Frank Iero: The Owner's Guide and Maintenance Manual

Chapter Three: Care and Cleaning

Part I: Care

Your FRANK IERO will not need to snack all day as other units will, but he does require some form of nutrition. Junk food usually provides his energy for the day, but it’s important that he gets at least some item from the five main food groups. Though he will try to convince you that the food groups consist of sugary drinks, candy bars, Cheetos, pizza, and beer, but this is certainly not true. In the event that your FRANK IERO refuses to eat anything remotely healthy, you need to give him vitamins (his favorite ones are the Flintstones ones). You will know if he has taken them if he falls asleep while attempting to do something he loves, such as sing, play guitar, or play video games for hours on end.

Unlike the GERARD WAY unit, the FRANK IERO is an extrovert and needs to be around other people to burn off his extra energy. Leaving him alone will allow said energy to build up, and he could spontaneously combust. You don’t want that to happen.

Part II: Cleaning
While your FRANK IERO is able to bathe himself, he does not place very much importance on this action. Brute force may be required, but he is quite resilient, so don’t worry if he gets a little bruised up from being thrown into the bathroom. Once there, he will usually get the idea. Don’t be afraid to dump a bucket of soapy water over him to get the point across.

Be careful when cleaning out the ears of your FRANK IERO. While his eardrums are no longer very sensitive thanks to years of blasting music into them, damaging them further could cause problems for the entire MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE collection, not to mention the fandom. He does need his ears cleaned out, however, so keep tabs on it.

Your FRANK IERO will usually not complain if you try to dry him by hanging him on a clothesline, but this is not suggested as he could fall off and get hurt. Towels and a hair dryer will suffice, though you could always supply him with a bag of cotton balls for entertainment.