Cursed Cold


I follow it into the kitchen. It hops onto the bar-stool and leans on the black marble counter with its paws under its chest. I open an ebony cabinet door by the fridge and peer inside. I have no cat food.

"You will starve soon enough."

I lift my head and the cat is looking at me with glittering eyes.

"Your skin is as pale as your bones underneath," he says. "And you are thin. It will only be time that will destroy you."

I turn to the fridge and open it. The light is out and mold is growing at the edges. I have some extra lasagna the neighbors gave me. I take out the tray and the glass is cold. I set it on the counter and peel back the tinfoil. It hasn't gone bad. I open a glass cupboard and draw a bowl from within, and spoon some food into it. I set the full bowl next to the cat.

"Thank you," he says, "I do not need it, though."

I perch on the bar-stool next to him and cup my hand under my chin.

His ears rotate at the sound of thunder outside, but hearing no other threat, he licks his paw and rubs his face. "My name is Cain," he says as he cleans. "Your name is Leila. I've known of you for a week now."

I wait for him to continue. He cleans his face for a few seconds, and then pauses to look at me.

"I see the curse is true," he says. "Or are you just shy?"

I narrow my eyes and incline my head. His stormy eyes gaze into mine, and after a moment, he leaps onto the ground. His tail stands straight up and the tip swishes.

"Show me the house," he commands.

I cross my arms, exhale, and pad across the hallway.