Status: Taking a slightly (or not) dark turn with this one. UPDATE: It's gonna be dark.

The Conductor

Obligated Proposition

“Five minutes until the call! I repeat: five minutes until the call!”

I am standing before the semi-filled seats of the court, chained to the wood railing that is built in front of the magistrate’s stand.

I remain in the same clothes. I remain in the same physical state.

I remain in the same mental state.

As the seats were filled, the air in the room grew increasingly thick, as if all the stares of spite and disdain were slowly suffocating me.

The piercing, repetitive clack! of the gavel and everyone was seated.
The magistrate cleared his throat, and there was complete silence.

“Michael Bohn: a vendor of marionettes, a widower, the one and only suspect of the unjust and brutal murder of Ms. Sarah Goodwife. What do you have to say about the accusation?”

I brought my gaze to the ground, as to not stare into the sea of the townspeople dressed in black.

I said nothing.

“Does your silence confess your crime?”

I bit down on my lip.

“I am not sure…”

“Why do you say that?”

“I…I don’t know if I murdered Sarah…”

“He is obviously stalling his execution!” An outburst from an individual seated in the leftward side.
“Quiet in the court!” A retort from the magistrate.

A moment of silence.

“Elaborate on your statement, Mr. Bohn.”

I cannot tell them what I have learned yesterday.
There is no evidence. They will not believe me.

There is no point.

I grew silent again.

Collective murmurs from the townspeople followed shortly after.

“As far as this court is concerned, you are the only suspect noted by multiple witnesses. Three individuals saw you leave the forest with blood-stained hands.”

A strangled sob from the back of the room.

“Granted, with three witnesses and the small amount of evidence given towards this case, you are the only suspect. These people will not rest until justice is ensued: the penalty of execution must be paid.”

The townspeople started to cheer, but the magistrate quickly raised his hand to silence the court.

“However, it has been brought to my attention that a monster resides in our town in this exact moment.”

More collective murmurs.

“Yes. Ms. Goodwife had left notes about her encounters with the monster before she was taken from this earth,” the magistrate spoke up as he held a black journal in the air.

I froze, feeling my breath hitch and my heart stop in my chest.

He couldn’t possibly be talking about…

“With the descriptions in this book, it can be concluded that some poor soul had attempted to play God, and this retched being was created as a result: a ‘human’ pieced together by the remains of other humans!”

There were gasps and cries of horror.
My heart now raced inside my chest.

“She recorded that he was a presentable being, kind and reserved. But do not be fooled, for he was a Sodomite. He had relations with one of the same sex! He is retched! He is an abomination! He needs to be rid of as soon as possible!”

I bit down harshly on my lip, drawing blood.

He’s wrong.
He’s wrong about Tyler.

They’re all wrong about Tyler.

He’s innocent.
He’s not at fault.

He doesn’t deserve this ridicule!

“If it is okay with the townspeople, I would like to offer a proposition.”


“I feel as though we are merciful people in given situations. And so, I would like to be merciful towards Mr. Bohn.”

He turned his gaze towards me.

“I assign you this task, Mr. Bohn: find the monster, and end his life. If you complete this, you will not be executed. You will only be imprisoned for two years.”

He turned back towards the townspeople, who nodded and complied with the proposition.

“It is settled. Mr. Bohn, you will return home tomorrow and start your task. However, let me warn you: flee the town without completing the task, and the wrath of God will come upon you full force. Do you accept this proposition?”

I swallowed thickly before uttering a hoarse “yes” as a reply.

The piercing, repetitive clack! of the gavel, the court was dismissed and I was escorted back to the cell.

I did my best to keep a normal façade, but it was completely a façade.

I have to murder Tyler.
I have to murder Tyler.

I cannot do it.

I have to murder Tyler.
I have to murder Tyler.

He doesn’t deserve this punishment.

I have to murder Tyler.
I have to murder Tyler.

I refuse to murder someone that I love once again.
♠ ♠ ♠
You guys are probably gonna be a little miffed after this update. :x
Happy late Halloween, though!
Don'tFearTheReaper, GreenZombieIce, Abbysilence <3
'Til the next chapter!