Status: I try to update ASAP but it's also on Wattpad if not.

Isolation Masquerade

Chapter Six

Cara woke up clinging onto Calum, her body still trembling of the night. Scared and wanting to be alone yet safe in the arms of her knight in shining armor. Still Carabelle couldn't believe that he saved her, atfer what she's done or thought to have done. Even though denying the full complete attraction to him she kept her distance personally and well tried to keep a good ten feet away from him.

How could she though? Was she honestly in over her head? Or was it just the pain from her upper body that she continued to subside. She just couldnt think anymore, she didnt know what to do or say so back into a soft alert sleep she went. By the time she found herself to relax, Calum slightly shifted making pains grow and allowing himself to stretch and wake up.

His eyes fluttered open as he squinted beside him, blushing furiously to see that last night was real. Only pain he had was in his cheek where a great bruise was formed, starting from beneath his eye to the bottom of his cheekbone. So, he took the moment to enjoy the look of Cara as she slept, yet he knew not to get so used to it. Unless she decided to finally let him in, and he knew the perfect time to actually ask her. God, what beauty he saw in her soft, glowing, peach colored face. Her lips just so plump and kissable in sleep even softer with their pink glow. Just by a budge and a fidget he softly rubbed her back and whispering soft caring words. That was until tears slipped from her shut eyes and she opened them.

"It's okay love, I'm here, I won't let anything hurt you," He whispered softly wiping her tear away.

Little did he know, it was being with him that hurt her the most right now.

"I'm sorry, I must be a real hassle to deal with," she had whimpered in response still shedding tears and digging her face into his chest; even though the cut on her cheek burned furiously with the tears and the cloth of his shirt.

"No you're not, you're just in pain, and I'm going to take care of you, till you're better,"

"You don't have to, there is no use, I'm always hurt,"

"Then I'll still take care of you,"

"No Calum, you need to go be famous and have your fun, not loiter around me until I cave in, I'm sorry I just can't there is- you're just- you're just too perfect. You're too good for me, and I know one day you'll just get bored of me and- and. And toss me away into the Netherlands,"

"No Cara, that's not how it is. Not at all, I'm not perfect-"

"Yes you are! You're a superhero and I can't just be selfish and keep you to myself. Calum, out of a what? A million girls in this god forsaken world. You chose little old me, a used-to-be artist and dancer that was just completely totalled and screwed up with continuous bad relationships. I'm known for it. Just stop caring for me or you'll end up hurt too,"

"Cara stop it, just stop already! You don't want to hurt me? Well too late, with all these excuses it hurts me, matter of fact it kills me to know that you'll just continue to push me away because of something that happened in the past. Just quit because no matter what I will try and try to get you to understand this. And that is that I love you, just fucking love you okay?"

"No Calum I won't stop and with this I know exactly where we'd end up. Like I said, just stop. There is no point, so goodbye," she said getting up and stomping out of the room, then running out of the hotel.

Calum dug his face and screamed into a pillow before getting up and out of the hotel, almost immediately running into her. She pounded at his chest and screamed till he let go of her, which they both knew wasn't going to happen.

"Cara, stop. That's useless and you know it, look. I'm sorry for yelling at you,"

"No! Go away, let me go!" she shouted still crying a bit.

Calum was truly frustrated, crushed, and irritated. She just wouldn't stop yelling at him to 'let her go' and 'leave her alone' which they still knew wasn't going to happen. Calum you determined little shit. So, he only knew two ways to literally silence her, and the first option seemed quite impeccably amazing. So he went with it; after a few more seconds of her yelling she was silenced. Just as their lips had touched, even quieter as they were beautifully connected. It was like heaven had been forcefully pushed against her lips with such soft clouds. Both bodies relaxed slowly as he slid one hand behind her neck and the other by the small of her back; as she had lightly clutched onto his shoulders.


Back to the hotel room we go! Shall we run into some frickle frackle? Possibly.mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

The guys were sent into pure silence as they overheard the complete arguement. Even more shocked when Cara stormed out in Calum's clothes. So they decided if they both didn't come back in five minutes or less then they'd go 'Cam' hunting. Since Ashton wasn't quite patient so he ended up hunting after two minutes. By the time he exited the hotel he spotted them with his camera across the street, watching as Calum got hit, yelled at, and frustrated.

Not expecting him to do what he did but glad as hell he caught it on tape. Even more surprised to see that Calum was the one who pulled away. Cara's cheeks were tinted rose red as she stayed speehless, it was so wrong but so right. Especially for it to have literally been her first kiss, somehow she has avoided completely everything extremely gooey. Calum wouldnt have believed that though. He was glad he decided to kiss her instead of continue to yell and argue with her. He really didn't expect Ashon to come swerving up to them, with a mischievous grin plastered on his face and a video camera in hand pointed towards them.

"Why are you two so red?" Ashton had giggled making Cara hide her face and turn away from the camera.

"No reason," she squeaked as Calum grabbed her softly and held her close. Allowing her to hide in his chest and jacket.

"Nevermind the color of our faces, what is with the camera?"

"Filming a movie so when we become super famous, we get to watch our way up,"

"Here's a good shot," he sad before licking the lens

"CALUM!"Ashton had exclaimed wiping the lens clean.

"I'm not Calum, my name is Herbert and i just crossed the border," he spoke in an hispanic accent before they both burst out laughing.

"I can't believe you really licked the lens you bastard," He laughed.

They went back inside, Ashton still filming as Cara laughed and rolled her eyes before making a funny face and pushing the camera away. They filled the halls with laughter, Calum and Ashton sang off the top of their lungs trying to get Cara to sing with them.

"No guys I'm horrible at singing, im just untalented,"

"Bull, come on, sing American Idiot," Ashton said still chuckling.

"Oh my god guys! If i sing will you stop asking me,"

"Yes!" they exclaimed in perfect unison.

"Fine! Since I love Green Day, I shall shortly be performing Don't Leave Me,"

They cheered and rewarded each othrr with high fives and fist bumps as hlshe cleared her throat.

"Okay.  I'll go for miles, Till I find you, You say you want to leave me, But you can't choose ,I've gone thru pain, Every day and night,I feel my mind is going insane, Something I can't fight, Don't leave me, Don't leave me," she sang softly just making their jaws drop and them share looks of shock.

"I told you I'm bad," she said softly before going into the room and plopping down on the sofa with Michael. Allowing them to have an awkwardly hilarious conversation.

' I'll go for miles,

Till I find you,

You say you want to leave me,

But you can't choose,

I've gone thru pain,

Every day and night,

I feel my mind is going insane,

Something I can't fight,

Don't leave me,

Don't leave me,'