Status: Completed!

Never Let You Go

Chapter 14

Mackenzie returned to Jonathan after a few seconds. She walked up to the bed, where the Chicago captain was highly vulnerable. She grabbed his hands in hers, causing him to snap his head up and look at her. She softly yanked him off the bed and pulled him to his feet. She wiped his tears away with her hands.

“I’m going to miss you, Tazer, my darling!” She whispered, as she wrapped her arms around his, embracing the Chicago captain.

He relaxed, letting her say her farewell to him. She finally let him go and snatched his hands back into her own. She looked at the red marks striping the skin on his arms and wrists. She showed empathy for him and kissed his skin there once more.

“I’m sure those marks will disappear. I’d hate to hear that they remained there and your teammates teased you for it!”

She reached into her pocket and withdrew a syringe. Jonathan winced, as she jammed it into his arm rapidly and then pulled it out. The temporary, pinching sharpness faded instantly and she led him out of the room. She tossed the empty shot to the bed.

The Blackhawk remained quiet and mute, as she led him out into a doctor’s style waiting room. In one of the chairs, unconscious, was Patrice Bergeron. He didn’t look hurt, but he had a few bruises and marks, similar to Jonathan’s.

Mackenzie aided Jonathan into the chair beside the Bruin. His head lolled to the side and he eventually blacked out as well. She gave him a final kiss on the lips, which were lifeless due to his unconscious state and, as she kissed him, she made sure to give his crotch one last squeeze in farewell.

Then she blew a kiss at the unconscious hockey player and walked away.