Status: So this is just a brain storm for a future personal novel.



When she awoke, Laine had a killer headache. She went into the bathroom to get some Ibuprofen, and noticed her reflection in the mirror. She looked like a giant mess. Her hair was tangled, her makeup from last night was smeared all over her face and to top it all off, she had love bites all over her neck and chest.
"What was I up to last night, man?" She murmured as she opened up her cabinet and grabbed her medicine. She let it go quickly, because this type of thing happened more often than not. Besides, she knew she had gotten a little too drunk, and was beside herself about the amount of money she had spent.
She went into her kitchen and opened her fridge.
"Not much in here. Looks like todays grocery day." She sighed, grabbed what little she could find in the cupboards, and went into the living room. Before she could sit down, there was a knock on the door. She put down her food and went to see who it was at this time. She looked at the clock. It was already 1:00. "Oh man. Guess I over slept a bit." She looked through her peephole to see a strange man looking back at her. She opened her door hesitantly.

"Hi, can I help you?" Her voice was calm, even though she knew she looked terrible. She wished she would've freshened up before.

"Yes. Does Joey live here?" His voice was raspy. He looked at her strangely, as if he had seen her before.

"I'm sorry, you've got the wrong house. I'm Laine. Joey lives right there." She pointed at her neighbors door.

"I'm terribly sorry." He smiled and his cheeks reddened. Something was off about this guy. "I'll go then." He continued.

"Alright." She smiled and closed the door.

"What a weird one, that joey. He always has new people coming over." She shrugged her shoulders and then sat on her couch. She flipped the T.V. on and went to the news channel.
"We are now searching for a man who has openly admitted to raping multiple women, and killing one of them. The young girls name was Anne Demetri, a brown haired 21 year old woman. The man who killed her is named, Jonathan Winst. He was last seen around the greater Columbus area. If you see anything, please contact the number below."
Her heart dropped. She froze in her spot. That was the man who was at her door. That was the man who she was just talking to. She was terrified. As she was reaching for her phone, there was another knock at the door. She knew it was him, who else could it have been? She thought fast and ran into her bathroom and turned the shower on. She put her radio which she kept in the bathroom on a high volume and locked the door. Before shutting it, she left the bathroom and made sure the door was locked. If this was the man, he would be in her house soon. He knew she had seen the news. He was a rapist. What better place to find Laine than in the shower? She knew she looked like she needed a shower, so she used it to her advantage.
She ran into her bedroom, shut and locked her door. This would buy her time.
She called 911, and told them that the man who was on the news was at her door.
Panicking, she opened her window and looked out. It wasn't a far jump, so she made sure that if she had to, she would be able to use her window as a way out.
It was then that she heard her front door bust open. She heard the mans voice calling out her name.
"Laine!" He shouted over and over.
Laine got so scared that she felt cornered. She grabbed a few of her pillows and hauled out the window. But as she was falling, she realized that the height was a lot longer than she interpreted.
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