Status: In Progress

Without a Goodbye


He rolled over to the sleeping figure in the bed. His arms were draped loosely over her body as her bare back was pressed against his chest. One of her small petite hands was softly placed on his arm that was underneath her body. Her eyes were still closed as he started to untangle their bodies from one another. He didn’t dare to wake her up as she still lay silently. He started to gather the items of clothing that had been spread out across the room from the events that occurred the night before and redress myself.

After becoming fully clothed once again he stopped to stare at the beautiful women lying so helpless and venerable. Her long brunette curls fanned out onto the pillow her head was comfortably placed on. Her plump dark pink lips slightly parted taking in small amounts of air. The sheets that once covered both their bodies was half way down her body as she still lay in the position on her side. The exposed skin showed the faded scar above the tattoo of her last name inked onto her shoulder blade in a small piece of artwork.

He barely knew the girl but was attracted to the seemingly small and insignificant features of her. From her long and fluttering eyelashes all the way to her gorgeously sun kissed legs that were wrapped over his body just minutes before. He stood for what felt like hours at the foot of the bed just looking at the sleeping figure. He wished he didn’t have to leave her like this. He wished he didn’t have to leave her at all.

But she didn’t know who he was, and she already had a life that he knew almost nothing about. He didn’t know the girl but still hated to leave her like this. If it was any other person he would have left hours ago, but she was some how different, and he wished he had the time to find out why she was so unique in his perspective. Maybe it was because she had know idea who he was and it made him feel so much more normal in the small amount of time he had spent with her.

He couldn’t stay though; it wasn’t possible for him too. A girl as beautiful as she was would forget in an instant a man like him once another man came along. But little did he know that his face would be harder to get out of her mind then she and he both expected. They came together to be a little bit of fun for one another and take away the hurt from their past, but the way they left without a goodbye left them yearning to see one another. But that just wouldn’t be possible.

He started to leave the room and took one last glance at her. Her eyes fluttered softly and her lips moved to form the word “Patrick?”
But before he could force himself to reply and get back into that uncomfortable hotel bed with her, he opened the door and left the room.

He left her alone and without a goodbye but the worst part was he couldn’t even tell her what his actual name was because he was scared she wouldn’t act the way she did on that one night they had been together.