‹ Prequel: Infinite

Summer Boy


He threw himself into his music when she left him. He couldn't see another way of living in the same world as her without her. He sucked it up and held it in. Turning his attention to his career, he struggled to forget the world that they had spent almost four years constructing.

For awhile, they went on with their separate lives, living as though they weren't fractured at all. She continued with her job, the little boy she had fallen head over heels for, and the family that was continuously growing, stopping only long enough to crop him out before returning to reality as though he never belonged at her side at all.

While he lost himself in his music, she focused on normality, returning her life to the way it was before him. Walking on structured, calculated paths away from each other, they were struck motionless by the reality that they will always share a piece of themselves with the other.

& that moving on wouldn't be so easy.