Cursed Cold


Cain yowls all night in the thunder and the pouring rain. I can't shut him out. His voice pierces through all layers of blankets clothing and skin. At midnight I rise, unlock the front door, and let him in. Cain's fur is flattened to his skin, soaked, and he shivers. Despite it all, my heart sinks. I gather him in his arms even though he is freezing and take him to my room. He presses his furry head against my collarbone.

When I get to my room I set him on the floor and grab a towel from the closet in front of my room. With it, I rub him dry. Cain is limp and sodden and doesn't protest. After I finish I pick him up and put him on my bed. He collapses on my pillow and says nothing.

I crawl under my layers of blankets.

"Thank you," he whispers.

I nod and rub the back of his head. He purrs halfheartedly.

"I know this is a bad time, but you need me, Leila," he says in a hushed voice.

I raise my eyebrows. I'm too tired to argue with him, but I hope he can read my expression.

"I know what you're thinking," he says wearily. "I'm just a cat. A small animal you could throw around, someone you can ignore and go on with your dreary life, because change is too hard for you to accept. But I can help you get out of this. Please help me. It's selfish of me, but I promise you I will help you. It's all in your hands."

I roll over and don't look at him anymore. My heart aches like someone put ice cubes against the muscle, but I don't acknowledge him. Cain won't help me, I think. Curses always come with a price.