Miss Missing You

Chapter 3

"You celebrated your birthdays with Spider-Man?"

Peter's eyes were wide and Harry smiled a little.

"That's right, little man. Parker was my best friend. I doubt I would be here had we not become friends. Just like how Tom and Olivia are your best friends."

Harry got up with May on his hip and sat her on her bed, getting Peter from his bunk and curling up on May's bed with them both.

"You said you we were lucky to go to school an hour away because, because you went to a school nine hours away."

"That's right. I went to school in France. Ce qui a été un énorme gaspillage de huit ans de ma vie." {Translation: Which was a massive waste of eight years of my life.}

"Because my Daddy sent me away."

"Did Spidey go with you?"

Harry shook his head.


"They couldn't afford it. I'm sure if they could, however, Spider-Man would have come with me..."


"Peter... I'm going away. To France."

"France?! You can't go to France, we have plans for the summer holidays!"

"I don't want to go Peter! Father's saying I have to. Everything was set up without me knowing. I'm leaving tonight."

"Tonight? That's not enough time to say goodbye!"

"I'm sorry Peter..."

Peter pulled Harry into a rib-cracking hug, tears running down his face. Harry lost it, sobbing into Peter's shoulder, hands fisted in his friend's shirt.

"I'm gonna miss you, Har."

"I promise I'll write.."

Harry saw the limo pulling up in front of the house and heard his Father calling him from the door.

"Pete... I have to go."

"Don't forget me Har."

"Only if you don't forget me, Pete."

With one last hug, Harry went running to his Father's side before getting into the limo.