeah, up until you left, I almost killed myself, then you came back and we never were really the same after that.” Juice rolled his eyes as he reminisced about their past. Their past had some very good moments, but he was right. When she left and he started dealing with his daddy issues coming to light, and then tried to commit suicide, things were never the same for the two.

“We can make up for that,” she said quickly. She silently screamed at herself as she reached for his hand and held it. “This is the last time I’ll give you this offer. I want you to leave Charming with me, right now and we won’t ever look back.” She squeezed his hand. “You didn’t want to leave before because of the club, right? Well, fuck it. You’re practically out of the club anyways. Let’s just leave.”

“Do you really mean that?” he questioned. “You and I aren’t even together anymore, and you’re afraid of me. Why would you want to suddenly travel with me?” He eyed her. She had offered him to leave Charming many times, and he refused because the club was his number one priority. But he had his doubts of being able to live a normal life with her after everything she’s seen and been through because of the club.

“Despite all the wrong you’ve done, you’re still the man I love. I just couldn’t believe you would do that to protect Gemma’s psychotic ass. She cares for nobody but herself, and would throw you under the bus to save her ass from going to prison.” She reached for his other hand and held it, “I’m the only person that ever gave a shit about you.”

Juice leaned in and kissed his old girlfriend on her cheek. She re-framed from flinching as his warm lips stood on her cheek. He looked her in the eyes. She looked tired, and sad but at that moment he didn’t care. She was allowing him to touch her, and that’s all that mattered. He moved his lips from her cheek to the corner of her mouth. She stood still as he starting kissing her on her lips.

She ran the tip of her nose up the side of his neck and took a deep breath. She didn’t know how far this was going to go, and hoped it would stop with just kissing, but Juice had other plans. His instincts kicked in. He skimmed one hand up the line of her back while the other went to cup her face. She tasted like bourbon, and he was surprised since the young woman never drank.

She broke their kiss because she knew where things were headed. She could not force herself to enjoy having sex with Juice anywhere in this cabin, but most especially in the living room. She brought him into the bedroom, and before she knew it they were both undressed, and he was on top of her.

She lay still on the bed, half disgusted with herself, half hopeful that she would be able to get away. She waited a full hour for Juice to fall asleep. She stared one last time at the sleeping Juice, and she slowly sat up. She grabbed her clothes and shoes and snuck out of the room. Once she made it to the living room she dressed quickly and went towards a small desk in the corner where she knew Piney used to keep his loaded gun. She started digging around the drawer.

What the fuck, she thought to herself. It had to be in here. Nobody would bother with this gun. She was sure nobody but Opie knew about this gun in this drawer. Goddamn it.

She gave up her search and didn’t want to risk going back into the room where there were shotguns on the wall. Just as she was about to grab her shit and leave, he appeared. He stood in between all of her exits, adjusting his belt with a frown on his face. He reached behind him and pulled out the gun she was looking for. “Looking for this? Now what exactly do you need a gun for?”

“We need it for protection,” she said quickly. “Now that you’re up, let’s go.”

He sighed loudly, “I’m not that stupid.” He reached for his other gun and brought it out. “Why would you need protection when I can provide it for you?” He shook his head as he holstered his own gun, still holding onto Piney’s. “I thought you actually cared.” He let out a laugh through his nose. “I guess you were hoping I was the idiot, but that’s you in this case.”

This was the first time he ever said anything hurtful or mean to her. Her mind starting racing, thinking of ways she could get away from him. He was bound to hurt her now. He threatened her with two guns. Maybe this was his idea from the start: make her feel bad for him, sleep with him, and then kill her. She was the only person standing in his and Gemma’s way from getting away with their crimes.

She stepped back once. She wondered if she could open one of the side windows and squeeze her way out. She wondered if she could push him out of the way, and run out towards her car that was hidden under some brush. She quickly decided the window idea was a better one. She turned her back towards him and ran towards the window. He was quicker than she expected. He ran towards her and grabbed a fistful of her long hair sending her into his arms.

