From the Shadows

Fate of a Stranger

Teagan was woken from her nightmare, covered in sweat and shaking. She shook her head to wake up faster, and answered.

​​“Uhm, yeah. Fine.” She exited the car, carrying all the supplies and headed towards the firepit. The group was eating breakfast, and all eyes were on them, more specifically, her. She was uncomfortable. She had almost forgot how many people were in the group. Many gave her pleasant smiles. Dale even said hello. Others, like Shane and Andrea, were not as keen to her arrival. Rick was nowhere to be seen outside.

​​Daryl noticed her reaction upon being woken up. Wha was that about? He didn't press the issue. It was clearly something she didn't want to talk about. He walked up to her, offering her a hand.

​​“Need help with tha?”

​​“No, thanks though. I got it.” Her arm was shaking. She was in pain and her arm was weak.

​​​​Daryl trailed behind her in case she dropped anything. She didn't. She walked into the farmhouse and saw Hershel's family and Rick. Rick stood up immediately, guilt written all over his sweaty, dirty face. Teagan simply nodded. She didn't need an apology or an explanation.

​​​​She dropped her bag carelessly on the floor and Hershel approached.

​​“How're you feeling?” His voice was full of concern.

​​“Not the best I've ever been.” She undid the makeshift wrappings on her arm. Maggie and Beth were onlooking, and their faces lost all color. Hershel noticed this, and comforted them with the truth.

​​“This isn't a bite. This was done by a knife.” He comforted his children. He then faced Teagan and addressed her next. “Let's sit you down and take care of this. Any fever?”

​​“No, luckily. I wrapped it up quick.”

​​Hershel guided her to the room she was staying in not too long ago. Feels like years. She sat down, and Hershel cleaned her wound. The stinging of disinfectant radiated into her bones. The wound was long and crooked. The deepest part was less than half and inch.

​​“This might take awhile to heal. Will leave a scar.”

​​“I'm not worried about that. Got plenty already.” Her second statement came out of nowhere. She didn't expect to say it out loud. Her face blushed slightly from embarrassment, but shook it off. The comment seemed to slide off Hershel, who was focusing on her stitches. When he was done, he wrapped it in proper gauze and gave her antibiotics.

​​“Rick told me you were staying this time.” Hershel had a big smile on his face, and bright eyes. His voice was smooth, with hints of excitement.

​​“Yeah, looks like it.” Teagan still wasn't sold on her decision to stay. It felt wrong and out of place to be in a group.

​​“Well, I'm glad. You can stay in here if you wish.” Hershel's eyes darkened an saddened. “If you'll feel safer.” Teagan knew who he was referring to. Shane. She shifted uncomfortably, but hesitantly accepted his offer. Her agreement was partially due to the fact she had not yet obtained a tent.

​​“Yeah, if it's not a bother.”

​​“Not at all. Wouldn't offer it to ya if it was. Glad to have you here. Rest up, now. You need it.” With a smile in his eye, Hershel turned around and quietly shut the door to the room. Teagan decided it was time to shower. She hadn't since she left, and she'd been through a hell of a lot since then. She dug through her belongings for clean clothes. She grabbed what she had and headed towards the restroom. Her shower was quick, as always. Even before the world fell apart and conserving water mattered, she was always fast. When she came back, she placed her dirty clothes in a pile on the floor by the bed. She noticed a few books were placed on the bedside table. Must've been Hershel. She smiled to herself, and decided to read. She wouldn't admit it, but she felt physically awful. The day before and today took a much bigger toll on her than she realized. Fighting with Daryl, leaving, finding Sophia, coming back, rescuing Hershel... She realized she hadn't slept well since... Daryl. She didn't want to admit it, but one of the best sleeps she had had since the world went to shit was with Daryl. She pushed the thought from her mind and kept reading.

​​There was a light knock on her door, and Teagan looked up. Carol quietly opened the door and let herself in. Carol had a look on her face as if she had too many things to say, and not enough time. Carol coughed, and inched towards the bed.

​​“I can't thank you enough.” Carol's voice was soft, almost choking from her throat.

​​Teagan had an inkling as to the reason, but asked anyway. “Why?”

​​“For saving my little girl. I thought she was lost forever.”

​​“There's no need to thank me.” Teagan could honestly not see the reason for being thanked. It wasn't heroic, nor brave. It was expected. A lost little girl needed to be returned home.

​​“You brought the light back into my life. I have to thank you.” Tears welled in Carol's eyes.

​​“I was just in the right place at the right time is all.” Teagan didn't want Carol to think it was heroic or brave, either. Just what had to be done. Teagan skirted around accepting the gratitude.

​​“So humble. The two of you are so similar.” Her words seemed rambly, and almost as if to herself. Teagan cocked her head.

​​“What do you mean? Who are you talking about?”

​​“You and Daryl. You're better than you give yourself credit for, you know. You need to stop selling yourself short. ” With that, Carol left. Teagan was so shocked at the Daryl comment, she didn't even notice Carol take her dirty clothes to do laundry. I'm not that similar to him... am I? Teagan wasn't disgusted or disturbed by Daryl by any means. She just didn't see how similar they were. She went to go read her book again, when another visitor came, This time, it was Glenn.

