
Chapter SIX

After reading the articles that Jennifer had left with me, all I could think of was her obsession down to the very detail. She knew their birth date, from when they travelled, to when they had their first kiss. It’s written in here for everyone to see. Yet, this elite group paid no attention to this. Of course, they gave you the impression that they had better things to do than cry a river over these articles.

And by other things to do, it was all here as well: from when they raise money for charity, to discovering the person behind the broken windows at school. Almost everything that happened at school, somehow the elite group were involved, one way or another. Her writing was astonished too. She made it sound as though with this elite group, nothing was ever a coincidence.

I had to admit. I admire Jennifer’s determination. But it wasn’t enough for me to jump in with her. This was really none of my business. I did not care. I didn’t know these people; therefore I had no attachment to play some role in the friendship. Don’t get me wrong, I had thought it over. I had weighed my pros and cons about doing this whole thing with Jennifer. But in the end, what did it serve me? What would have been my purpose?

Back at home it was just my friends and I. We were a small group of teenagers minding their own business trying not to get too much into trouble, if so then making sure we weren’t getting caught. We did stupid things, but nothing that worried the police department. They were busy with some gang war that was going on. We had each other backs.

I wasn’t about to dive in head first without someone backing me up in case I hit my head. I didn’t this Jennifer girl enough to entrust her with my life. This might be sounding dramatic, but when you grow up like me, being dramatic was being cautious. I had always been careful.

The next day, I had two things on my mind. Telling Jennifer what’s up, and hitting the highway back home. It was Friday and I was going to see my friends. My father was cool with it. Sharon sent me a text message this morning all in capital. I see literally feel her excitement. I returned the message in capital as well.

“You’re crazy, but for a good cause,” I said as I walked into the newspaper room. Jennifer was the only one here.

She spun around, her eyes showed hopefulness. I shook my head and they immediately changed to disappointment.

“Can I ask why?”

“Look, I have no problem you using me-”

“That’s not-”

“Then what? Was this some friendly request? I just met you yesterday. I have no idea who you are. I don’t play games unless I have something.”

“Those articles didn’t give you something?”

“As a reader, maybe.”

The school bell rang. Jennifer sighed as she grabbed her bag and walked out.

We had ten minutes in between classes and a half hour lunch. Not much, but why waste time, right? I had been so distracted this morning that I actually forgot to go to the bathroom. So after first period, I headed to the girls’ washroom and relieved myself.

When I stepped out of the stall, two girls were waiting for me. I recognized them immediately. They were leaning back against the wall with their arms crossed in front of them. They stared at me, or rather tried to stare me down. I wasn’t stupid. I knew that look. I knew what was coming.

“It’s not too late to change your mind,” one of them said, pushing herself off the wall.

“So in order to do so, I’m getting a beating? Well, you guys certainly know how to settle-”

I didn’t finish my sentence because I was hit in the mouth. A little bit of blood dripped. She cut me. Either I talked too much, or they didn’t hear what they wanted.

I wasn’t scared. They couldn’t force me into their group. What good having me with them would do? That part I never understood.

“What do you want with me?” I asked.

Instead of a reply, the second girl punched me in the stomach. I huddled over, tightening my stomach. I had felt pain before. This was nothing new. Which was also a big mistake. I stood up straight and stepped back, my eyes now cold and blank.

The girls were either stupid, or didn’t care. The first one launched another attack, swinging her arm to punch me again, but I dodged it and hit her squared in the nose. She stumbled backward, slightly off balance. While she groaned in pain holding her hands to her nose, the second girl came at me aggressive by body slamming me into the stall.

Ignoring the pain in my back, I rammed my fist into her side, causing her to lose grip around me. I took the advantage and pushed her off of me. She stood up and winced. Without wasting time, I repaid her with a punch to the stomach followed by an uppercut knocking her off her feet. She laid there welcoming pain.

“Tell Riley I’m still not interested,” I spit on the second one.

I turned around to leave, but met with the first girl’s fist. She hit my eye. I cursed. She hit me again in head and bent over. She was about to knee me in the face when I blocked it with my hands. I dropped to the floor and swung my leg around hitting her in the back of the knee where she fell on the floor. I quickly stood up and kicked her once more in the stomach.

The warning bell rang. I checked myself in the mirror and grabbed a paper towel to wipe away the dry blood from my mouth. I grabbed my shoulder bag and left.

I still wasn’t changing my mind.

I was so riled up and pissed off that I didn’t see where I was going when I bumped into someone’s chest. My head was still throbbing from that hit. I moaned and stepped back.

Off all people, it had to be Nathan. And he had a hard chest.

He was grinning, but it soon disappeared when he saw my face.

“Are you okay?” he said, concerned. I didn’t know why it bothered me so much when strangers got concern about another stranger. Like, you don’t know me. Nathan was no different, only he just had the near perfect body.

I shrugged. “Nothing I can’t handle.”

“Riley again?”

“Yeah, she sent her hounds this time.”

He laughed. “You are certainly a hard act to follow.”

I smirked. He was complementing me. How adorable. The second bell rang. Shit.

Without another word, I turned around and ran to class.
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i have chapter 7-10 already planned out. stay tune!

p.s check out my new story, ONE TIME THING.