Status: So this is just a brain storm for a future personal novel.


Night Life

It was 11:00 pm. Laine was getting ready to go out, once again. She was hoping that tonight she would be able to find a guy who wanted to have some fun. She was newly 21, and taking advantage of it. She would go out on an almost nightly basis, making it it difficult to have a regular life during the day. Thinking about possible events, she grabbed her tightly tied plastic bag, her pipe and her lighter. She went into her bathroom, and finished her makeup and hair. She then untied the bag, grinded, and packed her pipe. Taking a large hit, she inhaled and closed her eyes. After taking a few more hits, she put everything back the way it was, grabbed her belongings, and walked out the door. Just as she was locking her apartment up, she turned to see her neighbor staring at her.
Her neighbor, Joey was always sitting outside staring at her. The white walls, lined with similar doors and grey floors was always so dim and depressing. she didn't understand how he could always be sitting outside like that. She figured that he was "special" after so long, and began to ignore his stares.

"Hey, Joey. How are you tonight?" She asked, acting chipper.

"Hello lovely, I'm doing just fine. What about yourself?" The older man replied, seemingly scanning laine.

"Oh, I'm peachy. Same as always, right?" She said, ending the small talk and walking down the hall.

"See ya, Joe! Get some sleep!" She yelled as she turned the corner, leading to the stairs.

He seemed like a nice guy, she thought. No reason to be mean to him, or look down on him in any sort of way.
She walked to her car, got in and drove through the night to her favorite club, Legacy. It was only about 20 Minutes away. Not too close, and not too far from where she lived, making things feel safer.

As she drove, she admired the street lights one after another. There were few other cars on the road that she was on, because she preferred to go the back way. She was always thinking things like that through. She liked to be safe about everything she did, besides her occasional drug usage. When she felt in need of it, she was reckless. Her parents once found out this, and kicked her out. So she hadn't talked to them in years. She didn't want to.

Before long, she was at the club and could see the lights from outside, when people were going in and out of the door. She grabbed her wallet, her keys and went on to get into the club. As she walked, she could hear her heels on the pavement. It didn't take long for men outside of the club to notice her. They cat called, whistled and hollered at her. She took this kind of thing lightly, she knew she was good looking. She didn't like to flaunt it, but when the time came, she was the type to get dressed up.
Her black heels, that went perfectly with her gold leather shorts and her black top, didn't skip a beat as she walked in a series of calculated steps.
She got to the door, handed the man awaiting her I.D. and walked into the loud, busy club. She admired the way that Legacy attracted so many types of people. There were always new people here, and no one ever recognized her. She liked it that way.
Pleased with herself, she went straight to the bar and asked for Absolut and Cranberry, Double-Short. After having her first drinks of the night, she had met some people who asked her to have some fun with them. After accepting their offer, she was half past wasted and the rest of the night was a blur. Just how she liked it.
♠ ♠ ♠
now we sort of know what shes like, hopefully this whole development thing does me well.