​​“Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt. But, Rick wanted me to tell you that we are having a meeting, and he wants you, er, he wants everyone there.”

​​“What's the meeting about?”



​​“Oh, right. The day we went to get Hershel, we rescued some kid. Now we have to decide what to do with him.” Glenn looked nervous mentioning the day he still felt guilty about.

​​Teagan felt lost. She remembered the blood-curdling scream. Must have been Randall. Teagan nodded her head, put down her book, and stood up. She followed Glenn into the living room. It was cramped and humid; everyone breathing each other's air. Teagan sat down next to Glenn, one of the few available seats. She didn't notice Daryl standing behind her, leaning against the wall.

​​Rick started off by talking first. “I'm sure you all know why we're here: to talk about Randall. Does anyone want to start?”

​​Teagan felt awkward. She knew she was part of the group now, or at least had to keep reminding herself she was. She still didn't feel like she had an opinion worth hearing. She also knows less about Randall than everyone else. Teagan would never know how similar this meeting would be compared to a similar meeting about her.

​​Andrea glared at Teagan's presence. She never wanted her here to begin with, let alone be accepted as part of the group and participating in a group discussion. “I don't think we should keep him around. Send him off somewhere. We know nothing about him, except that the group he was with were dangerous and attacked you.”

“Yeah, his group left him. Clearly they don't care about him. We can talk to him, get some information.” Glenn was desperate, just like last time.

“Can we trust what he says is the truth? He could be lying through his teeth to save his own ass.” Andrea was livid.

“Talkin' to him hasn't helped much.” Shane's dark voice pierced it's way through. He clicked his knuckles menacingly, staring at Teagan. She broke eye contact, not giving him the satisfaction.

“He could be useful. What skills does he have?” Teagan's input surprised everyone.

“Does it matter? He's dangerous!” Andrea tried to ignore Teagan, shut her down.

“His friends are dangerous. For all we know, they may not even be friends. We can't judge Randall on their actions, that isn't fair.” Dale piped in. He was determined to save Randall's life.

“Why not give Randall a chance, like we did for Teagan. He can prove himself. It's only fair.” T-dog.
Andrea's anger grew. She wasn't quite sure why she hated Teagan, but knew she did with ferocity.

“And what has she done for us besides cause a fight and risk our own people for her stupid rescue?” He comment surprised her. She realized too late how wrong her statement was. Everyone seemed to pipe in against her.

“She brought us medicine!” said Glenn.

“And food so yer ungrateful ass can eat.” Daryl's voice was gruff and startling.

“She saved my daughter.” Carol's voice was quiet and somewhat sad. Tears welled in her eyes again.

Teagan felt awkward but relieved at all the people defending her. She felt more part of the group now than ever before.

“What would we do with him?” Lori voice squeaked.

“Keep him here, as part of the group.” Dale's eye contact made Lori nervous.

“I don't feel safe with him here. I don't want him here.” Her voice found strength.

“Then what do you suggest we do with him?” Glenn's voice was stronger.

“Well, we could send him off on his own, or...” Her eyes dropped at even hinting at the suggestion.

“Or what? Are you suggesting we kill him? He hasn't even done anything wrong!” Dale was beside himself.

“Are we going to wait until he does? We can't risk that. His life isn't worth ours.” Shane was sincerely routing for an execution, and secretly wished it was Teagan instead.

“How would we do it? Shoot him?” Andrea reincluded herself in the conversation.

“We haven't even decided his fate, and you are already picking his demise? You people are sick!” Dale almost stood up to leave before Rick intervened.

​​​“Looks like we need more time to think. We'll try again in a few days, see if we can figure something out.” Rick's compromise brought a small twinkle to Dale's eyes, and an understood, non-verbal 'thanks.' Several people huffed and hawed at the inconclusion, and abruptly left.

Teagan got up to go to her room, but was stopped by Daryl. “Where ya goin'?”

​​​“Just to my room. Feeling tried.”

​​“'Yer' room?”

​​“Oh, yeah, sort of. Hershel said I could stay in the house.”

​​Daryl grunted and seemed as if he'd turn and walk away, but asked, “Wanna go huntin' tomorrow? If ya feel like it.” He casually gestured to her arm.

​​“Yeah, sounds like a plan.” Daryl nodded, and Teagan returned the gesture. He walked outside, and Teagan to her room.

​​Rick approached Daryl outside abruptly.

​​“Hey, Daryl? Can I ask a favor of you?” Daryl just grunted.

​​“Can you talk to Randall? Shane can't get any answers, an' neither can I. Would you mind?”

​​Daryl spit and wiped his mouth. “Sure. What kin'a answers ya lookin' for?”

​​“Anything. His group, how many, where's he's from. Something.” Rick looked nervous, almost guilty at the request's implications.

​​Daryl furrowed his eyebrows. “Yeah, I'll do it.”​