Status: So this is just a brain storm for a future personal novel.



She hit the ground with a large thud. She had never broken any bones before, so she wasn't sure if she had. She figured that since it didn't hurt that bad, that she must've been fine. She noticed the sweat that was dripping from her brow. She would definitely need a shower for real after this.
It wasn't long at all before she heard sirens approaching quickly. She hoped that he was still in her house, trying to open the bathroom door, and wouldn't be able to hear the sirens over the radio that she had purposely left on. She figured she was pretty clever in her thinking. But what does she know, the man could have guessed that she was in her bedroom. If we would have tried her bedroom door before the bathroom, he would have seen that the door was locked, and he would then know that she was not in fact in the bathroom. It would have been all over for her.
She took a deep breath, and laid down on the ground to regain her right mind and calm herself down. She wondered if he had seen her before. He looked at her as if he knew her when she opened the door. The thought if it scared her so bad that she eventually worked herself up even more. But it didn't take her long to get up and retreat to the front of the apartments to see if the man was found. When she turned the corner she was immediately told to get back into her apartment and stay put because there was a wanted man on the premises. She was taken back for a moment as cops tried to shoo her away. It was almost funny to her. Almost ironic. Telling a woman to go back to her apartment, when little did they know that she was the one who called. She was the one who gave the mans location up.

"I'm Laine. I called. Apartment 4 floor c." She didn't even flash a fake smile.

"Come with us." Said a large man, who had a certain expression plastered on his face that looked like it had always been there.

His brow wrinkled perfectly to match the face. She wondered if he had ever smiled. He didn't look like it. But she ignored her thoughts and followed the man to a place behind all the commotion.

"I want you to stay here until I come and get you. Only me, I don't want anyone bombarding you with questions. So if anyone says to follow them, don't. And tell them that I told you not to." He nodded and walked hurriedly away towards the loud noise.

"Yes sir." She said mockingly, and raised her hand to her forehead as if saluting him. He couldn't see her, and she was glad. She didn't want anyone seeing her like this. People would for sure be asking if she was attacked, or even raped. She would have to simply answer them, 'no.' She was getting stressed out thinking about it.
Just then she saw multiple cops flinch and point their guns toward the man. He was being escorted out of the apartments with handcuffs on his wrists and 30 cops surrounding him. He wasn't kicking and screaming or anything. He just walked calmly to the patrol car as if it was under his control. He looked like he knew what would happen, and he was fine with it. Almost like he had been waiting for this day.

He looked at Laine and smiled. He actually had the nerve to smile. What was he thinking? She knew he was crazy but she didn't know people were like that. She got chills up and down her body. She shivered as the words came out of her mouth.

"Dirty pig." She shook her head and looked down.

She began fiddling with her fingernail polish. Chipping it off little by little. The mint colored flecks dropped to the ground. She sat exactly where she was for almost 10 minutes before the reporters came rushing in. They were a bit late in her opinion. There were already other people from the apartment looking in on what had been going on. Their faces were priceless. These people we all so nosy. There was nothing they didn't know. How could they live like that? She thought.

Just then, she caught sight of the police officer who she had talked to before. He looked at her and held his finger up as if to say, 'One minute, please.' She sat on the ground and waited for him. When he finally did come to get her, he only had a few things to say.

"You can go back to your apartment now, it should be completely safe. Were taking in your neighbor for questioning." He just looked at her waiting for a response.

"Why aren't I going in for questioning?" She shifted her weight.

"Just a hunch. If anything else happens, we'll for sure come back and ask a few questions, but for now we should be able to get what we need out of Mr. Caprenola." He was referring to Joey.

"If you say so." She nodded, and began to walk in the direction of her house.

"I can walk you there, so no reporters tackle you with meaningless blabber, if you like." He kept the same look as before.

"Sounds like a good idea." She smiled slightly and waited for the man to catch up to her.

They walked silently to her apartment door. The mans expression changed slightly as she opened her door and smiled to him, signaling a goodbye.

"There are going to be round the clock police officers guarding your house for a while. To make sure he didn't think he could plan anything we wouldn't know about with his friends. "You should feel safer that way." He continued.

"Thank you." She said as she walked into her apartment.

"Keep your eyes open. If you need anything else, just talk to the officers in the brown van. They should help you with anything you need from now on. Stay safe." He walked away as if he had done this kind of thing 100 times. Of course he had done this a lot, he was an officer. She shut her door, and collapsed on her couch. She regained her composure and got up, grabbed a butter knife, and got her bedroom door unlocked from the outside.
She got clothes, and went into her bathroom to finally take a real shower. This time she made sure she could hear anything, and that the door was locked, just for extra safety.
She sighed, putting her head back in the hot water. "Well. This has been eventful."
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