Dark Hair, Blue Eyes, and Pregnant

Chapter 4: Coruscant and Prenatal care

Last night for me was horrific. I kept dreaming of the rapes and I kept waking up at night because of them or to puke. I seriously think anyone stupid enough to get pregnant on their own accord before marriage they should get pregnant not the ones that were forced to have sex and then get pregnant. But I guess it doesn’t work that way. Before I knew it, it was morning and R2D2 was sent in my room to wake me up. I wake not in the very best of moods and take a quick shower and get dressed in a long sleeve black shirt with the London Skyline in white and a pair of blue jeans with my white sneakers. I let my hair air dry and get a quick breakfast before leaving. I can’t help but feel like people are staring at me because I am alone. After breakfast I go with Luke and Mara to Coruscant. Once there my stomach is growling again so we go and see Han and Leia. They were glad to see me after what happened of course as normal they gave me hardly any room to breath after I get back from a capture. I know they mean good but I can’t take it after a while. Of course C3PO sees me and nods at me.

“Mistress Sara, is there anything I can do for you? Once I heard that you were captured, Han and Leia were running around like mad. Of course you returning…” he starts.

“Can it 3PO,” I state.

“My, what has gotten into you? You never yell at me like that.”

“3PO, Sara, is very sensitive right now. And that is why we are here,” Luke states.

“Oh goodness my, well I should get you guys some food right away. I hope breakfast is alright.”

“It will be fine 3PO.”

3PO goes into the kitchen.

“So what happened that has gotten Sara upset?” Han inquires.

“I was raped every single night I was there and I got pregnant,” you state.

“Well that explains it,” Leia inputs. “It is very hard to live with that shame put on you and knowing you have to carry the rapist’s child.”

“I’m not keeping it. I want to put it up for adoption here so I have minimal chance of seeing it again,” you reply. “But I don’t want an abortion.”

“Sara, you are living with us remember, so you will see the child again. I think it is wise for you to keep the child,” Mara says.

“It is in my body I will do what I see is best. And I want an adoption.”

“You may want it now but what about nine months done the road even years down the road what would you feel like then.”

“I will think about it more, Mara.”

We eat and then, Mara, Luke, and I go to a medical supply company to get me my prenatal vitamins. The clerk shows us a good few brands for me to use all of which are very expensive. They get me one and a couple of bottles of it. The next thing we go to is the doctor’s place where I answer questions on what I need and hope for the best. The receptionist shows us to a private room and one doctor comes out and sees us.

“Hi, I’m Dr. Nicholson and I’m the only obstetrician in this place,” he states.

“I’m Sara Bella Potter” I reply.

“Luke and Mara Jade Skywalker, we are Sara’s legal guardians,” Luke greets him.

“Of course. Now how far along is Sara?”

“Well near her third week in menstrual cycle but we believed it implanted yesterday when she puked so for baby wise a week along.”

“Who is the father? They normally come.”

“The father of the child was the person that raped me,” I input.

“Ah, that would explain why. I am capable of either letting her do it naturally or medical procedure but that is up to her. Do you have the hCG test with you?”

“Yes, we do,” Luke replies.

He hands it to him and he laughs.

“Well, for being in outer space knowing when you puke is very good. I normally don’t see this number at all. So we will have to do an ultrasound on you when you are around 8 weeks maybe twelve. Does Sara have prenatal…”

“We just got them before we came here.”

“Excellent, I will give you a list to avoid right now and now do I have to travel?”

“Well we live on Yavin 4.”

“Yep I will have to travel. So you are the only patient I am seeing for nine months. I have no patients whatsoever at this point in time I was wondering when I would get my next one. Now I think we should eat dinner before we go that way I can observe Sara’s eating habits.”

We go out and as usual I have to have my seven course meal that may or may not feel me up. By the end of dinner Dr. Nicholson is laughing.

“I didn’t think a tiny girl like you can eat like that?” he states.

“I have to or my medichlorians take up all my nutrients. I don’t come from here I come from a planet called Earth.”

“You’re the Great Jedi.”

“Yes. Well at least I know you have no problem eating.”

You guys go back to Yavin 4 and you fall to sleep.