“Don’t be stupid, Olivia.” He continued to hold tightly onto her hair with one hand and his other arm wrapped tightly around her upper body. “You don’t need to do this.” With her left hand, she swung it back and hit Juice square in his face. He let her go as he rubbed his face. “Stupid bitch.”

Olivia tried to run towards the front door, but Juice stopped nursing his face enough to run after her. His hand went for her head and he slammed her head against the wooden wall. A few picture frames fell off the wall and lay on the floor next to Olivia whose head was pounding. She blinked her eyes a few times trying to wrap her head around what just happened.

Juice stepped back and rubbed his hands up and down his face. He too couldn’t believe what he just did. All he wanted to do was to patch everything up with Olivia, not hurt her.

While she was on the ground, she grabbed one of the frames and threw it at Juice’s head. This threw him off and gave Olivia one last chance to escape. She still couldn’t quite stand up on her feet, but she crawled towards the front door.

Angered by her stunt Juice walked towards her, reached down for her leg and pulled her away from the door. “I told you earlier I didn’t want to hurt you.” He reached down and picked her up. He wrapped one of his hands around her neck, and not in the loving way he did before. He squeezed her neck with one hand and threw her up against the wall. “You started this.”

Bewildered with how delusional he was acting, Olivia stared at him. She tried getting a word out but his grasp was preventing that. She wondered if this was how it was all going to end. With little energy, she wanted to fight back. She kneed Juice hard, and when he stumbled back she grabbed one of the empty bottles of bourbon she drank last night and broke the bottle as she smashed it against the top of his head.

She wanted to do more damage to him, but she decided this was her last chance to run. She touched her pocket to make sure her keys were still there. Just as she opened the door she heard a single gunshot. She didn’t stop, she kept running but she could only run towards the first tree that was 100 feet away from the house. She felt a stinging, burning pain in her back, and what felt like a cramp in her stomach. She looked down and saw blood staining her shirt.

She lift up her shirt, revealing a giant hole from a bullet’s exit. This couldn’t stop her now. At least the bullet wasn’t in her. All she needed to do was run to her car and drive to safety. Wherever that was.

She held her hand on the wound and started jogging. She was out of breath and the pain in her abdomen was excruciating. She could see where she hid her car and tried picking up the pace. She felt sluggish with the blood she was losing. Just when she wanted to rest, for five seconds, she heard another shot, and felt something rip through her shoulder. She let out a small scream of anguish.

Before she knew it, she felt another bullet pierce her where her neck met her shoulder. Her feet couldn’t hold her up any longer, and the young woman dropped to the ground face down. She lie still as Juice came running.

He noticed the woman on the ground and he felt instant regret. He held on to his weapon still as he walked slowly over towards the body that lay completely still.

This was never how it was supposed to happen. He wasn’t supposed to kill the only girl in the world that he ever loved. She wasn’t supposed to die this way. She was supposed to grow up into an old woman, and die in her own bed.

He shut his eyes and muttered a short prayer. He walked closer, crouched down and grabbed Olivia’s arm. He pulled her body so she was lying with her back on the ground instead. Her eyes were shut and she lay completely still. Her once pretty face was cut and bloody.

He did this to her.

Mumbling a few obscenities, Juice touched her one final time and stood up. He turned away from her and walked back towards the cabin. He needed to clean up anything that could connect him to this before he would take off on his bike.

He left her lying there like an animal to either be found by a wild animal or someone who was hiking through the woods.

Juice was leaving finally, and this is what Olivia had been waiting for. She let out a breath that she felt like she had been holding the entire time. Much to Juice’s knowledge, the young woman was very much alive, and was already planning in her head her revenge.
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I have had this Juice/OC in my head for years but never really got that far with them. I kind of wanted to write an ending for them that could be the start of me actually writing their beginning before this one shot or writing something that continues after this one shot.

I'll see where things go from this one shot. Please let me know what you think. :)