I Wish...

It's Okay

"Hey, Mr W?" I venture softly over my phone.
"Oh, is this Arthur?" He replies in his easygoing tone. Unlike most dads, he can make you feel relaxed, like you're his longtime friend.
"Yeah, yeah it is. I wanted to know if we could, um, meet up for lunch and talk over some things? Or if lunch is too much than I could drop by the house but an-"
"Woah, slow down kid. Lunch is great. Does 1 work for you?" I'm thankful he stopped my ramble. I tend to do that when I'm nervous.
"Perfectly. Thank you so much Mr. W!" I'm glad he has time to make room for me in his busy day. He does a not of charity work, and I would feel awful if he dropped something for me.


I call up Tessa on my drive over. I know, cell laws and everything, but I have wireless hooked up in my car. And besides, this really can't wait.
" hey, Tess!" I greet warmly over the phone.
"Hey Arthur. My break's almost over, so make it fast." She works for the parks and recs department, 8-5 with a thirty minute break in between. God, I hope she's payed well.
"I'm on my way to lunch with your dad."
"Why..." she sounds nervous. She probably has a gut feeling.
"I'm going to ask his permission... To date you."
"WHAT?!?!" She yells. She's pissed. Arthur, time to patch things up.
"I'm not gonna out you, god. I'm just going to ask his permission, thats all. It'll be fine." I play diplomat.
"But... What.... What if he assumes? What if...?"
"Tessa, if he asks, I will not lie. I know your dad, he'll love you no matter what. " I try to calm her down, but I hear hyperventilating noises on the other end.
"Tess. It'll be okay."
I hang up.


I arrive at the lunch place at one o'clock exactly. Mr. W, Tessa's dad, is already there. He's well into six feet, and incredibly lanky. I, on the other hand, barely dust five, and stocky. He towers over me. We quickly find a booth, and I prompt the conversation.

"Mr.W.." I begin.
"call me Eric."
"Eric, I'm so glad you had time to fit me in today. I know you're a busy dad and everything."
He chuckles in that dad-ly way, "It wasn't that big of a deal, kid. Now, what did you want to talk with me about?"
"Mr... I mean Eric... I came to ask for your permission... To date Tessa." I finally spit out.
"Art, first off, I am so glad you came and asked me. It means so much to a parent to know that the kid wanting to date your daughter has enough respect to ask. Secondly, as long as its fine with Tessa, it's fine with me. And thirdly..."
I'm so elated I almost didn't notice the thirdly.
"...thirdly?" I whisper meekly. Gulp.
"if you don't mind me asking, does this mean my daughter is gay?or bisexual?"
Jackpot. Or D-Day. Depends on whether you ask Tessa or me. I've been pushing her to come out, to be more honest with herself, as well as her family.
"Sir, I've had this discussion with your daughter before. I told her if you asked, I would not lie to you. But, I wouldn't bring it up myself. For starters, even though I am a transgender male, I am still a male and that means that this would be a straight relationship."
"I understand now," he remarks thoughtfully
"But yes, your daughter is bisexual. Our relationship, however does not make her bisexual."
Eric is silent for a few moments.
"thank you for telling me," he says quietly, "I am proud to call you my daughter's boyfriend."
♠ ♠ ♠
If only....
Here's the facts and myths of this story
Eric really is that tall, and I am really th short.
Any of this happened. Tessa and I are complicated.... And she certainly hasn't told her parents about our half-relationship or her sexuality.
All of our names are the same.