The Lunacy Fringe


Spring Break felt like a dream. We only spent the first weekend at the beach before going home for the rest of the week. Sometimes I hung out with Billie, or we went to parties at Aaron's house. We had band practices and a gig. And then, on other days, it was just Felix and me.

One day we were at his house. In his bed. Completely naked. But he was leaning on his elbow, smiling down at me while I played with his black hair.

"Sing to me," he said. My face immediately flushed.

"What do you want me to sing?"

"Your Song."

"What if I don't know the words?" He looked at me suspiciously.

"Yeah, you do." Of course, I did.

"I'm embarrassed."


"Because you're staring at me, and I'm naked in your bed." He smiled and moved to lie down again. He was still partially on top of me, but he rested his head on the pillow at my side, snuggling his face into my neck.

"That better?"

"Maybe." He shut his eyes and held me close.

"Do it. I wanna hear it in your voice."


"So I can remember it forever."

"You're such a cheeseball."

"Maybe so." I sighed and dropped my cheek against his head again.

"Fine, I'll sing."

So I did. I knew every word by heart. And I sang every one of them. I didn't belt it out like I did in the car. Just softly enough to make an already perfect afternoon feel even better. His bed was warm, and a fan was going. But the windows were dark and shaded. I continued running my fingers through his hair, and he didn't move or make a sound.

When I finished, he still didn't say anything. I could feel him breathing slowly against my chest, and I wondered if he'd fallen asleep.

"You have a beautiful voice," he finally said. I smiled.

"Thank you."

"I'm in love with you." My heartbeat picked up, and I was sure he could hear it. He'd said it before. So I shouldn't have had that reaction still. But he hardly ever said it. I knew he felt it and showed it in his own small ways. But it was like a secret word now. Something I was always desperate to hear but didn't get spoiled with.


"You don't have to say anything. Your heart just spazzed out, so I'm guessing you're either about to tell me you love me too or you actually hate me. But since you're lying in my bed, naked, I'm going to assume the former." I laughed, and he lifted his head again, leaning on his arm to smile down at me.

"You guessed right."

"Did you realize that your eyes aren't actually brown?" he asked.

"What? Yes, they are." He shook his head.

"They're gold."

"Since when?" He shrugged.

"It's just something I noticed. They turn a really deep gold whenever the sun shines in your eyes."


"Mm-hmm. I've spent a lot of time studying them."


"They're beautiful."

"Ugh. Stop. Too sweet. I'll get cavities." He laughed.

"Prettiest eyes I've ever seen," he continued.

"Yours are prettier."

"I disagree."

"Too bad."

"Too bad for you. I win."

"How so?"

"I'm older."

"And you've been around longer, so that means your eyes are prettier by default."

"That makes no sense. Also, yours took over the prettiest title when you were born."

"Green is prettier than gold."

"That's an opinion. And it's wrong."

"Well, my opinion is the best," I tried.

"How so?"

"Because I took over when I was born. Duh." He laughed.

"Took over what exactly?"

"Rulership. I'm the queen."

"If you're the queen, then I'm the king. And the king has more power."

"Not if we're a country ruled by a mother right. Or if I'm a Queen by birth and you're my consort."

"We aren't ruled by a mother right. And that's assuming one of your parents is royal."

"The queen has more power in chess." He opened his mouth to keep arguing but couldn't seem to think of anything.

"I...," he started. "I can't think of a retort for that."

"Therefore, I win. Checkmate." He laughed and shook his head.

"I can't even remember what we were arguing about."

"Prettiest eyes." He nodded and leaned down to kiss me.

"Right. You win."

"I thought so."

"In Rubyland," he added. Then he leaped out of the bed before I could grab him.

"You're a cheeseball!" I yelled. He just laughed and went to find his clothes.
♠ ♠ ♠
Can I offer you some cheese in this trying time?