Status: slash

The Moth Diaries


You feel lost, weightless, barely there, clinging with your fingertips and nails and shallow breaths to the glass of a window that overlooks his fading footprints. He has outgrown you, this house this life and your lies and you can't really blame him and you know that he is not coming back, but you leave all the lights on anyway when you fall asleep curled around the window-sill.

You are not heart broken, nor mad or sad. You are empty, a blank page. He erased you when he left and you need to find another boy to write you a script, a personality, an identity a new life. So you close your eyes and the shutters and lift what's left of you out of you for the new beginning. Who will you become?
♠ ♠ ♠
Funny how it only came to me now.