Miss Missing You

Chapter 1

"Daddy! Daddy! I don't wanna go to bed yet!"

"Come on now May, Peter. It's bed time."

Harry chased his twins to their bedroom and helped Peter to clamber into the top bunk, tucking them both in.

"I got you a present when I last went to England, sweethearts."

The children squealed in glee as Harry went over to the bag he had brought through, selecting a teddy bear and handing it to Peter, handing a similar one to May.

"Have I ever told you two about Spider-Man?"

"No, but the kids at school tell us about him."

"Well, Daddy knew him. Do you want a bed time story about Spider-Man?"

The twins nodded and clutched their Spider-Man teddies close to their chests as Harry sat down, humming a little.

"So then. When I was seven years old, I went to the school you two go too and I was scared. So very scared because I didn't know anyone there at all. I was sitting there at the back of the classroom, curled up in my coat when this brunet boy came over and shoved his hand in my face. He told me his name and I took his hand, introducing myself. That boy became my best friend for a long time...."


"Peter. Peter Parker."

Harry looked up from his knees at the hand stretched out to him. His own shaking hand reached up and took it gently, shaking it.


"Mind if I sit next to you, Harry?"

Harry shook his head and Peter dropped into the seat next to Harry.

"So where do you live?"

"Osborn Mansion."

"Woah... Are you Harry Osborn?"

Harry nodded slowly.

"Yes... You know me?"

"I know Oscorp."

Harry nodded.

"It seems everyone knows Oscorp."

Peter grinned at Harry as their teacher walked in, both of the boys falling silent.